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Types of Computer Crime. Zhuravlev Alexander 326 MSLU. COMPUTER-RELATED CRIME.
Types of Computer Crime Zhuravlev Alexander 326 MSLU
COMPUTER-RELATED CRIME Computer crimes refer to the use of information technology for illegal purposes or for unauthorized access of a computer system where the intent is to damage, delete or alter the data present in the computer. Even identity thefts, misusing devices or electronic frauds are considered to be computer crimes.
Background The increasing range of programmable electronic devices, from set-top TV boxes to mobile phones, means that ‘computer’ crime can affect more than just personal computers (PCs). They and other electronic devices are particularly vulnerable to attack because they are flexible, can be reprogrammed, and are frequently networked with other devices. There are two main ways by which computers can be involved in crime:
Background • Old crimes conducted using computers as a tool: for example storage of illegal images on a hard disk instead of in print, harassment using mobile • telephones. Another example is ‘phishing’ • • New types of crime made possible by specific technologies. One example is denial of service attacks or DoS which prevent computer resources being available to intended users, for example by flooding web servers with more data than they can process. This was done in 2004 by a Russian crime gang in an extortion attempt on UK gambling websites during the 2004 Grand National. The National High Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU) acted with Russian authorities to arrest those responsible
Types of computer–related crime Hacking: The act of defeating the security capabilities of a computer system in order to obtain an illegal access to the information stored on the computer system is called hacking. Another highly dangerous computer crime is the hacking of IP addresses in order to transact with a false identity, thus remaining anonymous while carrying out the criminal activities. Vladimir Levin is famous because he allegedly masterminded the Russian hacker gang that tricked Citibank's computers into spitting out $10 million. He was sentenced to three years in prison and ordered to pay Citibank $240,015 (his share from the heist). Citibank has since begun using the Dynamic Encryption Card, a security system so tight that no other financial institution in the world has it Kevin Mitnickwas a famous hacker for supposedly hacking into NORAD (the pentagon), though he claims he only looked at minor things such as Nokia and Motorola
Types of computer–related crime Phishing:Phishing is the act of attempting to acquire sensitive information like usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising as a trustworthy source. Phishing is carried out through emails or by luring the users to enter personal information through fake websites. Criminals often use websites that have a look and feel of some popular website, which makes the users feel safe to enter their details there Attacks are increasing, with financial services accounting for over 93% of impersonated or hijacked brands through bogus websites and emails. Almost all of the UK’s high street banks have been affected by phishing.
Types of computer–related crime Computer Viruses: These are actually computer programs that are capable of replicating themselves and harming computer systems present in a network. These viruses work without the knowledge of the users and spread from one computer to another through the network, Internet or removable devices like CDs and USB drives. Writing computer virus is a criminal activity and is punishable by law. Virus detections Love LetterThe fastest spreading virus in history appears to have been written by a resident of Manila in the Philippines. Sent via e-mail in May 2000 with "I LOVE YOU" in the subject field, it replicated itself to everyone in the user's Outlook address book and then destroyed local files. Love Letter forced numerous organizations to shut down their e-mail systems, as computer users were far too willing to let love into their lives. The list of viruses includes all detections, including worms, trojans, and tracking cookies.
Types of computer–related crime Identity Theft: This one of the most serious frauds in today's word. It involves stealing money and getting benefits by using an identity of another person. This also includes the use of someone else's credit card details to purchase good and services. It has been seen that blackmail and terrorism often employ identity theft. Albert Gonzalez of Miami, 28, is charged with acting with two unnamed conspirators to locate large corporations and steal vital account information in a crime that the Department of Justice calls "the single largest hacking and identity theft case ever prosecuted." Authorities say more than 130 million credit and debit card numbers were stolen in a corporate data breach involving three different corporations and two individuals
Types of computer–related crime Cyberstalking: This is using the Internet to stalk a person just like someone world do in the real world. Here the stalker sends emails, spreads false information or issues threats using the Internet. Cyberstalkers often target the users by means of chat rooms, online forums and social networking websites to gather user information and harass the users on the basis of the information gathered. A 44 year old publishing executive named Claire Miller was harassed by strangers who were responding to verging-on-pornographic promises someone had made in her name online. These postings included her home address and telephone number.
User awareness User awareness There is limited awareness of computer security among home as well as business users. Inadequately protected computers can be easy targets for unauthorised users. ‘Get Safe Online’ is a joint Government-industry initiative to provide computer security advice. Get Safe Online The Government–industry partnership education initiative ‘Get Safe Online’ is the first national internet-based computer security awareness campaign for the general public and small businesses. The ‘Get Safe Online’ website has 13,000 websites which are linked to it. It provides information to individuals on how to protect themselves, their families or their business from online threats.