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Short story

Short story. He/ she is all alone at … He is all alone in the famous haunted house on route 66. Short story. He/ she hears something . Describe the sound and where it comes from . He thinks he hears something . It sounds like footsteps coming from behind him . Short story.

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Short story

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Short story He/she is all alone at …He is all alone in the famoushaunted house on route 66.

  2. Short story He/shehearssomething. Describe the sound and whereit comes from.He thinkshehearssomething. It sounds likefootsteps coming frombehindhim.

  3. Short story He/shethinksaboutsomething.A thought comes to hismind. Is hebeingfollowed?

  4. Short story He/shewalks to …He slowlywalks to the living room yethedoesn’tfeelvery safe anymore.

  5. Short story Let an object orperson prevent him/her fromwalkingfurther.And thereon the threshold stands hisgirlfriend. Howodd, shemust’vefollowedhimto the house.

  6. Short story Makeyourcharacter spot something out of the ordinary.She is wearing a white dressthatmakes her look veryghostly and her skin is alsoverypale. Thiscan’tbehisgirlfriend, shelookssoscary.

  7. Short story The unusualthingscareshim/her.The sight of her scareshim out of his wits. He canfeelhisheartskipping a beat as shewalks up to himveryslowly.

  8. Short story Makeyourmaincharacter do something.He steps back, notknowingwhat to do and falls to the groundwhenhe trips over the carpet.

  9. Short story End your story in a funnyway.She stands in front of him. Suddenlyshegrabshis hand firmly and falls to her knees.“Will youmarry me?”

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