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My Technology Reflections

By Heather. My Technology Reflections. Describe the positive ways the laptops have influenced your learning this year. Are there any programs you feel more comfortable with? Are you focused on your laptop?.

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My Technology Reflections

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By Heather My Technology Reflections

  2. Describe the positive ways the laptops have influenced your learning this year. Are there any programs you feel more comfortable with? Are you focused on your laptop? The positive affects the laptops have on my learning are I have learned more than I could have by just reading off of a paper. I also have been more interested in learning when using a computer. I think we can learn more with the laptops than without. I feel more comfortable using Microsoft Power Point. Yes I have been more in-tune with class during lessons because I have something to do instead of writing on paper. I am much my focused with the laptop because I’m not tempted to read.

  3. Are there any negatives to having the laptops in your room? Are there things you prefer to do without the laptops? Yes, there are some negatives, like when I type the mouse moves, or when it locks up over time, or when the screen saver thing kicks on and you have to turn the laptop back on. Yes, there are some things I’d like to do without the laptops, like writing prompts. I’m a very slow typist and I prefer to hand write things that are timed.

  4. What are some specific activities or projects you have enjoyed this year? Why were these projects memorable? A specific activity that I enjoyed this year was the dynasty power point we did in Social Studies. The project was memorable because I really enjoy learning about China’s history and I love making power points!

  5. Are there any projects you would like to try that would require the use of a laptop? No I can’t think of any activities to do that we haven’t already done.

  6. Which programs on the computer do you feel most comfortable using? Which programs on the computer do you need or want to learn more about? I feel most comfortable with Microsoft Word and I don’t feel the need to learn about any other programs nor do I think I need to learn more on the programs.

  7. What specific topic would like to research or explore using technology in Social Studies next year? I would like to learn about swordsman ship and fighting styles next year.

  8. What specific topic would like to research or explore using technology in Language Arts next year? I would like to research older authors, like Shakespeare, next year.

  9. Overall, how do you believe having one laptop for each student has improved your classroom or benefitted you as an individual? I believe having my own laptop has benefitted me by helping me get more done instead of when I had to share a computer and didn’t get as much done.

  10. Do you feel that using the laptops has created a better classroom community in Social Studies? Why? I don’t feel that the laptops have helped our classroom community because, though they have helped us learn, they provide an open access to non-school related things that some students take advantage of.

  11. Are there any final thoughts, reflections or wonderings you have about your experience with laptops? No, I have no more to say on the subject of laptops.

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