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Italian Probiotic Active Yeast Saccaromyces Cervisiae MUCL 39885 CE registration n° 14

Italian Probiotic Active Yeast Saccaromyces Cervisiae MUCL 39885 CE registration n° 14. Directly from Biotechnology. BIOSPRINT:. Active yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae selected for its probiotic activity in animal feeding Registered for: Dairy cows, Beef cattle, Piglets.

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Italian Probiotic Active Yeast Saccaromyces Cervisiae MUCL 39885 CE registration n° 14

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  1. Italian Probiotic Active Yeast Saccaromyces Cervisiae MUCL 39885 CE registration n° 14 Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  2. DirectlyfromBiotechnology Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  3. BIOSPRINT: • Active yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae selected for its probiotic activity in animal feeding • Registered for: • Dairy cows, • Beef cattle, • Piglets Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  4. BIOSPRINT: what it is in brief Registered active yeast, selected for its specific qualities of resisting to environmental stress (pH and temperature), and for its considerable efficency in stimulating the growth of ruminal and intestinal bacteria in animal bred for profit. Due to these properties, Biosprint has become the active yeast of reference to be used in the feed of animals bred for profit. In dairy cows and in beef cattle it encourages the growth of ruminal biomass, it stabilizes its composition by selecting cellulosolytic bacteria and it maintains its environmental pH at the ideal level. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  5. BIOSPRINT: what it does During sugars fermentation BIOSPRINT re-oxidizes NADH in NAD: it produces PIRUVATES, GLYCEROL, and ETHANOL: SELECTED NUTRIMENTS FOR RUMINAL BACTERIA CO2: it increases CO2 concentration that results in a higher ruminal pH. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  6. BIOSPRINT: what it does Not all active yeasts have the same methabolism BIOSPRINT Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  7. BIOSPRINT: how it is Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  8. BIOSPRINT: how it is Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  9. BIOSPRINT: distinctivefeatures • Facultative aerobe • Anaerobe and heterofermenting • It produces important molecules for the ruminal ecosystem: • Glycerol energy for the cells of teh rumen wall • CO2 in order to maintain the concentration of CO2 in the rumen (lower risk of acidosis) • Succinate & Piruvate entering in the Krebs cycle of all ruminal micro organisms Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  10. Biosprint: the science of registerd probiotic active yeast Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  11. BIOSPRINT In ruminants Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  12. BIOSPRINT in rumen Many studies show the positive results obtained by adding active yeast to the diet of dairy cows • Its efficacy has been proven by its use in balanced diets and in animals bred in ideal conditions • Its positive effects are even more evident when animals have been under stress and in poor breeding conditions Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  13. BIOSPRINT in rumen Many studies show benefical techno-ecomical effets of adding active yeasts to the diet of dairy cows, • All show an improvenment in animal performance , • The ecomonic vantage is always positive: Return Of the Investiment (R.O.I.) = 6 : 1 Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  14. BIOSPRINT in the rumen DIFFERENTIATED mode ofaction The SintofarmMeta-Analysis Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  15. BIOSPRINT in rumen • The first action examined is that of the direct effect BIOSPRINT has on the changes in the rumen microflora and in the intestinal tract: • Its effect of boosting the growth of some strains of bacteria and on the increase of some specific strains is well documented (Williams, 1990; Dawson, 1992; Newbold, 1996; ..) Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  16. BIOSPRINT in rumen • Anaerobic and cellulosolytic bacteria are increased (Wiedmeier, 1987; Harrison, 1988; Dawson, 1990; Newbold, 1991…) • BIOSPRINT promotes the growth of the bacteria which use lactic acid (Edwards, 1991; Girard, 1993; ..) Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  17. BIOSPRINT in the rumen • Proteolytic bacteria are increased (Yoon, 1990), • Bacteria which turn hydrogen into Acetate in the rumen are increased (Chaucheryras, 1995,..) • The action of the fungi contributing to the initial digestion of fibre is enhanced(Chaucheryras, 1995,..) Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  18. BIOSPRINT in the rumen: it activates bacteria growth Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  19. BIOSPRINT in the rumen • Overall, the number of bacteria in the rumen is increased • The microbial activity improves, • The improvement of all digestive processes is likely • The intermediates toxicants developed in stressful rumen conditions are eliminated (lactic acid, biogenic amine, toxins, ecc.) Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  20. BIOSPRINT in the rumen • Biosprint’s ability to boost the growth of some specific strains of bacteria is considerable • For this reason we can expect to see other metabolic effects linked to its action: we highlight: • the production of microbial protein, • the fermentative ruminal stability, • the activity of all microflora. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  21. BIOSPRINT in the rumen • Biosprint’s action on the rumen does not concern its multiplication, • Biosprint’s action in the rumen is an integral part of the basic fermentative processes which promote teh growth of microflora thanks to the active substances produced and sullied by Biosprint (glycerol, CO2, piruvate) Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  22. BIOSPRINT in the rumen • Many studies show the action of Bioprint twill stabilize ruminal fermentations and limits rumen disorders. • Biosprint has a direct effect on reduction of Lactic acid, especially in diets rich in concentrates and poor in fibre, • There is lower risk of acidosis in the rumen Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  23. Control Treated Lactate mM 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ore 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BIOSPRINT in the rumen Effect on the production of lactate Immediate effect after the intake Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  24. BIOSPRINT in the rumen • The pH stability, as a result of the lower quantity of lactic acid produced, has a positive effect on the digestibility of the diet, • The cellulosolytic fermentation, which takes place at a pH over 6,25, is encouraged • The transit speed of the feed is improved, • The intake of the dry feed is also improved. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  25. BIOSPRINT in the rumen • The lower quantity of Lactic acid produced is indicative of the beneficial effects derived from a higher rumen pH, • Less ruminitis, • More active rumen papillae, • Healthier rumen papillae, • Better absorption of free fatty acids. Healthy papillae, Papillae in acidosis Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  26. BIOSPRINT in the rumen • The limited production of lactic acid is not due to a lower digestion of starches whoch remains unchanged (Girard, 1993) • The lactic acid produced is utilized more by bacteria such as Megasphera and Selenomonas, which grow in the presence of Biosprint. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  27. BIOSPRINT in the rumen • Many studies denote the effedt of Biosprint on microbial digestion, often associated with an increase in the intake of dry matter • The efficacy of bacteric digestion of dry matter improves up to 35% (Dawson, 1991; Williams, 1990; Smith, 1993;..) Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  28. BIOSPRINT in the rumen • Many studies show the effect of Biosprint on the methabolism on the protein, • Ammonia in rumen is reduced, • An increased efficency of the proteic rumen metabolism is demonstrated, • With the result that an increase of all the bacteria in the rumen take place, • Together with an increased flow of bacterial protein in the intestine >>> PDIMN (Erasmus, 1992) Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  29. BIOSPRINT in the rumen • A higher number of bacteria in the rumen for a longer time allows for optimum ruminal fermentation, • To promote the proteic microbial synthesis, • A higher efficency of bacteria, • A higher feed efficency. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  30. In brief • It acts on all microflora, • It supplies molecules fundamental to the developement of flora, • It stimualtes growth, • It increases the microbial mass, • It increases the rumen pH, • It promotes healthier papillae, • It facilitates the elimination of lactic acid, • It promotes fibre digestion, • It improves diet efficency, • It improves performances. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  31. BIOSPRINT in rumen echosystem Biochemical bases of stimulayin effects in rumen Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  32. BIOSPRINT • Facultative anaerobe means that in the presence of oxygen it produces biomass, without oxygen it produces glycerol • Ideal multiplication temperature = 38-40°C • Ideal pH for the growth between 5,5 e 6,5 • In the presence of a higher osmotic pressure (subclinical acidosis) it work better than other strains (production of biomass) • A higher vitality of the cells it means a more homogeneous distribution in the rumen • A smaller size but a higher number of them per gram of product • Cell wall more resistant to osmotic pressure, pH, temperature • Better resistance to enviromental stress Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  33. BIOSPRINT Purity of the strain: • The production organised so that the risk of mutation is NIL, • Specific control techniques. The production process: • Purity of the strain, • STERILE plant, • Drying process on continuous fluid bed, low room and air temperature. Diameter spheres: • 0,3 – 1,3 millimetre Diameter granules: • 0,3 a 0,6 millimetre Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  34. BIOSPRINT It is NOT contaminated: • Stafilococci, • Moulds, • E-coli, • Listeria, • Salmonella, • Aflatoxins, • Pesticides, • Heavy metals, • Dioxin. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi


  36. BIOSPRINT characteristics : Stability (+): • Light ++++ • Temperature - • pH + • Moisture - • Oxygen +++ Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  37. BIOSPRINT : characteristics Resistant to: • Iron sulphate, • Copper sulphate, • Manganese sulphate, • Amprolium, • Lasalocid, • Premix of trace elements Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  38. BIOSPRINT in the ecosystem of the rumen Recent studies show that some proteic components with a strong biological activity are found in Biosprint Biologically active peptides stimulates the growth of bacteria, (Girard; 1996), Some of their amino acids are essential to the growth of cellulosolytic bacteria, No other component of the diet is able to supply these substrata to the growth of rumen bacteria. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  39. BIOSPRINT in the ecosystem of the rumen • The adding of probitotic active yeast to dairy cows feed produces • More milk produced • Greater concentration of protein in milk • More fat in milk • An effect in diets rich in carbohydrates and starches and poor in fibre • A lower risk of rumen acidosis • A higher intake dry matter • An increased efficency of the diet Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  40. BIOSPRINT in the ecosystem the rumen Effects of the adding probiotic active yeast to dairy cows feed (meta analysis of 104 different studies) Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  41. CERTIFIED FIELD TRIALS” Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  42. BIOSPRINT in Italy Results on milk production were processed by analysis of variance. The milk yield in the month before the beginning of the trials was used as covariate. Significance was declared at P<0,10 according to the Report of the Scientific Commitee on Animal Nutrition on the assessment under directive 87/153/EEC of the efficacy of micro-organism used as feed and Chapter 3.2.3 Experimental conditions of the guidelines for the assessment of additives in feedstuffs Part II: Enzymes and micro-organism. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  43. BIOSPRINT Results – Diet composition Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  44. BIOSPRINT The average milk production was significantly different between groups: respectively 34,24 Kg/d for control and 36,20 Kg/d for Biosprint group (P<0,01). The fat content of milk was lower in the treated group. Milk protein content was not significantly different between groups. The SCC was lower in the Biosprint group. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  45. BIOSPRINT Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  46. BIOSPRINT Conclusion: In this study the administration of 48x109 CFU of Biosprint per day to pluriparous dairy cows for a period of 100 days of lactation showed significant positive effect on milk yield, indeed treated cows produce an average of 1,96 Kg/d more than control cows. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  47. BIOSPRINT MORE MILK Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  48. BIOSPRINT Holland - TNO Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  49. BIOSPRINT Milk production and body weight were recorded twice daily on an individual basis. Every week individual milk samples were taken during four consecutive milkings. Fat, protein and lactose content of the milk were determined by infrared analyses at Central Milk Laboratory. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

  50. BIOSPRINT The third week of lactation could be used as co-variate period as an alternative to the block structure. Results on feed intake and production were processed by analysis covariance and by analyses by block structure. Analyses by block structure had no significant impact on the statistical results. Therefore, results in the third week of lactation were used as co-variate. Sintofarm Eugenio Vincenzi

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