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Foundations of Rome

Foundations of Rome. Draw This Down the Middle of your Paper. BTW… don’t draw me. Why, that looks like Italy. Aeneas Leaving Troy… Painted by Raphael. Capitoline Wolf. Romulus and Remus. Etruscans dominated Latins Greeks Rome founded in 753 BC.

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Foundations of Rome

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Foundations of Rome

  2. Draw This Down the Middle of your Paper BTW… don’t draw me. Why, that looks like Italy.

  3. Aeneas Leaving Troy… Painted by Raphael

  4. Capitoline Wolf Romulus and Remus

  5. Etruscans dominated Latins Greeks Rome founded in 753 BC 509 BC – Tarquin the Proud is ousted (last Etruscan king) Republic Founded Res + Publica(Thing of the People) Who lived in Italy? You got to know these dates… maaan!

  6. Patricians Wealthy aristocratic landowners who had most of the power Plebeians Commoners who made up the vast majority of the population 2 major classes in Rome

  7. Major Bodies in the Republic • Senate – usually 300 members, served life terms • Centuriate Assembly – made up of citizen soldiers • Tribal Assembly – made up of plebs, they elected the tribunes

  8. Major Offices • Dictator – 1 – absolute power for 6 months • Consuls – 2 men in charge of army, served one year terms • Censors – 2 – conducted census for taxes and revised lists of senators • Praetors – 8 – served primarily as judges • Aediles – 4 – supervised public works, 2 were required to be plebeians • Tribunes – 10 – protected rights of plebs • Quaestors – 20 – administered finances

  9. I bet the political career ladder in America will be like this one day…

  10. SenatusPopulusQueRomanus

  11. 120 men 120 men 120 men 120 men 5 maniples (600) Triarii 10 maniples principes 120 men 120 men 120 men 120 men 120 men 120 men 120 men 120 men 10 maniples hastati 10 maniples velites

  12. 5 maniples (600) Triarii 10 maniples principes 10 maniples hastati Early Roman Legion 10 maniples velites

  13. Pyrrhic Wars • In 280 BC, the Greek city of Tarentum hired King Pyrrhus of Epirus to attack Rome. • Led to the term “Pyrrhic victory” • Ultimately Pyrrhus’ army was defeated and Rome expanded its power even more

  14. Processing In a short paragraph, briefly explain what aspects of Roman govt allowed them to believe they had the “good” aspects of a Monarchy without the problems associated with a king.

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