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O. N. l. d. e. t. P. r. o. g. r. a. m. ASSOCIAÇÃO CIDADE ESCOLA APRENDIZ. Created in 1997, the Cidade Escola Aprendiz Association is located in the neighborhood of Vila Madalena, São Paulo, Brazil.

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  1. O N l d e t P r o g r a m

  2. ASSOCIAÇÃO CIDADE ESCOLA APRENDIZ Created in 1997, the Cidade Escola Aprendiz Association is located in the neighborhood of Vila Madalena, São Paulo, Brazil. The Cidade Escola Aprendiz mission is to simultaneously improve the educational system and stimulate community development through the concept of “teaching neighborhood”.

  3. TEACHING NEIGHBORHOOD • The “Teaching Neighborhhod” or Bairro-Escola concept expands community learning spaces beyond the precincts of public and private schools. Old and young are able to learn from eachother and in a variety of settings.

  4. IMPACT • In 2004, Unesco andUnicef acknowledged the Teaching Neighborhood experience as a best practice model to be disseminated worldwide. • In 2005, a Research and Training Center was created to help disseminate Appendiz's work. The center offers publications and custom made courses targeting various institutions, teachers and school administrators. • Over 10 000 teachers have participated in Aprendiz courses in São Paulo and other Brazilian States. • Over 2000 children have participated in Aprendiz programs • Works with over 100 different partner companies

  5. Children Young Seniors PARTICIPANTS • Since it aims to work with the community and to involve as many people as possible in the educational process, the Cidade Escola Aprendiz insists on working with all age groups

  6. THE OLDNET PROGRAM • Information Technology course for seniors, who learn how to use various computer applications and surf the internet. Classes are taught by young volunteers from public and private schools in the community. • The initiative began in 1998

  7. WHY OLDNET? Research indicates: • Only 4% of seniors use the internet; • 85% of young people under the age of 16 seem to have prejudices against the elderly. Especially among the younger crowd, seniors are considered to be “unfit and sad” • Computing classes and internet courses are the most cited amongst the elderly that want to learn new things (slide 19) • There is a high index of digital exclusion in the edlerly population (slide 23) • Seniors are conscious of how important computers are to them (slide 25) • The percentage of seniors that are active in some way is highest amongst those that use the internet (slide 14) Source: "Seniors in Brazil: life experiences, challenges and expectations" and Datafolha Research June 2007.

  8. OBJECTIVES • Youth: • Enable youth to experience what it means to be a teacher • Develop qualities such as responsibility and ability to understand others • Help young people establish relationships with older people • Improve their oral and written skills • Seniors: • Provide new learning experiences and facilitate the exchange among generations through the use of information technology • Breakdown misconceived notions that seniors may have about computers and the internet. • Enable continued education in an easy and accessible manner • Expand their social network

  9. EVALUATION RESULTS • SENIORS: • 68% of the elderly participants believe that the time spent with the younger generation, or junior participants, is very rewarding. • 75% of seniors were able to perform a number of different computer tasks and present a high level of skill acquisition. • 100% of the elderly participants that were evaluated believe to have at least minimally demystified the image he/she previously had of the computer • YOUTH: • 90,5% of youthbroke at least one stereotype they previously attributed to the elderly and became conscientious of the importance of respecting diversity

  10. CHALLENGES • In 2005, the only indicator that did not reach its intended target (70%) was the extent to which seniors valued the exchange with the junior participants. • Solution: organize cultural outings with the group of seniors and youth volunteers • Strengthening of the intergenerational bond

  11. KIDSNET • Group of “advanced” seniors that come together with a group of 4 to 7 year olds. • Methodology: • 1 ª hour: Play activities • 2 ª hour: Computer classes

  12. WORLD DISSEMINATION • In 2006, AMD adopts the Oldnet methodology as a digital inclusion model for seniors worldwide • 50 X 15 project • Production of a dissemination Kit available in three languages (Portuguese, Spanish and English) • Oldnet becomes a world reference in digital education for senior citizens www.oldnet.com.br

  13. RECOMENDATIONS • Both target audiences (young and old) should get the same amount of attention and dedication; • It is always beneficial to have Oldnet groups as diverse as possible (different genders, backgrounds...); • The educator must always promote the autonomy of participants; • It is always preferable and easier to build a partnership with a company that already has a history of promoting social rights of seniors .



  16. CONTACT US Information: • www.oldnet.com.br • www.aprendiz.org.br Contact: oldnet@aprendiz.org.br

  17. SENIORS AND THE INTERNET JUNE 2007 Course or activity that would like to do (espontaneous and multiple, em %) Men : 35% BACK Source: Q.5 – What courses would you like to do or what would you like to learn? Base: Interviewees that want to take a course or learn something new = 130 interviews

  18. SENIORS AND THE INTERNET JUNE 2007 Ownership and use of computers (stimulated and unique, in %) Homens : 31% Superior : 62% Renda acima de 10 S.M. : 60% BACK Fonte: P.7 – Você ou alguém que mora com você tem computador em casa? (SE SIM) Você costuma utilizar esse computador? Base: Total da amostra = 309 entrevistas

  19. SENIORS AND THE INTERNET JUNE 2007 Opinion on the use of computers by seniors (stimulated and unique, em %) Fonte: P.9 – In your opinion, does learning how to use computers at later stages of life bring or doesnt bring benefits to the student? Base: 309 interviews BACK

  20. SENIORS AND THE INTERNET JUNE 2007 Participation in courses or other educational activities (espontaneous and multiple, em %) Fonte: P.1 – Do you currently participate in any course or other learning activity? (IF YES) What course or activity are you involved with? Base: 309 interviews BACK

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