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CEMS Student Zone

CEMS Student Zone. CEMS Head Office. Welcome!. Congratulations!

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CEMS Student Zone

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  1. CEMS Student Zone CEMS Head Office

  2. Welcome! Congratulations! You been selected to be a CEMS MIM student and your Programme Manager has recently registered you into our database. Now using your CEMS email you have access to the Student Private Zone, giving you specific access to tools that will assist you in your coming journey! In the Student Zone you can now: Upload a CV and keep your CEMS profile up to date Register for Events (Career Forum, Annual Events, MBC tests etc) Follow your progress and special announcements Stay Connected! Follow students, boards, and alumni activity Visit the CEMS Library to use practice MBC tests

  3. How to get to the Student Zone First, you’ll need your login and password. Then, you can access your Student Private Zone under CEMS Communityor from any page on cems.org, using the Login links

  4. How do I know I’ve logged in? Once you have logged in you will see a grey box to the left side of the page, an identity bloc on the right, and at the top of the page logout.

  5. Shortcuts Shortcut 1= The grey box at the left is a shortcut with specific drop down folders Shortcut 2= Main folders, also found in grey box Shortcut 3= Social media access and tools

  6. Frequently Asked Questions As a first step visit your FAQ Student Zone, cems.org and IT related Q’s page! discover… How to change your password Upload a photo What to do if you can’t access your Private Zone (& you need it…urgently!) How to find a student or alumni Etc..

  7. Upload a CV Another important first step is to create a CV. The CEMS database is used as a search engine by CEMS Corporate and Social Partners. Go to My Curriculum Vitae in the Student Zone to begin, and remember to keep it update throughout the programme!

  8. Register for Events The Career Forum takes place every fall. It’s an exciting opportunity for students and CP’s!! Go to Career Forum Registration to.. View the Timetable of events See which CP’s and SP’swill be there & who will be offering Pre-scheduled interviews Register to the event and Pre-scheduled interviews!! Sign up for the Student Party Register for Skill Seminars View your registration, confirm your Skill Seminars and interviews Be prepared– read FAQ’s and double check your schedule!

  9. Register for events continued.. Every Fall marks another important CEMS event– the Annual Events! Taking place at one of 28 member universities, the Annual Events are a highlight of the CEMS year. Academic and Corporaterepresentatives, governing bodies, students and alumni from a variety of backgrounds meet, interact, and share their views and experiences of CEMS. Go to Annual Events Registration in your Student Zone to • Visit the Events website to view the programme and get travel and accommodation tips • Register for the different events • Sign up for the Student Party

  10. Register for events …MBC Tests! If you are taking a MBC Test go to Tests for Management and Business Communicationin your Student Zone to view your Registration. Remember the registration deadline is three weeks prior to the exam window.

  11. Visit the CEMS Library The CEMS Library is a valuable learning tool. In particular, past MBC Tests will help you prepare the exam. In the library can also readarticles & curriculum guidelines, and look at CEMS activities and documents

  12. Follow your progress Go to My Progress or Certificate Control in the Student Zone to view your MIM grades and ensure you are on track! Remember to check that your grades and courses are registered & correct

  13. Networking!! Go to Networking to.. search for your peers discusstopics of interest in a forum accessalumni database get advice through the SAMPStudent and Alumni Mentorship Program

  14. Student Life and Involvement At Student Life you canread about the Student Board and their news! Look into CEMS clubs and CEMS Alumni Association Local Committees & Executive Committee activities

  15. Useful Tools Lastly, check out these other useful tools on cems.org! • CEMS Jobmarket at http://cems.org/jobmarket • Career Services platform with GoingGlobal, WetFeet (free of charge) at http://www.cems.org/mim/career-services • Language training with Lingueo.com athttp://www.cems.org/evernts-services/services/lingueo • Housing Platform at http://www.cems.org/events-services/services/housing • Who is Who at http://www.cems.org/cems-community/private-zones/student/networking • Social Networks …. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, & Linkedin

  16. Thank you for your attention!

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