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Digital News Report 2013

Digital News Report 2013. A closer look at newspaper brands in the digital world. Survey conducted by. In partnership with. To download the full report, charts (excl special newspaper analysis) and data tables got to www.digitalnewsreport.org.

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Digital News Report 2013

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  1. Digital News Report 2013 • A closer look at newspaper • brands in the digital world Survey conducted by In partnership with

  2. To download the full report, charts (excl special newspaper analysis) and data tables got to www.digitalnewsreport.org

  3. Special analysis of newspaper brand data from Digital News Report 2013 The newspaper brand audience Slide 3 Newspaper brands and the move to multiplatform Slide 7 Interest in news Slide 21 Frequency of accessing news Slide 34 Sources of news Slide 41 How are people using online news? Slide 50 Importance of trust and brands in the digital environment Slide 53 Sharing news Slide 59 Paying for news Slide 67 Sample & Method Slide 71

  4. The newspaper brand audience

  5. Newspaper brands reach over three-quarters of the UK online audience interested in news 76% = 36.5million readers accessed a newspaper in any format duringthe last week Q5 Which, if any, of the following have you used to access news in the last week? All UK daily and Sunday titles, print & online, plus London Evening Standard , Metro. Excl. national newspaper in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news

  6. Youngest readers favour digital newspapers Q5 Which, if any, of the following have you used to access news in the last week? All UK daily and Sunday titles, print & online, plus London Evening Standard , Metro. Excl. national newspaperin Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news

  7. Young people more likely to read both print and online newspapers Q5 Which, if any, of the following have you used to access news in the last week? All UK daily and Sunday titles, print & online, plus London Evening Standard , Metro. Excl. national newspaper in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news

  8. Newspaper brands and the move to multiplatform

  9. Which platforms do newspaper readers use? % of all newspaper readers using each format last week Tablet 9% Print + tablet 7% Computer 41% Smartphone 14% Print + smartphone 7% Print + computer 29% Base: 1524 newspaper readers using at least one platform/device

  10. Which devices do digital newspaper readers use? % of all online newspaper readers using each device last week 83% 41% 24% Computer Smartphone Tablets Base: 722 digital newspaper readers using at least one platform/device

  11. Online and multiplatform newspaper readers more likely to use a computer for news, despite similar access levels Q8a. Which, if any, of the following devices do you ever use for any purpose? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in newsQ8b. Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week? Base: 1949 who use any of these devices for any purpose

  12. Print readers less likely to use a computer for news Q8a. Which, if any, of the following devices do you ever use for any purpose? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news. Q8b. Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week? Base: 1949 who use any of these devices for any purpose

  13. Online readers more likely to use their computer for news Q8a. Which, if any, of the following devices do you ever use for any purpose? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news. Q8b. Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week? Base: 1949 who use any of these devices for any purpose

  14. Online newspaper readers more likely to have smartphone, and use it for news Q8a. Which, if any, of the following devices do you ever use for any purpose? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news. Q8b. Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week? Base: 1949who use any of these devices for any purpose

  15. Fewer readers of popular print titles have smartphones, and less likely to use for news Q8a. Which, if any, of the following devices do you ever use for any purpose? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news. Q8b. Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week? Base: 1949 who use any of these devices for any purpose

  16. Readers of online quality and mid-market papers most likely to use smartphones for news Q8a. Which, if any, of the following devices do you ever use for any purpose? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news. Q8b. Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week?Base: 1949 who use any of these devices for any purpose

  17. Mobile is predominantly used for quick updates, but experience does not match computers Base: 585 who have accessed news via a smartphone in the last week/318 online newspaper readers

  18. Tablet use is higher among digital and multiplatform newspaper readers Q8a. Which, if any, of the following devices do you ever use for any purpose? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news. Q8b. Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week? Base: 1949 who use any of these devices for any purpose

  19. Nearly a third of quality print readers use tablets Q8a. Which, if any, of the following devices do you ever use for any purpose? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news. Q8b. Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week? Base: 1949 who use any of these devices for any purpose

  20. Tablet usage is high among digital readers of all types of newspaper brands Q8a. Which, if any, of the following devices do you ever use for any purpose? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news. Q8b. Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week? Base: 1949 who use any of these devices for any purpose

  21. Tablets rival computers for news experience, providing both quick updates and more in depth focus than mobile Base: 331 who have accessed news via a tablet in the last week/116 online newspaper readers

  22. Interest in news

  23. Interest in news UK average Print + digital newspapers 22% 22% 32% 52% 51% 51% 28% 17% News Lovers Daily Briefers Casual Users Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/476 reading both print and online

  24. News Lovers read newspapers 83% = 8.3million readers of News Lovers are newspaper readers

  25. Quality and online newspaper readers are more hooked on news Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/385 quality print, 353 online/540 midmarket print, 338 online/ 505 popular print, 151 online

  26. Multiplatform readers are more interested in news • Q1c. How interested, if at all, would you say you are in news? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/1271 print, 752 online, 476 reading both print and online

  27. Newspaper readers are more interested in news Q1c. How interested, if at all, would you say you are in news? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/385 quality print , 353 online/540 midmarket print,338 online/ 505 popular print, 151 online

  28. Top interest areas reflect newspaper coverage UK average Popularprint+5 Quality print+12 Popularprint+10 Popularprint+11 Quality print +12 Qualityonline +23 Popular print/online +11 Quality online +11 Quality online +9 Popular online +16 Quality online +13 • Q2. Which of the following types of news is most important to you? Please choose 5. Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/385 quality print , 353 online/540 midmarket print, 338 online/ 505 popular print, 151 online

  29. Top interest areas for quality newspaper readers Quality - Online Quality - Print • Q2. Which of the following types of news is most important to you? Please choose 5. Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/385 quality print , 353 online

  30. Top interest areas for mid-market newspaper readers Midmarket - Online Midmarket - Print • Q2. Which of the following types of news is most important to you? Please choose 5. Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/540 midmarket print , 338 online

  31. Top interest areas for popular newspaper readers Popular - Online Popular - Print • Q2. Which of the following types of news is most important to you? Please choose 5. Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/505 popular print ,151 online

  32. Interest in news topics is strongest among multiplatform newspaper readers • UK4A. How interested would you say you are in politics? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/1271 print, 752 online, 476 reading both print and online

  33. Quality readers highly interested in politics/international; online mid/popular title readers enjoy celebrity • UK4A. How interested would you say you are in politics/entertainment and celebrity/ international news? • Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/ 385 quality print , 353 online/540 midmarket print, 338 online/ 505 popular print, 151 online

  34. Newspaper readers use more sources, more heavily, for political news, peaking among online quality audience • UK4B. Which, if any, of the following sources of information do you use to keep up with political and government issues? Base: 1924 UK internet users interested in politics/ 376 quality print , 346 online

  35. Digital quality newspaper readers are the most politically active online • UK4C. In which, if any, of the following ways have you used the internet in the last year to get more involved in politics or express a political opinion? Base: 1924 UK internet users interested in politics/ 346 quality online

  36. Frequency of accessing news

  37. Newspapers are the main source of celebrity news for mids & pops readers, who also use social media more • UK5B. Which, if any, of the following sources of information do you use to keep up with entertainment and celebrity news? Base: 1528 UK internet users interested in ent/celebrity news/ 274 midmarket online/127 popular online

  38. Newspaper readers access news more frequently • Q1b. Typically, how often do you access news? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/1271 print, 752 online, 476 reading both print and online

  39. Newspaper readers access news more frequently • Q1b. Typically, how often do you access news? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/385 quality print , 353 online/540 midmarket print, 338 online/ 505 popular print, 151 online

  40. Nearly half of multi-platform newspaper readers access news throughout the day 48% print + online readers access throughout the day Print newspapers Online newspapers • UK2. When do you typically access the news? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/1271 print, 752 online, 476 reading both print and online

  41. Nearly half of multi-platform newspaper readers access news throughout the day % throughout the day UK average Print newspapers Online newspapers Print + online newspapers 48% 45% 39% 37% • UK2. When do you typically access the news? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/1271 print, 752 online, 476 reading both print and online

  42. Multiplatform newspaper readers are most likely to access news out of home • UK3A. Where were you when you looked at/listened to the news over the last few days? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/1271 print, 752 online, 476 reading both print and online

  43. Sources of news

  44. Multi-platform newspaper readers use more types of media to access news Total sample average = 3.7 types of media

  45. Multi-platform newspaper readers use more brands to access news 5 6 7 Print newspaper readers Onlinenewspaper readers Multiplatformnewspaper readers 4 • UK average • brands/sources

  46. Print + traditional TV bulletin combination persists • Q3. Which, if any, of the following have you used in the last week as a source of news? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/1271 print, 752 online, 476 reading both print and online

  47. Online newspaper readers more active on other digital sites • Q3. Which, if any, of the following have you used in the last week as a source of news? Base: 2078 UK internet users interested in news/1547 newspaper readers/1271 print, 752 online, 476 reading both print and online

  48. Digital newspapers are challenging TV as the main source of news for online newspaper readers • Q4. You say you’ve used these sources of news in the last week, which would you say is MOST IMPORTANT or which would you say is your MAIN source of news.Base: 2055 accessing news last week/1268 print newspapers/750 online newspapers/476 print + online newspapers

  49. Time spent daily by users of each news source • UK1_1. On a typical day, how much time do you spend accessing news on EACH of the following? • Base: all using each medium

  50. Time spent daily by users of each news source • UK1_1. On a typical day, how much time do you spend accessing news on EACH of the following? • Base: all using each medium

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