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Embedding Literacy and Numeracy

Embedding Literacy and Numeracy. Otago Polytechnic 2011. Literacy 43% below level 3, Numeracy 51% below level 3. International Adult Literacy Survey 1996 (IALS) Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey 2006 (ALLS). Resources. Embedded courses must have:.

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Embedding Literacy and Numeracy

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  1. Embedding Literacy and Numeracy Otago Polytechnic 2011

  2. Literacy 43% below level 3, Numeracy 51% below level 3 International Adult Literacy Survey 1996 (IALS) Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey 2006 (ALLS)

  3. Resources

  4. Embedded courses must have: • Explicit learning outcomes for literacy and numeracy • A literacy and numeracy diagnostic assessment • Deliberate teaching of literacy and numeracy • Assessment of learner progress in literacy and numeracy

  5. Our approach: • Developed literacy and numeracy module in Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning (GCTLT) • Developed a bank of resources for staff to access in Moodle • Created L&N Champions in every school • Provided further professional development opportunities

  6. Embedding L & N Module • http://wikieducator.org/Embedding_Literacy_and_Numeracy_Module

  7. Staff Support in Moodle

  8. The Assessment Tool

  9. Possible reasons for incorrect response

  10. Learner’s response highlighted

  11. Possible reasons for incorrect response

  12. Learner’s response highlighted

  13. Reports in the Tool

  14. Learner Profiling I am pretty comfortable calculating with whole numbers as long as they are not too big. I don’t do fractions, decimals and percentages Step Three Profile

  15. Number Triangle

  16. Costing Exercise in Cookery

  17. Using a Visualiser • http://play.op.ac.nz/video/Calculating-MER-for-dogs---understanding-how-to-find-and-use-the-right-formula/3a971578ea2e292f6a8c3681edf57879

  18. Learning file

  19. Teaching

  20. Scaffold

  21. Practice & application

  22. Choice

  23. Gains in numeracy in some courses

  24. Negative gains?

  25. Vocational Course

  26. Vocational course with extra numeracy

  27. Gains – Whole Polytechnic

  28. Gains!!

  29. Issues Students not turning up for assessments and reassessments http://www.flickr.com/photos/gluglondon/4768190942/

  30. Issues continued… • Students not making an effort for the reassessment. • Results in negative gains – students going backwards? http://www.flickr.com/photos/familymwr/4928600773/

  31. Conclusions • On average about 15% of students make gains in L&N (regardless of deliberate attempts by us?) • We are yet to find out what TEC expect from us. Is this figure acceptable to them?

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