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Dumpdiabetes is a great information source for those who suffer from diabetes. This site discusses about the diabetes food, diet, lifestyle and prevention http://dumpdiabetes.com/<br>
HOW DOES DIABETES AFFECT THE BODY If you are diagnosed with diabetes, it is important that you also understand how diabetes affects you long term. This is not to scare you, but to keep you informed about the toll it can take on your body. As always, prevention is better than cure, and maybe you can save yourself from a lot of risks. How Does Diabetes Affect the Body: 1.High Blood Pressure 2.Heart Diseases 3.Damaged Nervous System 4.Diabetic Retinopathy 5.Digestion Problems 6.Damaged Kidneys 7.Excessive Thirst 8.Weight Loss 9.Ketoacidosis 10.Dry, Cracked Skin Diabetes is all about control and if you can take control of it, well then, welcome to a world of happy living!
1.High Blood Pressure There has always been a correlation with diabetes and high blood pressure. If the two tie their hands together, risks go rocket high. Since hypertension has no obvious symptoms, most of the people do not even know that they are living with it. It is always good that you get your blood pressure checked when you have diabetes which should be below 130 by 80. Some say that the reasons could be inactiveness or obesity. 2.Heart Diseases This is one of the most common diseases that occur due to diabetes. It is because of the sugar that gets stored in the blood. This results in the fatty deposits in the veins and arteries being the reason for reducing the circulation of blood to the heart causing strokes, chest pain and other cardiovascular issues. It not only affects the heart but also the arteries that are connected to the heart. Be sure to get regular check-ups to avoid serious complications.
3.Damaged Nervous System The damage of the nervous system among people with diabetes is commonly known as Diabetic Neuropathy. Nearly 70% of people with diabetes suffer from nerve damage. The symptoms occur normally after many years, but it is due to long-term diabetes. In the beginning, it occurs first as a tingling or numbness sensation, followed by a loss of pain and touch, later leading to heat or cold perception in the hands or feet. In most cases, it affects the lower limbs of the body. 4.Diabetic Retinopathy This is another part of the body, which is affected by the dreaded diabetes, the eyes. As the name itself suggests, diabetic retinopathy, the high sugar in the blood affects the blood vessels and causes fluid leakage in the vision sensing part of the eye called the Retina. Diabetic Macular Edema is another condition which affects the detailed vision sensing part of the eye. Diabetic patients are also at high risks of developing Cataract and Glaucoma. The best way to avoid this is to keep your sugar in control always!
5.Digestion Problems Due to poorly controlled sugar, the nerves get damaged and due to this, leads to poor digestion. The stomach will not be able to complete the process of digestion leading to a condition called Gastroptosis. This may result in the bloating of the stomach, nausea sensations, vomiting or heartburns. To keep this away, make sure to eat food that is easily digestible and it is advisable to take small quantities of food, often rather than large quantities once in a while. 6.Damaged Kidneys Studies suggest that diabetes is the primary cause of about 44% of kidney failure. This is a result of a condition called Diabetic Nephropathy. Initially, it starts with damaging the nerves that lead to the kidneys. As time progresses, the kidney tissues start to thicken and scarring happens. This damages the kidneys and the blood does not get filtered properly filling up with waste and fluid.
7.Excessive Thirst Diabetes may leave you feeling parched and dry. This is because you will have increased urination which will make you feel more dehydrated. Not only this, when you urinate, it also takes along some of the fluids from your tissues. This will make you feel very tired. This condition of excessive thirst is called Polydipsia and increased urination is called Polyuria. If you experience these conditions, it is better you have a visit to your doctor’s office. 8.Weight Loss This might occur during the initial phase of diabetes. This happens due to the excessive urination, which drains out the calories in your body. This will leave the body fatigued and dehydrated. Diabetes may also prevent the sugar from reaching your body keeping you hungry all the time. If you experience a sudden loss of weight, be sure to check your blood sugar levels or consult your doctor.
9.Ketoacidosis Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a serious complication that can lead to loss of consciousness or even death if not treated properly. This occurs when your body produces a high amount of blood acid called ketones. This happens when the insulin in your body is not able to carry out its function properly. 10.Dry, Cracked Skin This again is a result of long-term diabetes. The skin loses its hydration over a period of time. This condition occurs quickly for people with diabetes. Reff : http://dumpdiabetes.com/