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Welcome. We all bring certain leadership skills with us today. Some are stronger in some areas than others. This enables us to balance our skills and share in completing the tasks that lay before us. This is what enables us to get the job done. Welcome.

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  1. Welcome We all bring certain leadership skills with us today. Some are stronger in some areas than others. This enables us to balance our skills and share in completing the tasks that lay before us. This is what enables us to get the job done. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  2. Welcome 2006 Conservation District Supervisor Leadership Development Stephen A.ColemanKY Division of Conservation District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  3. Workshop Goals: • Enhance knowledge and understanding of Conservation District Supervisor’s roles & responsibilities. • Develop a better understanding of conservation programs & their implementation • Expand leadership skills. • Improve effective outreach efforts District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  4. Leadership Presenter: Kim Richardson District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  5. An Important Position As a supervisor, you have been given the opportunity to... • Set the goals of your local district • Set the budget of your local district • Assist local residents in recognizing and addressing conservation needs District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  6. Are you equipped to do the job? District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  7. What is leadership? What makes a good leader? How do you develop your leadership? District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  8. The Definition of LEADERSHIP Leadership is a process by which a person influences others in order to accomplish a goal and therefore making their organization stronger and more successful. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  9. People will judge your leadership skills by looking at your character. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  10. Character is the building, over time, of a persons: • Beliefs • Values • Skills • Traits District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  11. Beliefs Assumptions or convictions you hold true regarding people, concepts, life, death, religion, what is good, what is bad, etc. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  12. Values Attitudes you have about the worth of people, concepts, and things. This is what influences you to weigh the importance of alternatives. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  13. HUMAN RELATIONS The six most important words: “I admit I made a mistake” The five most important words: “You did a good job” The four most important words: “What is your opinion?” The three most important words: “If you please” The two most important word “Thank you” The one most important word: “We” The least important word: “I” author unknown District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  14. Skills are the knowledge and abilities we pick up from life. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  15. Traits are distinguishing qualities of a person. There are hundreds of personality traits. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  16. Honesty-display integrity in all actions Competent-basing your actions on reason and morals. Forward-looking-set goals and have a vision Inspiring-display confidence in your actions Imaginative-show creativity in judgment, goals, ideas, and solutions. Intelligent-read and study to keep up with current events Fair minded-show even temperament with everyone Broad-minded-seek out and embrace diversity Courageous-persevere to accomplish goals Straightforward-use good judgment to make decisions at the right time. Traits of Good Leaders District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  17. How do you develop your leadership? • Education • Communication • Vision District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  18. Education • Current Events • Local • State • National • People • Your job as a supervisor District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  19. Communication • LISTEN • Be clear District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  20. VISION • Have goals • Personal • District District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  21. Things to Remember • Leadership is not just being “The Boss.” • Your character is made up of your beliefs, values, skills, and traits. • A leader is not born, but made through education, communication, and a vision. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  22. Conservation Districts Presenter: Debbie Hinton District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  23. What Is a Conservation District? • Subdivision of state government • Governed by a 7-member board of supervisors who are elected by the registered voters within the district • Kentucky has 121 conservation districts, first organized in 1941 FC CD Board Members, District Employees and NRCS Staff District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  24. What Is The Purpose of Conservation Districts? The purpose of conservation districts - K.R.S. Chapter 262: • To conserve and develop all renewable natural resources (land, water, trees, etc.) • Coordinate (public and private, local, state and federal) assistance to landowners and users to address natural resource concerns District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  25. What Does a Conservation District Do? The Basics • Responsible for sound conservation programs for soil, water and other natural resource problems through: • Identifying problems • Prioritizing • Planning • Developing • Administering • Implementation District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  26. Kentucky’s Major Resource Concern CategoriesBased on the top 5 resource concerns for each county Percentage District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  27. Programs KY DOC Programs: • State Cost Share Program: $9.5 M • Equipment Loan Revolving Fund • Agricultural Districts • Purchase of Conservation Easements (Dept. Ag.) • Watershed Conservancy Districts • Kentucky Ag Water Quality Act • Cooperative Soil Survey • Education and Outreach • 319 Nonpoint Source Pollution • Kentucky Firewise • Green River C.R.E.P. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  28. AGRICULTURE WATER QUALITY ACT GOAL OF THE ACT: Protect the surface and groundwater resources of the Commonwealth from pollution which may result from agriculture and silviculture activities. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  29. District Supervisors Roles and Responsibilities KRS 262 Presenter: Kimberly Bartley District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  30. Elected Officials District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  31. Qualifications, Elections & Appointments • To qualify: Must be a resident Serve Four Years • Elections: Follow State Laws Pay a $20 Filing Fee File a petition with 25 signatures with Co. Clerk County Clerk certifies nominations & results • Appointment: Commission has authority to fill vacancies Commission requires a petition with 25 signatures Petition must be accompanied by a letter from the District Chairman District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  32. Basic Roles • Assume a solemn obligation to the citizens you represent and to conserve all natural resources within the District. • Manage and direct the conservation program at the local level. • Exercise a basic leadership role in planning and carrying out the conservation problems • Be informed of all District programs • Coordinate and attend all District Activities • Make sound financial decisions. • Play an active part in constructing a “real” and working Budget and Plan of Work District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  33. Understanding Your Responsibility As An Elected Official Administrative Responsibilities Fiscal Responsibilities Functional Responsibilities Educational Responsibilities District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  34. Attend all meetings and functions Establish policies Review mutual agreements with cooperating agencies Develop Budget, Plan of Work and Long Range Plan Identify Needs and/or problems Stay informed on the local, State and National level. Participate in Education Programs Cooperate with other Board Members Encourage farmers and landowners to participate in District Functions Maintain Close contact with the DOC & SWC through Field Reps. Become acquainted with all Ky. Conservation Laws Administrative District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  35. Secure adequate operation funds for the District. Establish sound financial management of District affairs that comply with State law. Provide Annual Financial Reports for all District Accounts Promote efficiency and economy in all District programs. Fiscal District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  36. Attend Area and State meetings Attend and participate in functions of organizations interested in soil, water, and other natural resources. Communicate with business and agriculture leaders and farmers in your District Communicate information to the public and others by publishing articles and newsletters on a regular basis Have a diverse representation on the Board of Supervisors through representation of different parts of the county and different representation of society. Functional District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  37. Keep both the rural and urban sectors of public informed of the roles and services provided by the Conservation District Encourage conservation education on all levels of both the public and private schools Provide workshops for teachers and students Promote and support conservation projects and activities through 4-H, FFA, and other educational organizations Promote conservation tours within the District. Develop environmental projects within the District Provide educational materials for all. Educational District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  38. Kentucky Soil and Water Conservation Commission PURPOSE: • They administer the organization of Conservation Districts in Kentucky and • They assist conservation districts & watershed conservancy districts in carrying out their duties in KRS 262. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  39. Kentucky Soil and Water Conservation Commission POWERS: • Authority to take any action necessary to discharge for the state any of the state’s functions, responsibilities or duties relating to flood control, drainage, and other activities with respect to conservation, utilization or control of soil and water resources. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  40. Kentucky Soil and Water Conservation Commission • FUNCTIONS: • Supervise the organization and provide oversight of districts. • Supervise the appointment of supervisors. • Provide financial and other assistance to districts. • Cost Share, Direct Aid, Environmental Grants, etc. • Secure the cooperation of other federal, state and local agencies in the development of a complete soil conservation program. • Promulgate such regulations necessary to carry out its functions. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  41. Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts • KACD is a private, non-profit corporation made up of: • The governing bodies of KY’s 121 Conservation Districts Board of Supervisors or 847 supervisors and • The 37 Watershed Conservancy Districts Board of Directors or 259 Directors • Purpose of association: • To assist local conservation districts with developing and implementing conservation programs District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  42. Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts • Functions: KACD Sponsors and participates in a number of projects and activities: • They represent districts at the state level and work closely with the General Assembly on conservation programs, issues and legislation • They sponsor environmental education and stewardship programs and • They act as a liason between the local conservation districts and the National Association of Conservation Districts District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  43. Special Purpose Districts KRS 65.005-65.060 District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  44. Special Purpose Districts • What are Special Purpose Districts? • Financial Reporting Requirements District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  45. Special Purpose Districts • Financial Reporting Requirements: • Districts required to annually submit financial report to a state governmental agency (KRS 65.065(6) are required to: • Submit Annual financial report to county judge executive • Submit Annual financial report to state financial officer • Audit conducted once every four (4) years District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  46. Special Purpose Districts • Uniform Financial Reporting Forms Uniform Financial Reporting Forms will be sent to the Dept. of Local Government. www.gold.ky.gov/downloads.htm District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  47. Open Records Law KRS.61.870 to 61.884 District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  48. What are Public Records? • Public records are all books, maps, photographs, cards, tapes, discs, recordings or other documentary materials which a public agency has in its possession or has prepared, owned, used, or retained. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  49. What is the Procedure for Inspecting Public Records • 3 Ways to Request Records • By Mail • By Fax • By Personal Delivery District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

  50. Asking for Records by E-Mail • Public agencies ARE NOT required to respond to open records request by e-mail. District Supervisor Leadership Development 2006

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