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MFA’s Legislative “Call to Action”

MFA’s Legislative “Call to Action”. Monica Abeita, Sr. Program & Policy Advisor NCSHA Annual Conference, October 20, 2014. MFA’s Relationship with the State. MFA receives no state operating funds from but has a strong relationship with the state:

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MFA’s Legislative “Call to Action”

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  1. MFA’s Legislative “Call to Action” Monica Abeita, Sr. Program & Policy Advisor NCSHA Annual Conference, October 20, 2014

  2. MFA’s Relationship with the State MFA receives no state operating funds from but has a strong relationship with the state: • Enabling legislation/state charter—MFA was created by the NM Legislature in 1975 • All housing programs for NM administered by MFA beginning in 1997 • State oversight: Board of Directors (4 directors appointed by the Governor), Legislative Oversight Committee, advisory committees • State mandates: Affordable Housing Act, Regional Housing Law • MFA administers: NM Housing Trust Fund, NM Affordable Housing Tax Credit • Other state special appropriations

  3. MFA’s Legislative Process MFA develops its Legislative Agenda for the upcoming year Final bills drafted, approved and sponsors identified in conjunction with MFA LOC Interim Committees: MFA LOC endorses & approves Legislative Agenda MFA develops “Call to Action” collateral (tri-fold and cards) NM Legislative Session: Off to the Races! • NM has a part-time, volunteer state legislature with alternating 30 to 60-day legislative sessions, beginning in January • All MFA requests for funding are special appropriations

  4. The MFA Legislative Team….Off to the Races! In Santa Fe In Albuquerque at MFA Stacy Vernon Administrative Assistant Checks calendar, tracks legislation Joseph Montoya, Deputy Director of Programs Daily presence in Santa Fe, testifies for MFA legislation Monica Abeita Sr. Policy & Program Advisor Fiscal impact analysis, fields calls/questions from Santa Fe Debbie Davis Programs & Initiatives Mgr. Fiscal impact analysis, fields calls/questions from Santa Fe MFA Housing Partners Receive e-blasts to testify for/support MFA legislation Leann Kemp, Communications Mgr. Collateral updates, e-blasts Rob Jones, IS Technician E-blasts

  5. Legislative Call to Action:Target Audiences • State Legislators • Legislators who need basic education about affordable housing and/or MFA • Legislators who are sponsors or supporters of MFA legislation • Housing Partners and Advocates • E-blasts with support letters and hearing times • Customized lists from MFA’s master contact database • Local and Tribal Governments • Great influence at the state level • Have their own lobbyists and can directly lobby for MFA legislation • Link between MFA legislation and projects in specific communities

  6. Call to Action Collateral:Tri-Fold Personal Stories + Production Data = Impact

  7. Call to Action Collateral: Individual Cards Handy talking points for Legislators and supporters

  8. Production Data = Impact Production Highlights • “It’s all about production…”—demonstrates real results • Used in annual report, tri-fold and presented at openings, ribbon-cuttings, legislative hearings and to NM’s Congressional Delegation • Aggregates data from a multi-year spreadsheet that that tracks expenditures by county for over 30 different programs Specialized Collateral/Fact Sheets • NM Housing Trust fund—significant leverage • Economic impact of bond programs, LIHTC projects—National Association of Home Builders model • Summary of audits—demonstrates accountability and financial stewardship

  9. “What have you done for me lately?” • NM Quick Facts • Population: 2,085,287 • Size: 121,298 square miles • Pop. Density: 17 persons per square mile • Hispanic/Latino: 47.3% • American Indian/ Alaska Native: • 10.4% In a geographically large and culturally diverse state like New Mexico, MFA needs to demonstrate it is serving all New Mexicans. • County and regional fact sheets • Geographic analysis of LIHTC awards • Personal stories that reflect cultural, age and family diversity; rural/urban areas; different regions and communities

  10. Legislative Call to ActionObjectives Pass MFA legislation in a time-constrained, challenging environment. Also: • Generally educate state legislators about MFA, its programs and affordable housing • Clarify that MFA is not a state agency and receives no state funding • Provide a professional image of MFA • Show that MFA generates real results with state money • Demonstrate that MFA serves all constituents of the state • Demonstrate MFA’s accountability and financial stewardship

  11. Any questions? Monica Abeita Sr. Policy & Program Advisor 505-767-2252 mabeita@housingnm.org Leann Kemp, Communications Manager 505-767-2254 lkemp@@housingnm.org NM Mortgage Finance Authority 344 4th Street SW Albuquerque NM 87102 housingnm.org

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