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Hormones and Mammary Growth

Hormones and Mammary Growth. TGF- b Effect on Mammary Growth in Culture. Epidermal Growth Factor and Mammary Growth. Major Endocrine Organs. Ovary Corpus Luteum Follicle. Brain. Hypothalamus. Adrenal Cortex Medulla. Thyroid. Kidney. Pituitary Anterior Posterior.

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Hormones and Mammary Growth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hormones and Mammary Growth

  2. TGF-b Effect on Mammary Growth in Culture

  3. Epidermal Growth Factor and Mammary Growth

  4. Major Endocrine Organs Ovary Corpus Luteum Follicle Brain Hypothalamus Adrenal Cortex Medulla Thyroid Kidney Pituitary Anterior Posterior Parathyroid Placenta Pancreas Islets of Langerhans

  5. Hypothalamic-Pituitary Portal System

  6. Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis

  7. Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary Adipose Lipolysis CRF Liver Gluconeogenesis Inhibit Insulin Action ACTH Glucocorticoids Muscle Protein Breakdown Adrenal Cortex Medulla Mammary Lactogenesis Lactation Kidney

  8. Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary Cold TRH Temperature Regulation TSH Increased Basal Metabolic Rate Thyroid Thyroxin

  9. Hypothalamus Follicular Development Anterior Pituitary GnRH Uterus Growth Brain Sexual Behavior FSH Estrogen Follicles Growth Mammary Gland Duct Growth Increased Progesterone Receptor

  10. Hypothalamus Ovulation Anterior Pituitary Uterus Maintains Pregnancy GnRH Corpus luteum formation Estrogen + Progesterone Brain Sexual Behavior Estrogen + Progesterone LH Estrogen Estrogen + Progesterone Follicle Ovuation Corpus luteum Mammary Gland Alveolar Growth together with estrogen

  11. Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary Adipose Lipolysis Inhibit insulin action Somatostatin Inhibits GH GHRH Liver Gluconeogenesis Inhibit Insulin Action Muscle Protein synthesis or Breakdown Inhibits insulin action Body Growth Mammary Increased Nutrient uptake Increased blood flow.

  12. Hypothalamus Anterior Pituitary Dopamine Inhibits Prl CL of Most Rodents CL formation Progesterone production (LH still induces ovulation) TRF Mammary Lactogenesis, Lactation (some Species)

  13. Pancreas Adipose Glucose uptake Fat synthesis Intestine Liver Glucose uptake Glycogen synthesis Inhibits gluconeogenesis Muscle Glucose uptake Glycogen synthesis Amino acid uptake Protein synthesis Islets of Langerhans Insulin Cells Glucagon Opposite of insulin in liver and muscle Mammary Little effect Increases glucose uptake Amino acid uptake Cells Produce Insulin

  14. Brain ? Food Intake Mammary Growth Placental Lactogen Various Organs Nutrient Partitioning ? Uterus Caruncle Maternal Side of Placenta Cotyledon Fetal Placenta Produces Placental Lactogen

  15. Estrous Cycle of Cow 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Progesterone Estrogen Day of Cycle

  16. Hormonal Levels Estrus Cycle-Parturition

  17. Peripuberal Mammary Growth Weeks 3-6 in Mice 2.5 End Bud Area Duct Length 2.0 1.5 Area (mm Sq) or Length (mm) 1.0 0.5 0.0 Control OvX Ovx + E Ovary on Growth

  18. Estrogen ActionsEndocrine Epithelium Estrogen Cell Division

  19. Estrogen ActionsParacrine Estrogen Stroma Growth Factors Cell Division

  20. Estrogen ActionsAutocrine Estrogen Growth Factors Cell Division

  21. Estrogen Signaling

  22. Estrogen Receptor Localization in Mammary Ducts

  23. Steroid Hormones and Mammary Growth in Heifers

  24. Hormone Changes During Pregnancy in Cows 30 20 Prolactin Progesterone, Prolactin, Placentl Lactogen (ng/ml) Progesterone 10 Estrogen Estrogen (pg/ml) Placental Lactogen 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Days Pregnant

  25. E+P on Mammary Growth Postpuberal Mice 1.2 1.0 0.8 Epithelial Volume (mm Cu) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Control E P E+P Synergy Additive Response

  26. Estrogen and Progesterone Actions Epithelium Estrogen increases progesterone receptor Increases growth Progesterone Increases growth Alveolar formation Cell Division Autocrine and paracrine actions are similar to estrogen alone.

  27. Placental Lactogen on Mammary Growth 10 - E+P 8 + E+P 6 % Labeled Epithelial Cells 4 2 0 0 5 25 Bovine Placental Lactogen (µg/day)

  28. Prolactin and Growth Hormone • Variable among species • Mice • Pituitary required for growth • Which hormone depends on strain • Cows • Little effect of prolactin on growth • Maybe some of growth hormone • May be indirect • At least some effects indirect • Somatomedin (IGF-I) from liver • Nutrient partitioning

  29. Prl and GH Action

  30. Estradiol and IGF-I Effect on Mammary Growth

  31. Hormone Levels During Late Pregnancy

  32. Hormone Levels Around Parturition

  33. Hormone Levels at Calving

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