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Bangladesh Community Road Safety Initiative Project

Bangladesh Community Road Safety Initiative Project. Presentation to Stakeholders Venue : MC 13-800 Washington DC. November 11, 1999. Current Situation in Bangladesh. 70 deaths per 10,000 vehicles

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Bangladesh Community Road Safety Initiative Project

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  1. Bangladesh Community Road Safety Initiative Project Presentation to Stakeholders Venue: MC 13-800 Washington DC. November 11, 1999

  2. Current Situation in Bangladesh • 70 deaths per 10,000 vehicles • Fatality rate in Bangladesh is most severe in Asia and 40 times that of industrialized countries • Pedestrians are the ones that are most affected: • They account for 60% of all road accident fatalities, • 46% of those killed are men • women and children are secondary victims • 40%-50% of hospital beds are occupied by traffic accidents Note: All are 1997 figures

  3. Current Road & Traffic Situation • Inadequate separation of major highways (from living and commercial activity) • Inadequate pedestrian facilities • Poorly designed roads • Growing traffic levels and higher speeds • Ever increasing number of vehicles on the road (motorized and non-motorized vehicles) • Untrained drivers often using fake licenses • Ignorance on road safety among drivers and pedestrians • Weak enforcement of traffic laws

  4. CURRENT ROAD AND TRAFFIC SITUATIONCategories of Road Traffic Accident Casualties Categories of RTA -Fatalities 40% -Serious injuries 32% -Slight injuries 54% Only 20% included in the official statistics level of under-reporting was high and consistent through out Bangladesh 79,000 casualty estimated in Bangladesh in1997 (5 X official figures)

  5. ANNUAL ACCIDENT COSTS AND GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (1997) • Annual Accident Costs- 21,435 taka million ($437 million) • Gross National Product 1,616,309 taka ($32, 986 million) • Accident Costs %GNP(1.4%)

  6. Current Road Safety Actions • The National Road Safety Action Plan, drawn up in 1996, lists out 9 sub-sectors of road safety: • Accident Data Reporting • Road Safety Engineering • Traffic Legislation • Traffic Enforcement • Driver Training and Testing • Vehicle Safety • Education • Publicity, and • Medical Services • Road safety needs to be recognized as a high priority at the local level or else there is a danger that it will stay as a neglected area for action by the central government.

  7. Road safety initiatives thus far have been relatively silent on the roles of the victims: • pedestrians, • young men • women, • children, and • passengers of buses and rickshaws • This group of people has two important roles: • To become self-aware in order to protect themselves from dangerous situations • Act as a pressure group to influence policy makers, legislators, traffic police, and vehicle operators to take corrective actions

  8. SHIFT IN STRATEGY NOW NEEDED • Bring in voices of victims in the design choice of safety measures • Address weaknesses in central agencies by using local communities • Behavioral changes through education and awareness • Good analytical work, legislation and proposal for action have been made under the Road Safety Action Plan • National Road Safety Council has been established • Rising support exists for road safety

  9. OPPORTUNITIES FOR BANK INVOLVEMENT Responds to CASPRIORITIES Promoting better public sector management Promoting more equitable human development in relation to health, income, security and gender Creating partnership between government,private sector and NGOs Can raise profile of Road Safety among decision makers Provide funds, expertise for implementation of Road Safety Has good understanding with other donors on Road Safety Can provide links with Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP). The CRSIP is a pilot initiative of GRSP

  10. ROAD SAFETY CHAMPIONS • Secretary of Ministry of Communications • Additional Secretary of Finance (ERD) • Joint Secretary of Ministry of Local Government

  11. ROAD SAFETY CHAMPIONS: CORPORATE PARTNERS • Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry • Nitol Group ( Mr. Matlub Ahmad, chairman of a leading bus and transport co. • Grameen Phone, a leading provider of telecommunications services • The Rangs Group with business interest in automobiles, buses and trucks • Glaxo Wellcome Pharmaceutical (Mr. Haque the CEO, has recently been involved in a major traffic accident • 4-6 representatives offered to support advertising space for road safety

  12. ROAD SAFETY CHAMPIONS:CIVIL SOCIETY • Director of Bangladesh National Mother & Child Health Hospital • CAMPE an Educational Awareness Institute (Ms. Chowdhury, Executive Director • BRAC (A large national NGO) has a component for Road Safety in its activities • IMCT (Mr. Murtaza Babu- Ed) • Mr. Ilyas Kanchan (Film Actor who lost his wife and children in a road accident) • Daily Star, Independent and New Nation • Bangladesh Road Transport Association (Mr. Haq, President)

  13. Proposed Project COMPONENTS • Strategic Communications Program (SCP): Involves building on existing initiatives and includes other activities like: • General population through mass media • Seminars and/or workshops for road users, pedestrians, drivers community member, government officials, and private groups or individuals • Drivers training program • Local Initiatives and Program: • Preparation of District and local local level Road Safety Action Plans • Implement RS projects by local RS Groups with assistance from District and Center . Include: • physical measures (fencing, signage, road repair, and safety watch posts) • law enforcement equipment and training; • emergency medical, legal and financial help to victims

  14. Proposed Project Components Community Road Safety Fund and Institutional Strengthening: This is to establish the fund and to strengthen the capacity of its partners in road safety activities: • provide regular, continuing income to support RS activities • orientation and training activities to RS partners • review and approve local road safety action plans • finance individual road safety projects • monitor and evaluation of RS activities  Recognition - this is a temporary measure with an explicit exit strategy to mainstream road safety initiatives.

  15. Global Road Safety Partnership Global Burden of Disease 1990 2020 Lower respiratory infections 1 1 Ischaemic heart disease Diarrhoeal diseases 2 2 Unipolar major depression Conditions arising during the 3 Road traffic accidents Perinatal period 3 4 Cerebrovascular disease Unipolar major depression 4 5 Chronic obstructive pulmonary Ischaemic heart disease 5 disease Cerebrovascular disease 6 6 Lower respiratory infections Tuberculosis 7 7 Tuberculosis Measles 8 8 War Road traffic accidents 9 9 Diarrhoeal diseases Congenital anomalies 10 10 HIV 16 11 28 25 24

  16. Global Road Safety Partnership The Silent Killer • One 747 crashes 400 killed international media attention • 1 planes crash / wk 4000 dead international outcry • 100 planes crash / mth 40,000 dead panic • 1,000 planes crash / year 400,000 dead boycott • 1,750 planes worth / yr j700,000 dead from road accidents but no one seems ?

  17. CRSIP PROJECT PROCESS Accident Victims • Pedestrians • Young men • Women & children • Bus & Rickshaw passengers Accident Perpetrators • Bus & truck drivers • Motorcycle drivers • Rickshaw & handcart ops. Causes: • Untrained drivers • Ineffective & corrupt police • Multiple use roadways • Poor pedestrians & NMV facilities Vulnerable road users have two important roles Target Groups GOB NGOs CBOs Priv. Sect. Become more self-aware to protect themselves Act as pressure groups to influence Actors: • Policy-makers • Legislators • Traffic police • Vehicle operators • Local Govts. • Mass media Strategic Components • Education programs to vulnerable groups. • Victims’ assistance • Physical measures • Mass awareness programs • Driver training • Police training • Incentives, penalties Inputs Inputs To recognize and support Ownership Influence Advice Local Community Road Safety Plans • Involve key local actors • Analyze safety problems • Plan physical and educational solutions • Undertake driver training • Assist victims National-Level Actions • Strengthen NRSC, BTRA, Transp. Orgs. • Legislation, Penalties • Driver, Police training plan & incentives • Guidelines & manuals Inputs Implementation by: • Local public works authority • Education focus groups • Driving schools • Mass media • Victim counselling & financial assistance Implemented by • Mass media • Training national police • Public/private national transport businessmen Advice Fund • Traning national police • Public/private national

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