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Leading Effective Teams

Welsh Critical Care Improvement Programme. Leading Effective Teams. Ian Govier (Facilitator). Workshop Aim: n …to explore how we can more effectively lead our team.

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Leading Effective Teams

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welsh Critical Care Improvement Programme Leading Effective Teams Ian Govier (Facilitator)

  2. Workshop Aim: n…to explore how we can more effectively lead our team

  3. What do I want to ACHIEVEor CHANGEas a result of today’s workshop?

  4. The Healthcare Leadership Challenge

  5. Permanent White Water (Vaill, 1996)

  6. The Constants • Change • Choice • Principles (Covey, 2006)

  7. Leading Effective Teams - principles

  8. Time for a Break

  9. What is a team? Group Discussion

  10. A team is more than just a group of individuals who work together. A team is a small number of individuals with complementary skills committed to a common purpose, common performance goals and an approach for which they hold themselves collectively accountable. (2007)

  11. A team is a group of individuals who work together to produce products or deliver services for which they are mutually accountable. Team members share goals and are mutually held accountable for meeting them, they are interdependent in their accomplishment, and they affect the results through their interactions with one another. Because the team is held collectively accountable, the work of integrating with one another is included in the responsibilities of each member. (Mohrman and Cohen, 1995)

  12. Leadership in the new millennium has comprehensively come of age. Where once leaders were aloof decision-makers, today they are dedicated collaborators whose role is to give power to theirTEAM rather than wield power to their own ends. Leaders on Leadership– an intimate view of life at the top of Europe plc Development Dimensions International (DDI) Research Report, January 2006

  13. What are some of the characteristics of an effective team? Group Work

  14. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Inattention to RESULTS (Lencioni, 2002) Avoidance of ACCOUNTABILITY Lack of COMMITMENT Fear of CONFLICT Absence of TRUST

  15. Teams possessing the followingcharacteristics are more effective in delivering high quality care: • clarity of team objectives • high levels of participation from all team members • high emphasis on quality • high support for innovation Health Care Team Effectiveness Project (Borrill and West ,2002)

  16. How am I doing as a Team Leader? Self Checklist

  17. It Takes a Team Coming together is a beginning Keeping together is progress Working together is success John C. Maxwell

  18. Lunch Time

  19. Defend or Destroy! Team Exercise

  20. In health care terms, what difference does EFFECTIVE TEAM WORKING really make?

  21. Borrill & West (2002) found that individuals who worked in well functioning teams had lower levels of stress and better mental health. Their research demonstrated a significant relationship between the percentage of staff working in teams and patient mortality. Where more people work in teams, the death rate among patients is significantly lower. There is much to be gained by enhancing team functioning and effectiveness!

  22. What differences have been made via the Welsh Critical Care Improvement Programme? Group Work

  23. How do we motivate teams to action?

  24. The ‘8 Rules’ for Motivating People: • Be motivated yourself • Select motivated people • Treat each person as an individual • Set realistic but challenging targets • Understand that progress itself motivates • Create a motivating environment • Provide relevant rewards • Recognise success http://www.teambuilding.co.uk/john_adair.html

  25. Real teams do not develop until the people in them work hard to overcome the barriers of collective performance. Overcoming barriers to performance is how groups become teams. Katzenbach (1993)

  26. The 3 important roles of a Team Leader Initiator beginning actions and processes that promote team development and performance Model shaping behaviour and performance that reflects the expectations set for the team Coach serving as counsellor, mentor and tutor to help team members improve performance

  27. How am I doing as a Team Leader? Team Leader Checklist

  28. ‘Number Cruncher’ Team Exercise

  29. “That which we persist in doing becomes easier - - not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability to do has increased.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

  30. Time for a Break

  31. Code of Conduct for NHS Managers • Patient-centred • Accountable • Performance oriented • Responsive to local needs • Equal, diverse & values inclusion • Partnership focused National Assembly for Wales (2006)

  32. Once upon a time there was a very lonely old man who was hungry. He lay awake at night his belly hurting. All he owned was a tall ladder which was of no use to him now.

  33. Next door lived another lonely old man who was also poor. All he owned was a very tall apple tree whose branches stretched far out of reach.

  34. Unfortunately they never met. Let’s work in partnership!

  35. TEAMS - how do we work together?

  36. Rocket Science Team Exercise

  37. Final Thoughts

  38. The Constants • Change • Principles • Choice (Covey, 2006)

  39. What am I (are we) going to dodifferently after today?

  40. If we always do what we’ve always done… …we’ll always get what we’ve always got!

  41. The ‘Trim Tab’ effect

  42. HMS WCCN ‘Trim Tab’

  43. Be a TRIM TABBER!

  44. and finally…

  45. If I do nothing about it in 24 hours… …I’ll probably do nothing about it!

  46. Website: www.ctrtraining.co.uk http://www.ctrtraining.co.uk/resources.php Thank You Diolch

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