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HR Strategy Myth or Reality Mike Haffenden January 2010

HR Strategy Myth or Reality Mike Haffenden January 2010. My Background. Worked for 6 companies and consulted for many Strategic Dimensions CRF PARC Devonshire House. So what is “Strategy”?. “Strategy” has many definitions. Mintzberg’s ideas are better than most:

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HR Strategy Myth or Reality Mike Haffenden January 2010

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  1. HR StrategyMyth or RealityMike HaffendenJanuary 2010

  2. My Background • Worked for 6 companies and consulted for many • Strategic Dimensions • CRF • PARC • Devonshire House

  3. So what is “Strategy”? • “Strategy” has many definitions. Mintzberg’s ideas are better than most: • A plan, some consistently intended course of action • A pattern which emerges over time • A position which provides for competitive advantage • A perspective or abstraction which exists in the minds of people • Strategy is 2 stages – Planning & Doing • Some obvious questions: • How is HR strategy linked to business strategy? • Shouldn’t you just have a people strategy? • Are HR people confused between “strategy” and work which is not “strategic”, but complex and technical?

  4. How do companies form Strategy? Top down or bottom up? HR’s Role HR’s Actions • Not involved • Provides papers • Facilitates discussion • Provides people input • Full contributor • Provide input/intelligence • Deduce it • Communicate it • Energise it • Prepare for it • Implement it Go do! How should we? We should! So what stance does an HR Director take?

  5. Roles of HR Much to be done Talent Much to be done Good Performancebut needs to raise game Performance Business Strategy Create the environment Much to be done First class results Operations

  6. What does HR need to do? 1. Work on the issues with high added value HR’s Priorities! Great Selection Induction Great Training Senior Mgt. Visibility Treating people right Coaching Easy Ease of implementation Process Improvement Career mgt Performance Appraisal Hard Low High Added Value 2. Work on the organisation as well as the people 3. Have a defined process

  7. Work on the organisation as well as the people Average people encouraged to do well by great ‘can do’ environment High calibre people, high performance culture Creating a Great Environment Low calibre people in restricting environment Capable people, performance restricted by context What factors Influence this? Developing Great People

  8. Have a defined process Planning PLANNING OUTPUTS People Competence Breakthrough Fundamentals Projects Process Budget STRATEGY Mission Purpose Vision Values INPUTS Business Competition Customers Environment Opportunities Resources available Capability Work in progress Team discussion Team planning HR Practices Data Collection Of facts And numbers HR LEVERS Talent Performance Change Operations ENABLERS Learning Involvement Process Improvement Organisation Design Communications Consultancy Pay REVIEW People Process Progress against outputs Functions Learning HR Actions Review against plan Implementation

  9. Conclusions & Recommendations • Analysis before action! • Important before urgent! • How does your action link to the business? • Who knows what you’re doing? • Who are your customers? • Importance of communication • Process for review? (and who reviews)

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