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MLA In-text (or parenthetical) citations

MLA In-text (or parenthetical) citations. When you borrow information, ideas, or a quotation from a source, you must indicate this by citing (referring to) the source. This citation should include the author and page number. Example #1

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MLA In-text (or parenthetical) citations

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  1. MLA In-text (or parenthetical) citations When you borrow information, ideas, or a quotation from a source, you must indicate this by citing (referring to) the source. This citation should include the author and page number. Example #1 James Madison convinced Washington to come out of retirement and attend the convention (Ellis 73). Example #2 (the author’s last name is mentioned in the sentence, so it does not need to be included in the parenthesis) Ellis argues that the failure to abolish slavery was the great tragedy of America’s creation (7).

  2. MLA In-text (or parenthetical) citations Example #3 (this is a direct quotation --- notice that the last quotation mark comes before the parentheses) It was also true that “none of the founders, to include Jefferson, regarded democracy as a goal of the American Revolution” (Ellis 241). Example #4 (the author’s last name is not available, so the title of a source is used instead --- in this case, an article; a page number is also unavailable, so it is simply skipped) Robeson’s American passport was taken from him for 8 years (“Paul Robeson: About the Actor”).

  3. MLA Works Cited Page A Works Cited page begins on a new page at the end of your paper. It is simply titled Works Cited. Don’t get fancy. The Works Cited page lists the complete publication information for the sources you referred to in parentheses within your paper. The order of the information you include matters. So does the spacing. Look closely at the samples that follow.

  4. MLA Works Cited Page A works cited entry for a book: DuBois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk. Boston: Bedford Books, 1997. Print. A works cited entry for an article found online: Metter, Lauren. “Dylan lyrics tangled up in controversy.” Dailyfreepress.com. Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc., 18 April 2009. Web. 4 May 2009.

  5. MLA Paper Format For assignments that require you to follow MLA format as well, please note the following guidelines: Your margins must be 1” all around. Your entire paper must be double-spaced. Your name, your teacher, the class the assignment is for, and the date must appear at the top of page one, on the left-hand side. You must have a header on each page with your last name and the page number. Please see the instructions and models that follow.

  6. MLA Paper Format How to double-space: Format Paragraph Line spacing: double How to create the running header: View Header and Footer Align text to the right Type your last name and one space after it Click on the number icon to insert page number Close Setting the font: Format Font, Times New Roman, size 12 Setting the margins: File Page setup Margins, 1” all around

  7. MLA Paper Format

  8. MLA Paper Format LeBlanc 11 Moore is focused on making those who agree with him feel even more strongly for his point of view. If Moore wanted to be stronger, he would also try to persuade and turn people’s opinions to change and agree with him. However, his strong point of view and presentations of many different scenarios help strengthen his point. Many would see his effort as persuasive to open people’s eyes to what is going on. Many people feel that Moore didn’t have full backing to his facts and conspiracy theories (York 123). “I was an admirer of his previous doc, the Oscar-winning ‘Bowling for Columbine,’ until I

  9. MLA Paper Format

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