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buy wall art

Need affordable wall art and art prints to light up your home? Look no further than On Paper Lab, your one-stop destination for exquisite and beautiful art works in various colors, themes, and sizes. Choose from wall art or postcards, both created by our dedicated in-house artists u2013 especially for you.

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buy wall art

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  1. Tips to Buy Wall Art – Dos and Don’ts If you are looking to buy wall art, there are no standardized tips or guidelines of what to buy, but instead, the focus should be on buying pieces that match your space and décor. There is no “right art” for your home since it boils down to your taste and what you love since you will be living with it. Take the advice of an interior designer when you are not sure about the pieces that will be in sync with your home and reflect its age, decorative style, and colors in the rooms. Before you buy wall arthave a clear idea of the dimensions of the space that you want to fill. There will be no problems when ordering online but if you are going over to a studio or a gallery, carry the measurements of the spaces with you.

  2. Also think about the architectural features of the room that the wall art is meant for, from the color scheme of the walls to the lighting, and even the height of the ceiling. The function of the room hosting the artwork has to be considered when you buy wall art. The general trend is to have the main pieces of art displayed in the living room. This is the place where members of the family, friends, and relatives get together to spend quality time, and hence, this is the best area to showcase the richness and diversity of your art collection. Keep more intimate artworks for the bedroom that represent a special connection with the couple or the individual sleeping there. Lighting is a critical factor to deliberate on when you buy wall art. Start with the preferred medium – painting or photograph. Depending on the intensity of light in the room consider glazing both paintings and photographs with a UV protective

  3. protective anti-reflective glass. Always keep wall art away from natural light to prevent the colors from fading over time. Do not buy wall art that is expensive for a room that is always filled with bright natural light. The central color theme of the wall art plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall ambiance of a room. You can opt for one of two ways to buy wall art.

  4. Select one that soothes and complements the color of the wall. For example, if the color of the wall is blue or green, so should be the primary or base color of the wall art. This is right for the bedroom where a calm and tranquil environment is required. The other is wall art that clashes with the color of the wall. In the same case, buy wall art of flaming red or orange to go with a pale green or blue wall. Make the artwork the centerpiece of a large wall or other space to immediately catch the attention. Follow these tips to buy wall art.

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