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Lernen Sie jetzt die nötige Theorie für die Bootsprüfung! Alle Prüfungsfragen für die Bootsprüfung Theorie!
Bootsprüfung Schweiz - Boot fahren lernen in der Schweiz Alle Informationen zur Schweizer Bootsprüfung So you want to learn to drive a boat? We take you to the exam ready! We present the efficient online course On Bootspruefung24.ch to the Swiss boat license boot prüfung schweiz - Before you can start the practical sailing or motorboat test, you must complete the theoretical boat test. The theoretical boat test is the same for the motor boat license and the sailing license. In the online course for boat testing in Switzerland from Bootspruefung24.ch you will learn fast, efficient and unbeatably cheap all original exam questions for the theoretical Swiss boat test! The way to the exam Do I need the boat check? How do I sign up? How does the exam go? When is the boat license required?
bootsprüfung theorie If you want to run a motorboat with more than 6 kW (8.16 hp) or a sailboat with more than 15m 2 sail area in Switzerland, you need the Swiss boat license. On Lake Constance the boat license is required already from 4.4 kW (6 hp) or 12 m 2 sail area In order to acquire the Swiss boat license, you must first pass a practical and then a theoretical exam. What is the minimum age? The minimum age for the motor boat license is 18 years . The minimum age for sailing license is 14 years . You can find more information in our blog entry on the minimum age for skippers (external link) Where do I have to register for the exam? You must register with your cantonal shipping office for the theoretical and the practical boat test.