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2. Challenges for Educators.
1. 1 Meeting the Needs of English Learners with Disabilities 2010-2011
Jarice Butterfield, Ph. D.
Santa Barbara County SELPA Director
Website: sbcselpa.org
2. 2
3. 3 Presentation Topics Section 1 - Definition of EL Terms & CELDT Testing
Section 2 - Pre-referral Strategies for English Learners
Section 3 - Statewide Assessment & English Learners
Section 4 – Identification & Assessment of English Learners Special Education
Section 4 – IEP Development for English Learners
Section 5 – Programs & Services for English Learners in Special Education
Section 6 – Reclassification of English Learners
Section 7 – Questions and Answers
4. 4 Home Language Survey (HLS)
It is a form administered by the school district to
be completed by the pupil's parent/ guardian at
the time of first enrollment in a California public
school indicating language used in the home.
Responses to questions on the HLS determines is a student is to be assessed in order to determine if he or she an English learner (EL)
5. 5 English Learner (EL)- State law defines an English learner as
“a child who does not speak English or whose native language is
not English and who is not currently able to perform ordinary
classroom work in English.”
Primary Language (L1) - Primary language is the language
first learned by the pupil, most frequently used at home, or most
frequently spoken by the parents or other adults in the home
when speaking with the pupil.
E.C. 306(a)
6. 6
Full English Proficient (FEP) - A student may initially
be designated as full English proficient if initial assessment
On CELDT indicates they are proficient
Limited English Proficient (LEP) - Students
classified as LEP who have not met a level of proficiency in
English to be considered fluent or able to be successful in
English academics (in listening, speaking, reading & writing)
Reclassified Full English Proficient (RFEP)
Students who have been reclassified from EL to fully
proficient are RFEP (based on the 4 reclassification criteria).
7. 7 BICS- (Basic interpersonal Communication Skills)
describes the development of conversational fluency in
the second language
CALP- (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency)
describes the use of language in decontextualized
academic situations (higher levels of processing and
thinking in the 2nd language)
Cummins, 2009
8. 8 California English Language Development Test (CELDT)
CELDT is an assessment mandated by state and federal
regulation. It is required for K-12 graders and has
three purposes:
To initially identify students who are limited English proficient;
To determine the level of English language proficiency of students who are limited English proficient; and
To assess the progress of limited English proficient students in acquiring the skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing in English.
EC 313 and 60810[d]) & Title III of ESEA
9. 9 CELDT Testing Cont’d. Initial CELDT Assessment…..
Is administered to any K-12 pupil whose primary language is
other than English as determined by the HLS and…..
who has not previously been identified as an English learner (EL) by a California public school or
for whom there is no record of results from an administration of an English language proficiency test, shall be assessed for English language proficiency with CELDT
within 30 calendar days after the date of first enrollment in a California public school, or
within 60 calendar days before the date of first enrollment, but not before July 1 of that school year.
EC 52164.1.
10. 10 Education Code Section 52164.1[a] requires that “all students (in
kindergarten through grade twelve) whose primary language is
not English, based on the Home Language Survey (HLS), take the
CELDT within 30 calendar days after they are enrolled in a
California public school for the first time to determine if they are
English learners. The HLS is completed by parents or guardians
when they first register their children for school. The CELDT must
be given to students identified as English learners once a year as
per the school district’s evaluation process until they are
reclassified as fluent English proficient (RFEP)”.
EC 52164
11. 11 Students may have accommodations and/or modifications
on CELDT as specified in their IEP:
An accommodation is: Any variation in the assessment
environment or process that does not fundamentally alter
what the test measures or affect comparability of scores.
Accommodations may include variations in scheduling,
setting, aids, equipment, and presentation format
A modification is: A variation in assessment environment or
process that fundamentally alters what test measures or
affects comparability of scores
12. 12 Alternate Assessment:
IEP Teams may designate an alternate assessment to
“Students with disabilities may take an alternate
assessment if their IEP team determines that they are
unable to take one or more parts of the CELDT even
with variations, accommodations, and/or modifications.”
Refer to CDE’s CELDT: Understanding and Using 2009-10 Individual Results
Section II #2-6 for criteria in determining if an alternative assessment is
EC 313 and 60810[d])
13. 13 Alternate Assessment is:
An alternate way of measuring English language
proficiency of pupils with disabilities whose IEP Team has
determined they are unable to participate in CELDT even
with accommodations, variations, or modifications.
Note: CDE English Learner Division has advised that any
“alternate assessment” must assess in all four domains: listening,
speaking, reading & writing
14. 14 Alternate Assessment Cont’d. Alternative Assessments to CELDT
At this time, the California Department of Education does not have an approved, recommended alternative assessment to CELDT for students whose IEP team determines that the student may not be able to take all or parts of CELDT in order to determine their level of English language proficiency.
If the IEP team determines that a student should take an alternate assessment to CELDT, they must ensure that the student is assessed in all four domains of English proficiency: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
CDE’s CELDT: Understanding and Using 2009-10 Individual Results
15. 15 Alternate AssessmentCont’d. Possible Alternative Assessments to CELDT
The chart lists possible assessment tools that various
districts or SELPAs in California have utilized as an alternative to
CELDT for students functioning at the CAPA level:
16. 16
17. 17
18. 18
19. 19
20. 20
21. 21 Three Recommended Components of RTI for Els:
22. 22
23. 23 RTI Universal Screening
24. 24 RTI Progress Monitoring
25. 25 Considerations for English Learners Prior to Referral to Special Education
26. 26 Referral to Special Education
27. 27 Stateside Assessment & English Learners
28. 28 STAR Testing for English Learners
29. 29 STAR Testing for English Learners
30. 30 STAR Test Variations for English Learners
31. 31
32. 32 Identification of English Learners Federal regulations require that students in Pre K
through age 22 be identified as EL for purposes of
special education (ie. assessment for special
education procedures, linguistically appropriate goals
in IEPs, etc.)
Note: California Education code does not formally identify
students as EL until kindergarten. CELDT is not administered
until grade K.
33. 33 Identification of Transfer Students
34. 34 California Ed Code Requirements for Identification & Assessment ofEnglish Learners for Special Education
Assessment materials and procedures used for the purposes
of assessment and placement of individuals with exceptional
needs are selected and administered so as not to be racially,
culturally, or sexually discriminatory. Pursuant to Section 1412(a
(6)(B) of Title 20 of the United States Code, the materials and
procedures shall be provided in the pupil’s native language or
mode of communication, unless it is clearly not feasible to do so.
EC 56320(a) & 56001(j)
Note: Assessors must note this in their assessment reports!
35. 35 California Ed Code Requirements for Identification & Assessment ofEnglish Learners for Special Education Cont’d.
(b) Tests and other assessment materials meet all of the
following requirements: Are provided and administered in the
language and form most likely to yield accurate information on
what the pupil knows and can do academically, developmentally,
and functionally, unless it is not feasible to so provide or
administered required by 1414(b)(3)(A)(ii) of Title 20 of United
States Code
EC 56320(b)(1)
36. 36 California Ed Code Requirements for Identification & Assessment ofEnglish Learners Who are Infants/Toddlers
For assessment to determine eligibility for infants and
toddlers, the assessment shall “be conducted in the
language of the family’s choice or other mode of
communication unless it is it is not feasible to do so.”
CCR 52082(b) & 52084(d)
37. 37 Federal Regulation Requirements for Identification & Assessment of English Learners….
Pursuant to 34 CFR 300.304 (1) (i) (ii), Assessments
and other evaluation materials used to assess a child
under this part – are selected and administered so as
not to be discriminatory on a racial or cultural basis; Are
provided and administered in the child’s native language
or other mode of communication, and in the form most
likely to yield accurate information on what the child
knows and can do academically, developmentally, and
functionally, unless it is clearly not feasible to so provide
or administer.
38. 38 Identification & AssessmentLegal Requirements for English Learners Cont’d.
Assessments shall be administered by qualified personnel who are competent in both the oral or sign language skills and written skills of the individual’s primary language or mode of communication and have a knowledge and understanding of the cultural and ethnic background of the pupil. It it clearly is not feasible to do so, an interpreter must be used, and the assessment report shall document this condition and note that the validity may have been affected.
CCR Title 5: 3023
A variety of assessment tools and strategies will be used to gather relevant functional and developmental information, including information provided by the parent.
EC 56320
39. 39 Identification & AssessmentLegal Requirements for English Learners Cont’d. It is best practice to use the following four sources of
information in order to address all socio-cultural factors
related to English learners:
1) Norm-referenced assessments in English and Primary
Language (if primary language assessments are available)
2) Criterion-referenced tests
3) Systematic observation in educational environments
4) Structured interviews (with student, parent, teachers, etc.)
40. 40 Assessment of English Learners Why Assess in the Student’s Primary Language?
It provides comparative data to the IEP team about how the student performs in the primary language versus English.
The assessor can determine if similar error patterns are seen in both the primary language and English (listening, speaking, reading or writing) in order to discern if the students is having academic difficult due to a language difference or a disability.
Many students acquire BICS level English speaking skills and are stronger in English academics but think at a CALPs level in their “native language”.
41. 41 Assessment of English Learners Cont’d. Best Practices to Guide Assessment Decisions:
An assessor fluent in both languages should assess for to determine which language the student is most proficient in at both the Bics and Calps level (both academically & cognitively) to guide the assessment team regarding types of assessment to be performed by using like instruments in primary language and English when available.
Assessors should assess in the students primary language when feasible to do so..
42. 42 Assessment of English Learners Cont’d. Examples of When it May Not “Be Feasible” to
Assess in the Student’s Primary Language:
The student has moderate to severe disabilities and lacks the communication or other skills to be able to be assessed accurately in L1.
When Primary language assessments are unavailable.
Note: If primary language assessments are not available, it is best
practice for assessors to use non language measures such as
observations and structured interviews with teachers and family to
inform identification decisions.
43. 43 Sample Language Assessment Tools
44. 44 Sample Primary Language Cognitive Assessments
45. 45 Sample Non-verbal Cognitive Assessments
46. 46 Sample Speech & Language Assessments
47. 47 Sample Speech & Language Assessments Cont’d.
48. 48 Sample Primary Language Academic Achievement Assessments
49. 49 Use of Interpreters in Bilingual Assessment Following are best practice
recommendations for use of interpreters
during assessment
I. Preparation for use of an Interpreter in assessment
Determine what tests are being administered;
Administer only the tests which the interpreter has been trained to assist with;
Be prepared for the session to account for extra time needed with an interpreter;
Know the skill level of the interpreter; and
Carefully observe interpreter behavior during assessment
50. 50 Use of Interpreters in Bilingual Assessment Cont’d.
51. 51 Use of Interpreters in Bilingual Assessment Cont’d.
52. 52 Use of Interpreters in Bilingual Assessment Cont’d.
53. 53 AssessmentReports for English Learners Required Documentation in Assessment Reports:
The impact of language, cultural, environmental and economic factors in learning;
How standardized tests and techniques were altered; and
Use of the interpreters, translations for tests; include a statement of validity and reliability related to the use of such.
Examiner’s level of language proficiency in language of student and the effect on test results and overall assessment.
54. 54 Required Documentation in Assessment Reports Cont’d.
Cross-validation of information between norm-referenced, criterion, and interview/observation based measures, to include information from home setting.
Results of current language proficiency testing.
Reports should be translated into the primary language if requested by the parent/guardian
If non-verbal measures were used, a statement of their limitations
Recommendations for linguistically appropriate goals
(SESR 8-2-3.3) 20 USC 1414 (b) (2) (A) (I); 34 CFR 303.323
55. 55 AssessmentReports for English Learners Cont’d. Additional Assessment Report Considerations:
Consideration of the second language acquisition process and its relationship to the possible handicapping conditions
56. 56 IEP Notices for English Learners
IEP Notices should:
Note if an interpreter will be at the IEP (if appropriate)
Be provided in primary language of parent
Indicate the parent has a right to have copy of IEP in primary language (if feasible)
(SESR 6-1-2.9.1); 20 USC 1415 (d) (2) ; 34 CFR 300.503 c; 30 EC
57. 57 Identification & AssessmentResources Cont’d. 1) Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Students:
Strategies for Teaching and Assessment; by Grass & Barker.
Sage Publications. http://www.sagepub.com/home.nav
2) Assessing Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Students: A
Practical Guide. Practical Intervention in the Schools Series; by
Rhodes, Ochoa, Hector, & Ortiz. Guilford Publications.
3) The Map of Standards for English Learners; by Carr & Lagunoff. West Ed. www.wested.org
58. 58 Identification & AssessmentResources Cont’d. 4) Determining Appropriate Referrals of English Language
Learners to Special Education: A Self-Assessment Guide for
Principals;by Council for Exceptional Children and NABE. 2002
5) Assessing Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Students: A
Practical Guide. Practical Intervention in the Schools Series; by
Rhodes, Ochoa, Hector, & Ortiz. Guilford Publications.
6) Reporting to Parents in English & Spanish; Ammie Enterprises,
Fallbrook, CA.
59. 59 Identification & AssessmentResources Cont’d. 7) Struggling Learners and Language Immersion Education. By
Fortune, T. W., & Menke, M. R. (2010). CARLA.
60. 60 IEP Developmentfor English Learners
61. 61 IEP Developmentfor English Learners Also, as per EC 56345 the regulations state:
“For individuals whose native language is other than
English, linguistically appropriate goals, objectives,
programs, and services” shall be included in the
IEP contents”
Note: This does not require placement in a specific classroom!
62. 62 State IEP Template Special Factors Page EL Section If the student is an English Learner, complete the following section:
Does the student need primary language support? No? Yes ? if yes, who will provide?
What will be the language of instruction for the student?
Who will provide ELD services to student?
? General Education Staff ? Special Education Teacher
What type of ELD services will provided?
? English Language Mainstream ? Structured English Immersion
63. 63 IEP Developmentfor English Learners IEP Content Checklist v
The results of CELDT or alternative assessment in order to document English language proficiency and develop linguistically appropriate goals
If the student requires accommodations or modifications on CELDT
(SESR 10-2-2; 10-2-4; 20-4-2)
EC Section 60810
CFR Section 300.138(b)(1)(2); CFR 300.324
CDE’s CELDT: Understanding and Using 2009-10 Individual Results
64. 64 IEP Developmentfor English Learners Cont’d. In addition to CELDT considerations, the IEP team
must determine:
How English language development (ELD) needs will be met and who will provide those services “programs, services, and instruction”
If the student needs primary language support and what language should be the language of instruction
Linguistically appropriate goals (ELD goals) to meet English language development needs
(SESR 10-2-6; 3-5-8); 34 CFR 300.324; EC 56345
65. 65 How to Document Programs, Services & Instruction on IEP Programs: Indicate on IEP what type of EL program the student will be in such as SEI, ELM, or alternate program (see slide 69-70)
Services: Indicate on the IEP if the student needs primary language support or other services to be successful
Instruction: Indicate where the instruction will take place (SPED classroom, general education, etc.) and if the instruction will be in English or primary language
66. 66 Linguistically Appropriate (ELD) Goals
67. 67 Sample Linguistically Appropriate Goal 1
68. 68 Sample Linguistically Appropriate Goal 2
69. 69 Sample Linguistically Appropriate Goal 3
70. 70 Sample Linguistically Appropriate Goal 4
71. 71 Programs & Services for English Learners
72. Programs & Services for EL Students in Special Education 72
73. Programs & Services for EL Students in Special Education 73
74. 74 Programs & Services for EL Students in Special Education
75. 75 Programs & Services for EL Students in Special Education
76. 76 Programs & Services for EL Students in Special Education
77. ELD Programs & Services for EL Students in Special Education 77
78. Services for EL Students in Special Education 78
Reclassification of EL Students in Special Education
80. Reclassification of EL Students in Special Education
Defined as the process by which students who have been
identified as English learners (EL) are reclassified as fluent
English Proficient (RFEP) when they have demonstrated that
they are able to compete effectively with English-speaking
peers in mainstream classes.
EC 313(d)
81. Reclassification of EL Students in Special Education Reclassification Criteria:
The reclassification procedures developed by the California
Board of Education (CBE) requires districts to utilize multiple
criteria to reclassify a pupil as proficient in English.
EC 313(d); CDE document California English Language Development
Test (CELDT) Understanding & Using 2009-10 Individual Results 81
82. Reclassification of EL Students in Special Education Cont’d.
83. Criteria 1 Assessment of Language ProficiencyUsing an Objective Assessment Instrument 83 *CELDT is used as the primary criterion for the
“objective assessment”. Students should be
considered for reclassification whose overall
proficiency level is early advanced or higher and:
Listening is intermediate/higher
Speaking is intermediate/higher
Reading is intermediate/higher
Writing is intermediate/higher
84. Criteria 1: Assessment of Language ProficiencyUsing an Objective Assessment InstrumentCont’d. Those students whose overall proficiency level is in the
upper end of the intermediate level also may be
considered for reclassification if additional measures
determine the likelihood that a student is proficient in
Note: Alternate assessment to CELDT may be designated by the
IEP Team; advisement from the CDE is pending regarding
whether or not CELDT can be used for criteria 1.
85. Criteria 2 Teacher Evaluation Sample Criteria Used by Special and General
Education Teachers:
Curriculum or classroom based measures of student’s academic performance;
Teacher completion of a checklist such as the SOLOM
Report of progress towards IEP linguistically appropriate goals
86. Criteria 2 Teacher Evaluation Cont’d.
The California State Board Adopted Guidelines
state that “Incurred deficits in motivation and
Academic success *unrelated to English
language proficiency do not preclude a student
from reclassification
*A disability may be a factor that contributes to low academic
achievement and is unrelated to “English language proficiency”
87. Criteria 3 Parent Opinion and Consultation
Provide notice to parents or guardians of their rights and encourage them to participate in the reclassification process
Provide an opportunity for a face-to-face meeting with parents or guardians
Seek alternate ways to get parent input if face to face contact is not possible.
CDE California English Language Development Test Understanding and Using 2009-10 Individual results document
88. Criteria 4 Comparison of Performance In Basic Skills
“Performance in basic skills” means the score and/or
performance level resulting from a recent administration
of the California English–Language Arts Standards Test
(CST in English–language arts).
This means:
(1) A CST score in English/language arts (ELA) at least at the beginning of basic level to midpoint of basic - each district may select cut point as long as it is at least at basic level.
(2) Pupils with scores above the cut point selected by the school district should be considered for reclassification.
(3) For pupils scoring below the cut point, school districts should attempt to determine whether “factors other than English language proficiency are responsible for low performance on the CST in English–language arts and whether it is reasonable to reclassify the student”
Criteria 4 Comparison of Performance In Basic Skills Cont’d. 89
(4) For grade twelve, the eleventh grade CST ELA should be used
(5) For grades 1 and 2, school districts should base a decision to
reclassify on CELDT results, teacher evaluation, parent consultation, and other locally available assessments. It is not recommended that Kindergarten students who are English learners be reclassified.
Note: A disability may be a factor to consider under #3 of the
basic skills criteria; however, advisement from CDE regarding
use of the CBE guidelines is pending.
90 Criteria 4 Comparison of Performance In Basic Skills Cont’d.
It is more difficult to clear the CST-ELA hurdle than the CELDT criterion. For example, in the 11th grade in 2007, 21 percent of ELLS scored Basic or better on the CST-ELA, compared to 41 percent scoring EA or better on CELDT.
Testing results and reclassification decisions feed into the Title III accountability system imposed by NCLB that may either reward of punish school districts; students with disabilities often do not meet goal targets due to a disability versus language difference and districts receive sanctions.
A large gap exists across grades on CELDT scores for ELs in SPED versus non SPED ELs. This suggests that few ELs in SPED will reach the minimum CELDT score required for consideration to be reclassified.
(Fetler, 2008) 91 Issues With Reclassification of EL Students In Special Education
94. 94
95. 95
96. 96
100. SCENARIO 1 CONT’D. 100
101. SCENARIO 1 CONT’D. 101
102. 102
1) May the parent opt a student out of taking CELDT?
Response: No; A parent may not opt a student out of
taking CELDT.
Q & A
103. Q & A 103
104. Q & A 104
105. 105 4) May the IEP team designate a CELDT test variation that
is not listed in the Title 5 Guidelines Section 11516 or
Response: Yes; however, the district must submit a request for
review of the proposed variations in administering the test
5) If a student participates in CELDT with test variations,
accommodations, or modifications will they “pass”?
Response: Yes; however, if the student takes alternate
assessments for sections of the CELDT, they will get a score of
“not valid” for the sections of the test in which they took alternate
Title 5 Regulations Section 11510
Q & A
106. 106 Q & A
107. 107 Q & A
108. 108 Q & A
109. Q & A
5 CCR § 11303;
CDE California English Language Development Test Understanding and Using 2009-10 Individual results document
110. Q & A 110
111. Q & A 111
112. Q & A 112