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The Election of Andrew Jackson

The Election of Andrew Jackson. January 19, 2011 Adapting Project History. Hard Times After the Panic of 1819. Estimated that 1/3 of population effected 1819 New York Society for Prevention of Pauperism estimated 8,000 paupers in city of 120,000---1820--13,000

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The Election of Andrew Jackson

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  1. The Election of Andrew Jackson January 19, 2011 Adapting Project History

  2. Hard Times After the Panic of 1819 • Estimated that 1/3 of population effected • 1819 New York Society for Prevention of Pauperism estimated 8,000 paupers in city of 120,000---1820--13,000 • 1818 3.5 million acres sold---1819 .8 million • 1815 Pa land $150 an acre---1819 $35

  3. Effects of Panic of 1819 • Heighten sectionalism--each section became more self-interested--South became more opposed to protective tariff--manufacturing areas want greater protection • Sharpen class antagonisms--discredit elites--engendered a kind of political restiveness

  4. John C. Calhoun in 1820 • “There has been within these two years an immense revolution of fortunes in every part of the Union; enormous numbers of persons utterly ruined; multitudes in deep distress; and a general mass of disaffection to the government, not concentrated in any particular direction, but ready to seize upon any event and looking out everywhere for a leader.”

  5. American Ambivalence • Moral note enters American politics--theme of moral decay, corruption, dishonesty, indolence and extravagance condemned • Dual nature--attracted to speculative enterprise--but feelings of guilt • During pre-panic times latent fears and suspicions of banks suppressed--seen as creative engines of enterprise • After economic collapse--many saw it as God’s way of punishing errant people--people who had expected riches without work

  6. Benjamin Franklin • Franklin recommends frugality, thrift, and hard work and promises results of moral and material rewards • Yet emphasis upon material values--equating wealth with moral rectitude • Follower of Poor Richard might forget necessary relationship between hard work and riches • Wealth based upon speculation, riches without work considered sinful by most Americans

  7. Benjamin Franklin

  8. Niles Register • “It seems to me that the whole paper system is nothing more than a contrivance of knaves to cheat honest men….”

  9. Political Reaction to Panic • Most states passed stay laws or minimum appraisal laws protected debtor from having to sell property for debt at deflated prices • Some states establish state banks or loan offices in order to expand money supply--paper money they issued had to be accepted by creditors for debt

  10. Kentucky • Election of 1820--majority of legislature pledged to relieve people • Legislature chartered Bank of the Commonwealth of Kentucky--made loans of paper money--received for taxes and public debts • If private creditor not receive bank paper--debtor could delay debt for 2 years

  11. Kentucky 2 • Bank of Commonwealth of Kentucky notes worth 50% face value---creditor forced to accept it at face value • Political battles in state between Relief and Anti-Relief parties (comprised of planters, businessmen and most powerful lawyers) • Kentucky Court of Appeals struck down relief legislation • Relief Party controlled legislature and dissolved court and set up new court • Bitter fights in Kentucky between Old Court (anti-relief) and New Court (relief) parties • Relief Party strong supporters of Andrew Jackson---Amos Kendall and Frank Blair

  12. Andrew Jackson 1767-1845 • Born in S.C. ---captured by English during American Revolution • British officer demanded Jackson clean boots. Jackson said: “Sir, I’m a prisoner of war, and claim to be treated as such.” Officer slashed him with a sword • Jackson lost his brother and mother to smallpox during war • After war---life of dissipation and hell-raising--studied law in law office

  13. Andrew Jackson 2 • Moved to Nashville in 1787---held a number of state offices in 1790s as well as serving a short time in the House of Rep and US Senate. • But from early 19th century down to war of 1812 lived life of planter • Given command of Tennessee militia and then made major general in U.S. forces

  14. Battle of New Orleans • Jackson led forces that defeated British in New Orleans in January, 1815 • 2,057 English dead, 13 Americans • Jackson voted thanks by Congress and given gold medal • Martin Van Buren of NY wrote leg thanking Jackson “an event surpassing the most heroic and wonderful achievements which adorn the annals of mankind.”

  15. Niles Register • “Glory be to God that the barbarians have been defeated and that at Orleans the intended plunders have found their grave! Glory to Jackson…Glory to the militia…Sons of freedom---saviors of Orleans--benefactors of your country and avengers of its wrongs, all hail! Hail glorious people--worthy, thrice worthy, to enjoy the blessing which heaven in bounteous profusion has heaped on your country.”

  16. Battle of New Orleans

  17. Battle of New Orleans

  18. Andrew Jackson

  19. Andrew Jackson

  20. Election of 1824 • Five candidates: Adams, Calhoun, William Henry Crawford, Clay and Jackson • Crawford caucus candidate • Jackson’s nomination---fluke • Once nominated Jackson’s candidacy gained popular support

  21. Election of 1824 2 • Jackson only candidate with national support---Crawford (South), Clay (West) and Adams (Northeast) Calhoun withdrew • Jackson won plurality of popular vote--but no one had maj in electoral college • Top three candidates forwarded to H of R--Jackson, Crawford and Adams • Clay threw support to Adams and was appointed Secretary of State

  22. Dissolution of Jeffersonian Republican Party • Jackson supporters charge “corrupt bargain” between Clay and Adams • Election of 1824 brought dissolution of old Jeffersonian Republican Party • After 1824--Adams supporters began calling themselves National Republicans and Jacksonians---Democratic Republicans

  23. Why was Jackson so Popular • One historian has written a book-- Andrew Jackson: Symbol of an Age • Why was he so popular---man of tremendous will, courage • Indiana newspaper “There is not to be found in this wide universe a man so pure, spotless and exceptional in his moral and political character as Andrew Jackson. But he has no leading man in his favor. This is his only crime.”

  24. Why was Jackson so Popular 2 • Seen as advocate of democracy, untainted by corruption of old political system • Second George Washington--and like Washington represents certain virtues of the old republic • “Washington the people’s choice was elevated to the Presidency by the people--the prosperity of the country proved the wisdom of his administration. Jackson, the people’s choice is now before you--will you complete the parallel.”

  25. Campaigning for 1828 • Martin Van Buren key figure--1826 “we will support no man who does not come forward on the principles and in the form in which Jefferson and Madison were brought forward.” • Principles: states rights, strict construction of the constitution---appeal to radicals of former Crawford faction--Coalition of “plain Republicans of the North with the planters in the South” • Establish Jackson Committees across country and newspapers

  26. Martin Van Buren

  27. Election of 1828 • Campaign one of most scurrilous in American history • Jackson and wife Rachel charged with living in sin and bigamy • “Ought a convicted adulteress and her paramour husband to be placed in the highest office of this free and Christian land? What effect, think you, fellow citizens, will it have upon the American youth?”

  28. Rachel Jackson

  29. Election of 1828 2 • Jacksonians charged Adams was a pimp • “Why is Adams on ticklish grounds? Because he stands of slippery Clay.” • Results • Jackson 178 electoral votes to Adams 83 • Popular vote Jackson 647,000 to Adams 508,000 • Jackson swept all states south of Potomac and west of NJ • 1,150,000 votes cast---increase of 800,000 over 1824

  30. Washington in Jackson Era

  31. Jackson’s Inaugural

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