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TCTW. What should effective guidance and advisement look like in a Tech Center? Belinda McCharen Facilitator Doug Sutton Recorder. TCTW. Please mute your cell phones You will have time to check messages after this session. TCTW.
TCTW What should effective guidance and advisement look like in a Tech Center?Belinda McCharenFacilitatorDoug SuttonRecorder
TCTW Please mute your cell phonesYou will have time to check messages after this session
TCTW Please mute your cell phonesYou will have time to check messages after this session
Why Should Tech Centers Worry About Guidance? • Only about 20% of youth in the 12-22 year age range express a clear vision of what they want accomplish in life and why • The Path to Purpose, William Damon, 2008 TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
TCTW Challenges • Create a flexible system of optional career pathways in high schools to better prepare all students for college and careers. • Create supportive relationships between students and adults. • Create a system of advisors that meet with students and parents and home high schools to set goals and help students take the right courses for their program of study. Tech Centers That Work, SREB TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
TCTW Challenges • Develop quality relationships with middle schools, high schools and postsecondary institutions to improve student planning and transition—a place for every student to belong. • Connect students to a career goal. • Connect students and families to school. • Prepare tech center students for success in the workplace and postsecondary education. Tech Centers That Work, SREB TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
TCTW Key Practices Culture of Continuous Improvement Challenging Program of Study Challenging Career/Technical Studies Work-based Learning High Expectations Challenging Academic Studies Active Engagement Teachers Working Together Guidance and Advisement Extra Help and Transitions TCTW TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies SDW for CT 7
TCTW Key Practice:Guidance Involve students and their parents in a guidance and advisement system, develop positive relationships, ensures completion of a CTE concentration with approved sequence of at least four courses, and an accelerated program of study. Provide each student with the same mentor throughout high school to assist with setting goals, selecting courses (academic and CTE), reviewing students’ progress and suggesting appropriate interventions as necessary . TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
5 Key Purposes of Guidance • Raise student achievement • Help students set career goal • Involve families in guidance and advisement • Provide teacher-advisers for small groups of students • Ensure smooth transitions for incoming freshmen and graduating seniors
Quality Guidance Indicators • Reviewed student sequence of courses planned during high school at least once a year. • Students received most help in planning high school studies by end of ninth grade. • When planning for high school, students talked with parents/guardians at home. • During high school a teacher or counselor talked with students individually about career and further education plans. • Students spoke to or visited with someone in a career they aspired to. TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
Quality Guidance IndicatorsContinued… • Someone from college spoke to students about going to college. • Students and their parents/guardians received information and/or assistance from school in selecting or applying to college. • Students had an adult mentor who worked with them all four years of high school. TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
TCTW So, what do you think the quality guidance and advisement components should look like in a tech center? How should it differ from or complement high school guidance? TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
How can we address the issues of offering the right guidance strategies to complement/support those at the home high school and meet the unique needs of tech center students? TCTW TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
2008 TCTW Assessment • Guidance indicators and emphasis • Intensive/high emphasis= 6 to 8 indicators • Moderate emphasis= 3 to 5 indicators • Low emphasis= 0 to 2 indicators TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
TCTW % of students provided timely guidance meeting readiness goals—Low Emphasis Tech Centers That Work Assessment, 2008 TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
TCTW % of students provided timely guidance meeting readiness goals—Moderate Emphasis Tech Centers That Work Assessment, 2008 TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
TCTW % of students provided timely guidance meeting readiness goals—High Emphasis Tech Centers That Work Assessment, 2008 TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
Need for Improved Guidance • 10% of students say school personnel play a key role in career guidance (Decisions Without Direction, 2002) • 51% of students say no one helped to advise on career and college options (Decisions Without Direction, 2002) • Career choice based on interest rather than opportunity (Decisions Without Direction, 2002) TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
Need for TC Guidance • Students must have a vision of the future • Lost in Transition, SREB, 2008 • 50% of CTE students indicated parents never attended a planning meeting at their high school • TCTW Assessment, SREB, 2008 • 34% of CTE students never received info about college • TCTW Assessment , SREB, 2008 TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
TCTW How do we improve the intensity of CTE students’ guidance experiences in tech centers? TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
TCTW Do you find out about individual dreams, talents, passions? If yes, how? TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
TCTW Thank you for your input and ideas. TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
If we can provide you with any assistance, please contact: Belinda McCharen 405-623-6196 belinda.mccharen@okstate.edu Doug Sutton doug.sutton@dese.mo.gov TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies
TCTW Take your table tent and move to the next session on your agenda. TCTW Forum-Quality CT Studies