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Appedology.ae has an extensive range of rich-quality digital solutions. With an availability of modern techno-tools, it has become a top apps development company in Dubai.
Introduction Appedology is a foremost app solution company in Dubai. Thecompanyisbasedonstrongprincipleandobjectivesto facilitates clients with the best customizable solutions in order to increase the level of generating higher revenues andleavingawatermarkwhichhelpsclienttocomebackto availotherservicesfromus.
Background Ourskilledprofessionalsarehighlyconcernedaboutdeliver- ing finest applications for our customer which nobody has offered before. We are not only expert in pro making apps on daily basis but are also expert in delivering augmented andvirtualrealityapps.Fromwebdevelopmenttoapplica- tion development, Game development, Digital marketing, Graphicdesigning,wehaveitall.
Goals andObjective • Businessgoalandobjectives • Projectgoalsandobjectives • Project ManagementApproach • ProjectScheduling • Project Roles andResponsibilities • CommunicationPlan • Risk Management Planing &Approach • ProjectBudgeting • Standards,Approvals&Certification
OurServices Mobile AppDevelopment MobileApplications,TheBestInventionOfAll: The advancement of technology has made it way easier for users to communicate with the help of few clicks. Technology, from inventing wheels to introducing computerstotheworldhascomealong way. Beingauser,wehavewitnessedand seen technology coming up with huge advancements and making our lives easier each day. With the invention of mobile phones technology has raised its own bar. With mobile phones and their strong rich accessibility, they have become everyone’sgoto deviceswithinnotime.Andsincetheinventionofthisremarkable device, the need of applications has reached toa new level. httpG:/E/wTwwS.aTpApeRdTolEogDy.ae
Wordpress WebDevelopment WhyWordPressIsTheBestChoice: Among all the Content Management System (CMS), WordPress is one of the most commonly used platforms. High ended themes integrated with MySQL and PHP are easily supported by WordPress. According to research, they are around 5 millions websites which use WordPress as theirmanagementsystem.Whenwebsitesarecreatedat Appedology, theyarebuiltwiththecorepurposeofgeneratingasmuchtrafficasthey can. When it comes to WordPress, it is an open source, easily understood and a free to use tool. It is also considered as the best tool for blogging purposes. It can be easily optimized with SEO support and can also be implemented at low cost. WordPress is built to offer a respon- sivedesign,withhaving social sharingfeatures,autosupportandupgrade,havingoptionsofmultiple page styling, itisthemostpreferredweb development among all. The various widgets and theme customization makes WordPress what it is today. Appedology, being a WordPress web developmentDubaimakesthebestWordPressplatformforyou.Younameitandwewillmakeitforyou. httpG:/E/wTwwS.aTpApeRdTolEogDy.ae
CreativeDesign BestDesignServicesForYou: Havingagoodproductorserviceisimportant,buthavinganattractivedesignto attractcustomerstowardsyourbusinessisequallyimportant.Engagingwiththe customersisoneofthemostessentialstepsforanybusiness,thereforemarket- ingtoolsshouldbeveryimportantwhilemakingyourdesign.Theappearanceof a company has become an essential part to attract the customers. Therefore, working on the design page of a company is important. The design of a page includes banners, brochure, websites, business logo, sales page and landing page. httpG:/E/wTwwS.aTpApeRdTolEogDy.ae
AppSolutions ConnectWithTheWorldInstantly: Mobile applications, the best revolution in the field of technology has taken over our lives like they were always there. Today, in the world of business, there is a need of mobile applications. Therefore appsolutions are highly demanded by the companies. Appedology, being a top mobile appsolutioncompanyDubaioffersabundleofsolutionsfortheendorse- mentoftheproductsandservicesyouofferintheshapeofmobileapps. With these app solutions, your business get a new life and help enhance your business coverage wider than before. In order to gather the right customers and keep getting more traffic, mobile apps are considered as oneofthemostfeasibleoptionsforcompaniestoadapt. httpG:/E/wTwwS.aTpApeRdTolEogDy.ae
AboutUS Appedology is a UAE based service providing company. Since the inception of the company, Appedology (a leading UAE based appdevelop- mentcompany)hasbeenknownforprovidingenrichedapplicationservices.Fromskillfulsoftwareanalysts,toimaginativedevelopers, experienced architects, to creative designers, we have itall. Westrivehardtoprovidesatisfactoryresultstothecustomersastheyaretheoneswhomatterthemostfor us. Weprioritizeourclientsnot just by fulfilling their requirements, but making sure they continue coming back to us. We don’t believe in the phenomena of a one-time customer.Ifyouhavebecomeourclientforonce,youwillremainourcustomerforever. Come forward,tellusyourrequirementsandleavetheresttousandbereadytotransformyourdesiresintoarealityyou’vebeendreaming forever. Mission Vision MarketValue ProgressRecord QualityStandards Resources
Sales@appedology.ae www.appedology.ae SheikhKhalifaBinSaeedStreetDubai. APPSOLUTION Mobile PaymentSolution- School ManagementSolution- Restaurant FinderApp- AugmentedRealityApp- RETAIL /BUSINESS Point ofSale- Hotel ManagementSystem- Saloon ManagementSystem- Pharmacy ManagementSystem- InventoryManagementSystem- Customer RelationshipManagement- BusinessProcessOutsourcing- • MOBILE APPSDEVELOPMENT • iOS AppDevelopment • Android AppDevelopment • WEDDEVELOPMENT • PHP WebDevelopment • Joomla WebDevelopment • Wordpress WedDevelopment • DESIGNING • BannerDesign • BrochureDesign • LogoDesign • WebsiteDesign