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A Complete Review of the Family Tree Maker 2019 Software

We have created this blog for all those customers who are looking forward to knowing a complete review of the Family Tree Maker 2019 software. So if you too are one of them then you would be extremely glad to have come across this post.

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A Complete Review of the Family Tree Maker 2019 Software

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  1. A Complete Review of the Family Tree Maker 2019 Software legacyfamilytreehelp.com/family-tree-maker-2019-review By Andy March 1, 2025 We have created this blog for all those customers who are looking forward to knowing a complete review of the Family Tree Maker 2019 software. So if you too are one of them then you would be extremely glad to have come across this post. Well, if you already are a genealogist and you’re searching for the best software to compile your data then definitely FTM 2019 is the best choice you could make. Moreover, the many amazing features in FTM put FTM at the top of the genealogical program list. Hence in this blog, we will discuss the review and explain the details required. All About the Family Tree Maker 2019 Review To begin with, you should know that for about 30 years now Family Tree Maker developers have been working on the software just to make it even better for its users. Besides we can say that the software developer from MacKiev has done an excellent job with the software. New Features Added in Family Tree Maker for data TreeVault Well, this is a cloud-based service which allows you to keep your data safe on a cloud server. You can easily restore your family tree data by using the TreeVault Cloud Service. This means that if you happen to lose your device then you won’t lose your data. Also 1/4

  2. note that TreeVault is free for 12 months only after that you would need to make a payment if you want to continue to use this service. The nominal fee for TreeVault after 12 months is $20 or USD 30. The Family Tree Maker Connect App With this connect app you can view your tree on a smart device such as iPhone, iPad, or Android-based operating system devices. Moreover, this is one of the best features added to FTM 2019. Next of Kin Here you get to designate someone as a successor this means that once you give up on Family Tree Maker then the successor can take over your legacy. You also can create a certificate and then send it to the person you would like to appoint. Turn Back Time This is one of the most essential features and you should definitely know and learn more on how to use it. Therefore we have explained below how it can benefit you to use the ‘Turn Back Time’ feature. As an example; imagine yourself to be a user and you have been working on your family tree for years. Now you have taken a full backup of your FTM tree a few weeks ago, while you were also working on your tree and you have found a mistake you made five days ago. Well with this feature you can go back five days ago and restore your tree to 5 days back. Just as simple you do not need to restore your tree to 3 weeks back. Some more new features added to FTM 2019 by MacKiev Profile Picture Perfection This is an amazing inbuilt tool which allows you to edit photos and has manual and automatic adjustments therefore remember that if you are not a professional photo editor then you can let this tool do the job for you. This simply works great if you have one person in the photo. AlbumWALK Media Player With the AlbumWALK feature, you get to record a voice about the photo. For example; suppose you have multiple images then you can tap on each and then record the voices one by one. Now after you are done AlbumWALK will add music and create a small movie or clips. Also Read: Legacy Family Tree Help Review Other Important Features of Family Tree Maker Companion Guide 2/4

  3. Did you know that for every step you would need to learn how to use FTM in the companion guide provided? For example, you will need to read the ‘Companion Guide’s’ instructions carefully to learn how to add a person or information about the person. Moreover, note that this is also called the FTM 2019 manual. NOTE: You must know that we do not suggest you buy a Companion Guide as MacKiev has yet to deliver the order that they had taken two years back. Charts and Reports Furthermore, you should choose to explore Family Tree Maker’s Chart and Reports. Also now you can create reports and print them out easily with the all-new FTM 2019. For example; if you want you can select your grandfather and then get to create his entire report as well. Rich Color Coding This feature lets you assign a color to your bloodline hence it helps you to recognize your family lines. Besides it also helps your family tree to look beautiful and colorful. Photo Darkroom You would also love this feature as it is one of most users’ favourite features. Here you get to upload an old picture of an ancestor and then use this tool to make it look new. Moreover, it is simply effortless to use as well as recreate the perfect image. Conclusion After going through the above information we hope that we have answered all your queries regarding FTM 2019 review. Nevertheless, if you need any help further you can feel free to call us at the provided Support Number +1-800-697-1474. We have the best qualified and experienced technicians who can all FTM-related concerns effectively. FAQs Q1. What do I do when I encounter issues with the Family Tree Maker 2019 program? A. Well, if you come across any problem with FTM 2019 then you can choose to chat with MacKiev and get instant help. Moreover, if you would like a premium service then you can contact us directly at +1-800-697-1474. Q2. Where can I buy the Family Tree Maker 2019 software? A. You can directly purchase FTM 2019 from MacKiev. Q3. Is there a Family Tree Maker 2019 discount currently? A. Well, you can check with MacKiev chat support; as they do have a discount offer from time to time. Q4. Is there a Family Tree Maker 2019 download available for free? 3/4

  4. A. You need to know that this software is premium software and therefore you would need to buy it. Q5. What is the process for getting a Family Tree Maker 2019 upgrade? A. You would need to click on the FTM app and then go to the ‘Help’ tab. Now in the ‘Help’ tab, you must click on the option that says ‘Check for Updates and Upgrades.’ After that, you just need to click on it to update or upgrade the FTM software. Live Chat Support 4/4

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