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2008 Adequate Yearly Progress Reports . Understanding status determination for schools and districts. AYP Status Determination uses Status Plus Growth. Status-Percent of nonmobile students proficient in literacy and math compared to AMO (annual measurable objective)
2008 Adequate Yearly Progress Reports Understanding status determination for schools and districts
AYP Status Determination usesStatus Plus Growth • Status-Percent of nonmobile students proficient in literacy and math compared to AMO (annual measurable objective) • Confidence Interval applied to AMO • Safe Harbor-Reduce number of students below proficient by 10% in one year • Confidence interval applied to Safe Harbor • Growth-Below Proficient students meeting growth are added to numerator of percent proficient calculation
For Status and Growth Its About Meeting the Annual Measurable Objectives(AMOs)
How is student “growth” added into the AYP status determination calculations? Status percent proficient = # non-mobile proficient/advanced All non-mobile students tested Growth percent proficient = (# non-mobile prof/adv + # non-mobile below proficient who met growth) All non-mobile students tested
Quick Facts About AR Growth Model • Growth is represented by a student making expected gains in a one year period. • The amount of expected gain is determined by several factors: • The baseline score of the student • The baseline grade level of the student • An expected gain proportion • Proficiency from year to year is non-linear
Growth Increment Equation GI = [(Pb – Pa)/(P8 – Pa)] * (P8 – X) GI = Expected Growth Increment Pb = Current Year Proficiency Scaled Score Cut Point Pa = Baseline Year Proficiency Scaled Score Cut Point P8 = Grade 8 Proficiency Scaled Score Cut Point X = Student’s Baseline Year Score Pb is 2007 Score for students who have a 2006 score. Pa is 2006, the baseline year for all students tested in 2007 in grades 4-8.
Arkansas Pilot Growth Model for NCLB • 69 schools were impacted positively by the growth model in AYP in 2007 • 106 schools met the goals for math or literacy by growth, positively impacting preliminary AYP in 2008 • No schools were impacted negatively by the growth model in AYP
Amendments 2008 • Growth model will be applied to schools and to districts for AYP reports • Hold harmless for new or reconfigured schools can only be used once every 3 years • Students in the special education subgroup can be retained in the subgroup for up to 2 years after being released from special education subgroup.
Sample AYP Report • Review overall 2008 AYP Status • 2. Review overall Math and Lit status • 3. Review Prior Year status • 4. How did you get here? Review the Summary of Subgroup AYP
Subgroup Summary: • Check to see if your school met status or safe harbor in every group for a subject. • If yes, then your school met standards for the overall subject status. • If no, check growth. • Did your school meet growth for all groups in the subject? • If yes, then your school will have a MS or SI M for overall subject status. • If no, then your school would be on Alert or some level of School Improvement for overall subject status.
Review Page 2 • Review 2007-08 % proficient from page 2. Identify any subgroups that are not MS or NA for math or literacy. • Review 3 year to see which situation benefits the status for the subject. • Review the “same subject” history. • If a subgroup is not MS or NA go to Page 3 to check safe harbor.
Then Review Page 3. • Check the subgroups that did not meet the AMO by % proficient to see if the group reduced the number of students below proficient by 10%. • If MS (SH) or SI_M (SH) then the group met standards by Safe Harbor provisions. • If not, then go to Page 4. • Caveat: you cannot qualify to apply Safe Harbor provisions to a subgroup if the subgroup did not meet the 95% tested requirement.
How to Calculate Safe Harbor in AYP: • Determine the percentage Not Proficient the previous year: • 100 minus previous year percentage of students proficient = Previous year percentage NOT proficient. • For example, 37% proficient = 63% NOT proficient • Calculate the number of students = 10% of previous year’s percentage NOT proficient (63 x 0.10 = 6.3) • Reduce Last Year’s Percent NOT Proficient by that 10% 63-6.3=56.7 • The difference you obtained in Step 3 is the largest percentage of students who are NOT proficient that your school can have this year. • Subtract the difference from 100 to determine the percentage proficient you need to meet growth for Safe Harbor purposes. 100-56.7=43.3% proficient • A 75% confidence interval for growth is then calculated and the lower bound is applied. Schools that meet safe harbor conditions for a subgroup are considered to have met standards for that subgroup.
Subgroup Details for Growth • Check to see if the subgroup met the % proficient AMO after adding students who met their expected growth. • Note: no confidence interval is applied to the % proficient for growth. Therefore, a small number of schools met % proficient AMO for traditional status, but not for growth.
Which schools were not impacted by growth for AYP? • Schools that met standards using the traditional status/safe harbor model • Schools that did not include grade ranges that had growth scores • Grades 8-12, 9-12, etc. high schools • Grades 8-9 junior high schools • Elementary schools that included only grade 3 or below.
District AYP 2008 • Traditional status determination and safe harbor are applied to districts. • Students are grouped into K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 “AYP groups” by grade range. • Each AYP group’s % proficient is compared to the AMO for combined population as well as the five subgroups. • Safe harbor is then applied to each AYP group. • Growth is then applied to each AYP group
District AYP- Status Determination • If an AYP group misses the AMO or Safe Harbor for Comb. Pop or any subgroup then that AYP group does not meet standards. • If the K-5 AYP group’s economic disadvantaged students miss the AMO and do not meet for Safe Harbor for math, then the K-5 AYP group does not meet AYP for math, even though comb. pop. and the other subgroups did meet standards for K-5 math. • It only takes one subgroup or the combined population to miss AMO or Safe Harbor for the AYP group to miss AYP. • Districts must miss AMO or Safe Harbor for all 3 AYP groups in the same subject to not meet AYP as a district.
To reiterate: • For each AYP group (K-5, 6-8, or 9-12): • Within the same subject, math or literacy, if any subgroup or the combined population miss AMO or Safe Harbor, the AYP group is considered to have not met standards (Alert or SI) • For all 3 AYP groups: • Within the same subject, math or literacy, if all 3 AYP groups have not met standards, then the district has not met standards for that subject overall. • For both Attendance and Graduation Rate: • A district must miss both attendance and graduation goal to miss AYP for the secondary indicator • The final overall status for district is equal to the worst case status of math, literacy or the secondary indicator.
Example: Overall Math Status is Meets StandardsBecause only the K-5 AYP Group missed the AMO
Example: Overall Math Status is Meets StandardsBecause only the K-5 and 9-12 AYP Group missed the AMO
Example: Overall Math Status is School Improvement Year 1Because all three AYP Groups missed the AMO for subgroup or CP
What about secondary indicators? • Final Status Determination:Overall Literacy: MSOverall Math: MS Attendance Rate: MS Grad Rate: Alert Overall district status: MS • Final Status Determination:Overall Literacy: MSOverall Math: MS Attendance Rate: Alert Grad Rate: Alert Overall district status: Alert
2008 District AYP Report: • Page 1 summary • Pages 2-7 are AYP Group detail pages • Page 8 details Subgroup details for Growth
AYP Group % Proficient Detail Page For each grade range the subgroup calculations are delineated. All non-mobile students from all schools in the district are included.
AYP Group Safe Harbor Detail Page For each AYP Group Safe Harbor is calculated and applied to each subgroup. Percent tested must be met for the AYP Group subgroups to be eligible.
Subgroup details for Growth-Page 8 View the groups in each AYP group that made or did not make growth and how that impacted status.
Student Level Data • SIR08 will be available to check all students included in AYP calculations • ED.STATS portal, Data Downloads
Corrections Process • Four Web sessions on corrections Session 1: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. August 14, 2008 Session 2: 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. August 14, 2008 Session 3: 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. August 15, 2008 Session 4: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. August 15, 2008 • 9 corrections sheets • Benchmark: match, no match test, no match APSCN • EOC math: match, no match test, no match APSCN • Grade 11 Literacy: match, no match test, no match APSCN