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Renewable Energy and Tribal-Federal Partnerships

Topics. Overviews of Western, Tribal Allocations, Transmission and Renewable ActivitiesWestern's Open Access Transmission TariffSection 2605 of EPAct 2005Allocation Study Firming capabilitiesTransmission assistanceSection 2606 of EPAct 2005 Wind/Hydro Feasibility StudyInformational Resource

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Renewable Energy and Tribal-Federal Partnerships

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    1. Renewable Energy and Tribal-Federal Partnerships Environmental Justice in America 2008 Conference Howard University Law School May 21 - 23, 2008

    2. Topics Overviews of Western, Tribal Allocations, Transmission and Renewable Activities Western’s Open Access Transmission Tariff Section 2605 of EPAct 2005 Allocation Study Firming capabilities Transmission assistance Section 2606 of EPAct 2005 Wind/Hydro Feasibility Study Informational Resources

    5. Western Allocations to Native American Tribes

    6. Western Allocations to Native American Tribes Largest Tribal Allocations

    7. Smallest Tribal Allocations Western Allocations to Native American Tribes

    9. Western Renewable Activities Renewable Energy for Federal Agencies - Purchase of Renewable Energy Credits (500,000 MWH/year) Purchase of Solar Energy for Fort Carson and NREL Beginning to expand to non-Federal customers Dakota Wind Study Western Partnerships to promote Renewables DOE Federal Energy Management program NREL Washington State University Public Renewables Partnership EPA Green Power Partnership /

    10. Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) All requests for Transmission and Interconnection must follow OATT procedures No preference for renewables in acquiring transmission Western OATT Innovations to support renewables Energy Imbalance—no penalty for intermittent resources, such as wind (RMR only) Long-term Non-Firm Transmission Service—adopted in January 2005 Future—consistent with FERC Order 890, Western will offer Contingent Firm transmission service

    11. Energy Policy Act Section 2605—“Encourage Indian Tribal Energy Development” Power Allocation Study Use allocations for firming and reserves: For Western obligations For Native American Owned energy projects Prevailing market prices, terms and conditions are required for purchases by Western Transmission Assistance

    12. Section 2605—Power Allocation Study Report covers Western, BPA, SWPA and SEPA Identifies power received by Tribes Identifies potential barriers to delivery of power to Tribes Assesses opportunities to remove barriers Western no longer requires Tribes to be utilities to be eligible to receive Federal power Western adopted non-traditional methods for transferring benefits to the Tribes—Bill Crediting, Benefit Crediting Several Tribes provided feedback to Western prior to completion of the report Presented to Congress 12/7/2007

    13. Section 2605—Firming for Western or for Native American Owned Energy Projects Firming for Western is being evaluated as part of the Section 2606 Wind/Hydro Integration Study Firming for Native American Owned Energy Projects. Western is developing a draft policy for implementation of this provision Internal policy paper has been drafted and is currently under management review Recommendation will be made to Western’s Administrator by Summer 2008

    14. Section 2605—Transmission Assistance Tribes may request Western to provide technical assistance for Tribes wanting to acquire transmission Assistance will be funded by: Non-reimbursable appropriations The Tribe To date, Congress has not appropriated funds for this purpose Western has not received a request for assistance under this Section

    15. Energy Policy Act Section 2606 Wind-Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Objective: Determine feasibility of integrating wind with hydro resources to support Western’s firm power obligations. Must show positive cost/benefit for Western May result in recommendation for demonstration project Study Team: Tribes: Blackfeet, Fort Peck, Santee Sioux Nation, Intertribal COUP Government agencies: Western, Corps of Engineers, USBR, BIA. NREL Power customers: Rushmore Electric, NPPD, Heartland Workplan developed through collaborative process of study team After public comment, workplan was finalized on November 6, 2007

    16. Energy Policy Act Section 2606 Wind-Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Workplan Element 1: Approve workplan Element 2: Collect and analyze historical Western data Element 3: Collect Tribal wind data Element 4: Evaluate transmission capability in relation to projects identified in Element 3 Element 5: Perform cost/benefit analyses Element 6: Prepare study results Status: Work is proceeding on elements 2 and 3. Target completion—Summer 2008

    17. Request for Interest in Tribal Renewable Energy Request for expression of interest in acquiring Native American renewable energy products: Energy Delivery Renewable Energy Credits Prepared in consultation with ICOUP RFI issued July 30, 2007; sent to more than 400 customers Western received four responses. Western provided information to ICOUP

    18. Wrap-up Western is nearing completion of all Section 2606 work required under EPAct 2005. Western looks forward to partnering with Native American Tribes on future projects: Encourage Tribal energy development Mutual benefit to Tribes and Western Positive or neutral rate impact for Western Consider how to customize services to meet individual tribal needs

    19. Informational Resources Renewable Energy for Federal Agencies - http://www.wapa.gov/powerm/pmtags.htm Dakota Wind Study - http://www.wapa.gov/ugp/PlanProject/DakotasWind/Study%20Summary%20Revised%2001-16-07.pdf DOE Federal Energy Management program - http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/ NREL - http://www.eere.energy.gov/greenpower/about/index.shtml Washington State University – www.wapa.gov/es Public Renewables Partnership – www.repartners.org EPA Green Power Partnership - http://www.epa.gov/greenpower

    20. Contacts Upper Great Plains – Jody Sundsted, Power Marketing manager, (406) 247-7394, sundsted@wapa.gov Rocky Mountain – Craig Knoell, Federal Power Program manager, (970) 461-7637, knoell@wapa.gov Sierra Nevada – Bob Cheskey, Regional regulatory and marketing advisor, (916) 353-4482, cheskey@wapa.gov Desert Southwest – Brian Young, Power Contracts and Energy Services manager, (602) 605-2594, byoung@wapa.gov Colorado River Storage Project Management Center – Brad Warren, Colorado River Storage Project program manager, (801) 524-6372, warren@wapa.gov Stephen Tromly, Tribal Energy Representative, Corporate Services Office, 720-962-7256, tromly@wapa.gov,

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