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The Monroe Magnum shock absorber for Class 6-8 Vehicles is the first gas-charged, large-bore shock specifically designed for air spring and taper leaf suspensions. Its nitrogen gas charge provides the fast response essential for today's heavy truck suspension systems. Its extra-large piston bore is engineered to handle the demands of high mileage and severe use. When combined, the gas charge and large-bore provide the consistent control necessary for demanding truck suspensions. For More Information visit us.
2019CHEVROLETSILVERADO1500MONROE RearLeft&RightMax-Air Air ShockAbsorbers- Set of2 TheMonroeMagnumshockabsorberforClass6-8Vehiclesisthefirstgas-charged,large-boreshock specificallydesignedforairspringandtaperleafsuspensions.Itsnitrogengaschargeprovidesthefast responseessentialfortoday'sheavytruck suspension systems.Itsextra-largepiston boreisengineered to handle the demands of high mileage and severe use. When combined, the gas charge and large-bore providetheconsistentcontrolnecessary fordemandingtrucksuspensions.This2019CHEVROLET SILVERADO1500 MONROERearLeft &Right Max-AirAir ShockAbsorbersmakeyourride comfortable more.
BasicFeatures: The 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 shocks offer exceptional damping, ensuring a smoother ride. They provide precise controlandimproved handling, enhancingthe overalldrivingexperience.Their durabilityandreliabilitymakethem asolidchoiceforvariousdriving conditions. DetailedInsight: The 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 shocks boast advanced technology for optimal suspension performance.Theyoffercustomizablesettings,allowingdriversto fine-tune their ride comfort.Witha heavy-dutydesign,theseshocks excel inhandling demanding terrainsandloads. Benefits: The benefits of the 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 shocks include improved stability and control, enhancingsafety.Theyoffer a smoother andmorecomfortable ride,reducing driver andpassenger fatigue on long journeys. These shocks are designed for durability, ensuring long-lasting performance andcost-effectiveness. Installation&Use: Installingand usingthe2019 ChevroletSilverado1500shocksis straightforward,makingthemaccessible for bothDIYenthusiasts andprofessionalmechanics.Theiruser-friendlydesign allows forhassle-free installation.Oncein place,theseshocksprovidesuperiorperformance,deliveringan enhanceddriving experienceforvariouspurposes. Specification: The specifications ofthe2019ChevroletSilverado1500shockstypically includeinformationabouttheir size, type, and compatibility with the vehicle. These shocks are engineered to fit the Silverado 1500's suspensionsystem,offeringprecisecontrolanddurability.Detailedspecifications may varybased on the specificshock variant. MakeThe Right Choice: Fortheright choicein purchasing2019Chevrolet Silverado1500shocks,consider buyingfrom AutoBuffy. They offer a wide selection and expertise to ensure you get the best fit for your vehicle. Trust AutoBuffyforqualityandreliabilityinshockabsorbers.