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Is Inflation a fiscal phenomenon in Pakistan? By Hamna Ahmed Department of Economics, University of Warwick. To answer this question we will be looking at the following variables: Fiscal deficits D = G – t Seiniorage S = M – M (-1) /P Price level. Motivation.
Is Inflation a fiscal phenomenon in Pakistan?ByHamna AhmedDepartment of Economics,University of Warwick.
To answer this question we will be looking at the following variables: • Fiscal deficits D =G – t • Seiniorage S = M – M(-1)/P • Price level
Motivation • Inflation in Pakistan: Persistent Ever-increasing A serious challenge
Objective A simple model has been designed to assess: • Direct Impact of d on p: d aggregate demand p • Indirect Impact of d on p: d s by printing money p
A Step-wise Approach • Step I A preliminary model – any meaningful long-run relationship between deficit & seiniorage? • Step II The final model – all three variables tested jointly.
Fiscal Deficits Seigniorage Inflation Direct & Indirect Impact illustrated Channel 1 direct Channel 2 to 3 indirect 1 2 3
Methodology • Johansen approach to co-integration analysis • Interested in long-run dynamics only because…. • Data– annual time series, Sample period: 1956 – 2005, Source: IFS repository.
Model Specification • Model Specification – log-linear p = α + β* d + γ*s + µ where: p = ln(P) d = ln(G - t ) s = ln(Ṁ/P) = ln(Ṁ) – ln(P) β= elasticity of p w.r.t deficits γ = elasticity of p w.r.t. seigniorage
Preliminary Model – Estimation • The following VAR modeled to discern a long-run relationship between deficit and seigniorage: y(t) = μ + ∏(1)y(t-1) + ∏(2) y(t-2) + ℮(t) where y(t)′ = (y(1t), y(2t)) y(1t) = seiniorage y(2t) = deficit ℮ (t) ′ = (℮(1t), ℮(2t)
Preliminary Model – Results • Johansen approach yields a stable long-run relationship between deficit and seiniorage given by: s = 0.447d + residual (C1) • To finance a 1% increase in fiscal deficit in the long run, seigniorage would increase by 0.447% on average, ceteris paribus.
The Final Model – Results • Again a VAR estimated • The Johansen procedure yields a stable long-run relationship at 5% level of significance: p = 0.0349d + 1.1535s + residual(C2) • A 1% increase in deficit increases expected inflation by 0.0349% ceteris paribus. • A 1% increase in seigniorage increases expected inflation by 1.1535% ceteris paribus.
Summary & Findings • In Pakistan, inflation is highly elastic to monetary expansion: a 1% in seiniorage (money creation) 1.15% price hike, ceteris paribus. • Direct impact of d on p: a 1%in deficits 0.0349% in expected inflation, ceteris paribus. • Indirect impact of d on p: a 1%in deficits 0.447% in seiniorage 0.516% price hike, ceteris paribus.
Conclusion • Apparent cause of inflation may be monetary but true dynamics of macro-economic instability go deeper - persistence of fiscal deficit financed largely if not entirely by seiniorage. • Effective stabilization policy must be designed in accordance.