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PET-VET Supplies S.A. A W orld of P roducts for S mall A nimals. PET-VET Supplies S.A. M. & G. MANTAKAS L.KARAMANLI 173b 136 71 ACHARNES – ATHENS - GREECE TEL. 0030 210 2409229 FAX: 0030 210 2441090 Email: petvet@hol.gr Web: www.petvethellas.com. Objective of Profile.
PET-VET Supplies S.A. A World of Products for Small Animals PET-VET Supplies S.A. M. & G. MANTAKAS L.KARAMANLI 173b 136 71 ACHARNES – ATHENS - GREECE TEL. 0030 210 2409229 FAX: 0030 210 2441090 Email: petvet@hol.gr Web: www.petvethellas.com
Objective of Profile PET-VET supplies S.A. Intends with this profile: • To offer realistic information concerning the company and the Greek market situation • To establish new relationships that would enhance the market penetration and increase the profitability of the company’s and new ventors products.
General Overview • PET-VET supplies S.A. is a privately held, Greek company specialized in the sales of leading edge products for small animals in the Greek market. Recently, the company has made bussiness contact with Cyprus and Balkanian companies, expanding sales in these markets.
Mission Statement • The company’s mission is to provide the final consumer, (small animal owner) with the best quality products, while offers to the specialized pet shop the most wide range of products than any other Greek import company.
Product Overview PET-VET supplies S.A. Currently imports and distributes the products of the following companies: • PROPAC - USA: premium dog and cat food • FLEXI – GERMANY: Extended leads for dogs & cats • CHASSOT AG –VETOQUINOL S.A. Switzerland: food supplements, pharmaceuticals, vitamins for animals • EFAMOL ltd - U.K. : Special food supplements and vitamins for skin • PET SNACKS – Austria: Sausages for dogs • NYLABONE - U.S.A.: Special dog bones for dental health • MARCHIORO - Italy : plastic accessories, cages for dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, fish e.t.c. • HAN-LIEN - THAI: The biggest range of collars and leashes - nylon and leather – with the best quality • ARMITAGE - U.K.: Good Boy products, accessories , shampoo, rotastak products, peter rabbit products e.t.c. • BOB MARTIN – U.K.: The biggest range of brushes and combs • GRACIOUS LIVING – Canada: PVC doghouses • FAG - Italy: dog muzzles • PET-MATE - U.K.: Dog and cat doors in several sizes and colors • FLAMINGO – Holland: Several items for small animals • RECORD-RINALDO FRANCO - Italy . Several items for small animals • ZOLUX – France: Beds, clothing and toys for dogs and cats • TOLSA S.A. (Sanicat) – Spain: high quality sepiolite cat litter • CHEMIVIT-CLIFFI Italy: Big range of bird and rodent food, additives, vitamins e.t.c • SACEM – Italy: Filters, pumps, heaters, etc. for aquariums • JUWEL- GERMANY: high quality aquariums in different sizes with full equipment of filters, lights,etc. • JUNGLE - U.S.A.: Aquarium products for any kind of problems • DAJANA – ZECH REP: Fish food for Aquarium fishes • T.F.H. Publications - U.S.A.: More than 1,500 book titles all kind of animals
Marketing Overview • Greek market is very small. The population of Greece is less than 11.000.000 people. More than the half of the Greek population lives in Athens. • Only in the last few years people who own a pet have started spending money for it, and that explains the recently rapid development of the Greek pet market. • The small animal accessories market is still small. All the pet-shops in Greece are +- 1300. • From these, 700 exist in Athens, and 600 in the rest of the country. • From these 1300 pet-shops, only the 800 include in their range small animal accessories, and the rest 500 are dedicated to livestock and food. • Our company serves almost 2200 points of sales into the Greek territory. That means that we sell our products to all pet-shops in Greece, both in mainland and in all the Greek islands, plus many supermarkets. • We also supply with some of our products, two of the biggest Greek supermarket chains (SKLAVENITIS and METRO ) with a very good success.
PET-VET Supplies S.A. Human Capital
Competitive Advantages of Pet-Vet Supplies S.A. • The widest range of products compared to any other company in Greece in the small animal bussiness. This makes it easier to sell to all pet shops, veterinarians and supermarkets. • Two main distributing points in Athens & Thessaloniki offer easier access to the whole Greek mainland and the islands, and low transportation cost for the customers. • Both, the President of the company (Dr.Michael J. Mantakas) and the Gen.Manager of the N.Greece office (Dr.A.Spyridakis) are clinician veterinarians, which means that they know better than anyone the needs of small animals… and their owners.
Location - main distributing Points • Main office and warehouse of the company are located in Athens, the financial, commerce and Geographical centre of Greece. Athens department serves most of the mainland, Aegean & Ionian Islands, Krete e.t.c • N. Greece departmentand warehouse are located in Thessaloniki, the financial, and commerce centre of N.Greece, and serve the N.Greece mainland and the Islands of N.Aegean