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Any student who chooses the IB Diploma Program will acquire the qualification recognized worldwide.<br><br>As more schools are making the switch to the IB, we thought weu2019d share what makes this program so important, and why it could be the right course of study for you:-https://blog.rewiser.in/understanding-merits-of-ib-diploma-program/
Understanding the Merits of the IB DiplomaProgram The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diplomais a 2-year academic program open to students aged 16 to 19 years. Students who successfully complete the program and its requirements earn the IB Diploma. Diploma program is an important credential for college applications and other purposes. The IB Diploma program requires students to choose courses in 6 subject areas and pass exams. Out of these, 3 or 4 subjects can be chosen by the student at the Higher Level or HL, while the remaining subjects can be taken at the StandardLevel or SL. Asmore schools are making the switch to the IB, we thought we'd sharewhy thisprogram isso important, and why it might be theright course of study for you. BreadthandDepthofStudy IB students are required to study courses from 6 different subject groups including Mathematics, Science, Languages and Humanities. The structure aims to develop breadth anddepth of knowledge and understanding. HighAcceptanceRate Students holding IB Diploma certificate have relatively higher university and college acceptancerates ascompared to studentsstudying under otherboards.
LearningThroughExperience IB students participate in activity, creativity and service. Its purpose is to allow students to learn through experience and take action in the service of others. Students can pursue their dreamsand their skillsthrough projects, clubs,community service, sportsand other co-curricular activities. It helps in shaping the students into confident, motivated and engagedindividuals. LiberalMinded IB Diploma program students understand and respect different cultures and are open to other people's beliefs, values and traditions. Students will explore and evaluate a variety of concepts,and build on experiences along theway. Freedom IB students are motivated to make connections between what they learn and follow their instincts. Connections can be made between what is learned in the science classroom and what happens on the playground. After that, this link can be built into a personal project of study, such as an extended essay. Students are given the freedom to find their interests and inspirations. RiskTakers StudentstakingtheIBDiplomaprogramaretrainednottobeafraidofuncertainties.They are also trained to be independent, to develop new strategies and ideas, and to be articulate enoughto be able to defend their beliefs. ResearchSkills Twoother elements ofthe IB Diploma programare the Extended Dissertationand Knowledge Theory components. These components require students to acquire advanced independent research and organizational skills – vital for any student seeking higher educationor success in their future careers. IndependentThinking The IB classroom involves discussion and two-way communication between the teacher and thestudents.Everymemberoftheclassisencouragedtospeakandexpresshis/her opinion. This teaching style produces students capable of substantive thought, who are confidentin their approach, and who wantto listen and be informed byothers. GlobalCitizenship The IB Diploma Program is globally recognized. It is offered by approximately 150 countries and is accredited by colleges and universities in approximately 90 countries. This includes someof themost prestigiousAmerican universitiessuch asHarvard, Yale, andStanford.
The IB curriculum also trains students to be outgoing and culturally aware, so they are well preparedas global citizens. Challenging It is rigorous, motivating and inspiring, and provides students with the opportunity to excel and see what they are capable of. IB is extremely beneficial for those who want to challenge themselves. Students gain skills and a level of confidence that will help them move forward throughouttheir lives. The IB Diploma program opens doors of opportunities for the students, and with the above mentionedqualities, it is clear thatthis program is much betterthan others. If you need any personal assistance, reach out to our experts here. We are extremely happyto help in whatever way we can.