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Abortions for unwanted pregnancies or unplanned pregnancies and even miscarriages are common. And women who undergo such experiences may have different reasons for pregnancy termination. Some couples consider their families complete. They do not want an addition so that they can dedicate all available resources to the existing kids. For more information please visit us: https://www.bangaloregenesishospital.com/<br><br>
SHOULD YOU GET A COPPER-T INSERTION JUST AFTER AN ABORTION? Start Page www.bangaloregenesishospital.com
Abortions for unwanted pregnancies or unplanned pregnancies and even miscarriages are common. And women who undergo such experiences may have different reasons for pregnancy termination. Some couples consider their families complete. They do not want an addition so that they can dedicate all available resources to the existing kids. Many unmarried girls seek abortions since they may not want to raise the child alone. In most cases, such pregnancies are unplanned and the couples are not ready for parenthood. Most married couples look towards abortions when they have other things ahead on their priority list. Besides, pregnancy symptoms wean very quickly when you are early since hormone levels are still rising. it is better to gather some knowledge on the legal aspects of abortion in Bangalore. If you want to read all these in detail, s abortion legal in Bangalore: What do you need to know? Next Page
INTRODUCTION TO A COPPER-T OR AN IUCD: Well, if you are reading this post, probably you are looking forward to getting an effective birth control option. And if you are thinking about getting a copper-T or an IUCD insertion, you are at the right place. So, here is a little introduction to this little wonder. A copper-T gets its name from its shape and the material used to make it. Yes, it is a small T-shaped device made of plastic and coated with copper. It is no longer than a matchstick. Nowadays, IUCDs are available that are made in several other materials And the doctor may prescribe them hormone-based IUCDs.This T-shaped device is planted in the uterus by a small 2-minute OPD procedure. The gynecologist manually inserts an IUCD in the woman’s uterus. Once she is sure of it being rightly positioned, the woman can return home knowing that she does not have to remember to take any contraceptive pills .
How does an IUCD work? An IUCD works by preventing the female egg from being fertilized by the male sperm. Now, every month, a woman during her reproductive age has a fertile window that lasts nearly 2-7 days. During this period, one of the two ovaries releases an egg. This egg then waits for up to a day to get fertilized by the sperm. The fertile window is the period during which this fertilization takes place. While the female egg life before fertilization is only up to a day, the male sperm life can last up to 5 days. So, there are chances of fertilization when sperm is already present in the reproductive tract before ovulation. The same can fertilize the egg upon its release. It inhibits the movement of sperm cells from the vagina to the fallopian tubes where fertilization occurs. IUCDs firstly prevent fertilization. But even if it happens in a case, the inflammatory changes of the endometrium may prevent the implantation of the embryo. And hence, contraception is successful.
SHOULD YOU GET AN IUCD JUST AFTER THE ABORTION? An IUCD works by preventing the female egg from being fertilized by the male sperm. Now, every month, a woman during her reproductive age has a fertile window that lasts nearly 2-7 days. During this period, one of the two ovaries releases an egg. THE WOMAN IS NOT PREGNANT Just after an abortion, the doctor is sure that the woman is non-pregnant. She may not need any additional tests. This will save the patient’s time and also the final cost needed for two procedures performed at two different times. A woman who has just got an abortion may be thinking about effective birth control. The spacing between the IUCD insertion and removal is also as wide as 5-10 years. This gives the couple sufficient time before the next planned pregnancy. Or can serve as effective birth control in case a future pregnancy is not a requisite for quite a longer duration.
Prevention of pain with an IUCD insertion at the time of a Gentle Care abortion: One of the biggest fears women face before an abortion is the same they fear before an IUCD insertion. And this is pain. Getting an IUCD insertion just after the abortion on the same appointment can save the dual pain. This is because, at the time of an abortion, the cervical os is open. And hence insertion is easy both for the doctor as well as for the patient. Women who opt for Gentle Care abortions in Bangalore can get painless abortions as well as IUCD insertions. Do you fear pain with abortion or an IUCD insertion? If yes, then definitely you may want to proceed with a Gentle Care abortion. It is absolutely painless, stress-free, and comfortable. You can also get an IUCD insertion. The cost of an abortion and the cost of an IUCD insertion at two different appointments may cost you double the amount. Whereas, having an IUCD insertion at the same abortion appointment can be a cost-effective solution to your two problems. The first being an unwanted pregnancy and the other an effective birth control method. As per a report published after a review on the satisfaction patients getting an IUCD after delivery/abortion/miscarriage (postpartum), IUCDs have emerged as contraception of choice. The rates of expulsion were low. Moreover, the benefits of getting the inconvenience of needing to return for postpartum care.
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