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5 Best Features of VoIP Phone Systems

<br>Choosing the best feature for VoIP phone system helps to improve the funtionality of business.<br>Small businesses and startup easily get benefited significantly if they are using these five best features.<br>Read more features and connect with us.

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5 Best Features of VoIP Phone Systems

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  1. 5Best Featuresof VoIPPhone Systems

  2. 1. CALLFORWARDING Thisfeatureensures thatacustomer’scall nevergoes unanswered. When activatedonaphone number, inboundcalls tothatlineare redirectedtoanother designatedphoneor anansweringservice.

  3. 2.  CALLRECORDING Businessownerscan recordcallsfor trainingandquality assurancepurposes. Someprovidersalso offercloudstorage spacetostore recordings. BlueFox Groupthatprovides VoIPphonesystemsin Phoenixoffersthis cloudstoragefeature.

  4. 3. CALLFLIP Userscantransfercalls fromonedeviceto anotherwiththepress ofabuttonwhileacall isinprogresswithout disconnectingthecall. Thisisthehandiest featurewhenauser’s mobiledevicebattery isabouttodieandthey needtoswitchtoa deskphone.

  5. 4. CONFERENCE BRIDGE Thisfeatureallows userstoholdmeetings withdozensoreven hundredsof participantsthrougha computer, smartphone, or internet-connected devicewitha microphone.

  6. 5. HOTDESKING Thisletsusersloginto ashareddeskphone toaccesspersonalized profilesandsettings. Throughthisfeature, employeescangain accesstotheirown voicemailandother VoIPfeaturesfromany officephone.

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