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A quick step-by-step installation guide for Microsoft Dynamics CRM portal extension with Power Microsoft Apps and third party portal solution with WordPress.<br>
How to Install PowerApps Portal in Dynamics 365 CRM In order for you to provide your customers with exceptional service, you willneed to do things that are above and beyond the basics. You will need to provide certain things that make their interaction with you more efficient and frictionless. Let’s see the steps of how you can install and activate the customer portal with Microsoft Power Apps and Dynamics 365 WordPress Customerportal. sales@crmjetty.com
Power Apps by Microsoft provides a new portal option with Dynamics 365 CRM. If you want to activate it, here are the steps for it. You can find steps to install the Power Apps portal from itsbackend. • Provision a PowerApps portalsteps • Steps to install PowerAppsportal: • Step 1: Sign into PowerApps. • Step 2: Select your environment from top right in which you have to install theportal. • Step 3: If you want to create a blank portal, click on Portal from blank. Or Step 3: Click on All Templates to create a portal from default portal templates. sales@crmjetty.com
Step 4: Enter Name and Address, then click oncreate. After you click on Create, the portal will begin provisioning and the status will be displayed innotifications. After the portal is provisioned successfully, the status is updated and the portal is displayed in thegrid: sales@crmjetty.com
From the More (...) option, you can edit or browse the portal. Browse the portal to see your Dynamics 365Portal. Apart from that, if you want to go for a third party option that can work with your WordPress frontend, there are steps to install and activate a Dynamics 365 WordPress customer portal from the WordPressbackend. sales@crmjetty.com
Dynamics 365 WordPress CustomerPortal Installationsteps • Dynamics CRM Plug-inInstallation • Toinstall‘DynamicsCRMCustomerPortal’plugin,the following steps have to befollowed: • Step 1: On purchasing the plugin, you will get a zip file named DynamicsCRM-Customer-Portal-v3.0.zip • Step2:LoginintoyourCRMandclickonSettings→ • Solutions. Or Step 2: If you are in a unified interface, click on the Settings icon given on the right side of the title bar. Then click on AdvancedSettings. sales@crmjetty.com
Step 3: Click on Import to upload and install theSolution. Step 4: Click on the Browse button and choose the Package Zip File for Dynamics CRM Customer Portalfrom the Import SolutionWindow. sales@crmjetty.com
Click on Next for further processing. Step 5: Check the box to enable any SDK message processing steps included in the solution and click on the Import button to import thesolution. sales@crmjetty.com
Step6:ClickonCloseafterasuccessfulcompletion message is displayed. Once you import the solution, it will be displayed in the solutions gridview. WordPress Manual Plugin installation Step 1: To start with the installation, log in as Administrator into WordPress. Hover over Plugins and click on Add New to install thepackage. Step 2:To upload the plugin, click on the UploadPlugin button. sales@crmjetty.com
Step 3: Now, click on the Browse button and browse the zip file. After uploading the package, click on the Install Now button to install thepackage. Step 4: Navigate to Installed plugins. Here, you can see that Dynamics CRMCustomer Portal Plugin was successfully installed. But it is stillinactive. Click on Activate to activate theplugin. sales@crmjetty.com
The Dynamics 365 WordPress customer portal allows for more flexibility, gives you more features and is scalable and customizable as you go. It can help you get things done and bridge the gap with yourcustomers. Source: https://www.crmjetty.com/blog/how-to-dynamics365-pow erapps-portal/ sales@crmjetty.com