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Board portals for nonprofits provide a modern approach to manage governance problems. Check out this article to know why having a board portal is beneficial.
Why You Should HaveA Board Portal for Your Nonprofit As we know, nonprofits usually deal with a limited budget. They often cut on expenses and tools to make ends meet. However,thegoalofnonprofitsissimilartocorporates,and that is to make profits. Thus, it is advisable to have board portals fornonprofits. Nonprofitsboardsareresponsibleforstrategicplanningand oversight, including cybersecurity. Apart from this, they spend a lot of time on fundraising, training, and managing volunteers. Marketing, aligning with activities, creating awarenessaretheotheractivitiesoftheboard. sales@crmjetty.com
Managing all these activities takes up a lot of time. The board may employ staff to help them. Managing all this manually can betedious. • Therefore,nonprofitsshouldhaveaboardportal.Readonto findthebenefitsofhavingaboardportal. • Virtual BoardRooms • Withmanytaskstohandle, theboardmembershavetoplan their every minute properly. They need to ensure that meetingsdonotalloftheirtime. • Virtual boardrooms can help board members speed uptheir meetings and avoid wasting time. Using voting and poll tools, the participants can discuss matters. They can tag documentsandshareconfidentialpapersacrosstheroom. • Directorscanalsorecordthesessionsforfuturepurposes. • SecureCommunication • Board Portals for nonprofits provide an online space where board members can share their calendars, documents and communicate securely. The platform is more secure thanan emailplatform.Itensurestheboardthatthecommunication sales@crmjetty.com
stays within them. It is a safe place for not only communicationbutalsodocumentsandmore. • Suggestion: Salesforce for nonprofits is one of the most secureplatforms.Justgofor it! • Time and CostSaving • As board members are involved in various projects, they have a resource scarcity. And anything that can save their costandtimeisvaluabletothem. • Using board portals, members can share the required information before the discussion. It would help the members prepare for meetings, sessions, and events. They can also schedule an agenda and share it with the team. They can use the time spent (during the session) to explain the plan for more effective discussion/or planning. This is especially handy when your board members are all over the worldandcannotcometoonegeographicallocation. • File SharingCapabilities • Sharing documents within the team and externally is an inherent feature of a board portal. The members can also viewandeditthefilesinaninstantfromanydevice. sales@crmjetty.com
Salesforce for nonprofitsprovides cloud storage forstoring copiesof reports, agenda,meetings,financialandcommittee founding documents, and other essential annotate documents.Italsohelpsboardmembersto documentsandapprovethoseusinge-signatures. • Transparency andAccountability • Nonprofits might hold the clients’ sensitive data, such astax and personal information. Thus, they need to be transparent, public, andsecure. • Board portals provide automatic archive and audit trails to maintain transparency. Further, it encrypts the data and provides extra enhancements to secure financial data. With noworriesaboutthedatabreach,boardmemberscanfocus on other essentialtasks. • Tip: Cybersecurity is a matter of concern. Thus, look for a secure portal, as it will help you strengthen trust and protect your organization’sdata. • ModernGovernance • Managing a nonprofits organization in the world of modern governance is difficult and complicated. To make it worse, the pressure from regulators and legal authorities onethics sales@crmjetty.com
and integrity keeps increasing. Thus, to relieve themselves, nonprofits need to take a modern approach to govern their boards. It would result in effective decision-making and successfuloutcomes. A board portal would provide nonprofits with all the necessarytoolsforimprovingefficiencyandeffectiveness. Make a FinalCall Boardportalswillserveyourorganizationwelltoreducethe risk associated with manual tasks, paper processing, and other traditional managementapproaches. Source: https://www.sooperarticles.com/business-articles/erp-articles/why -you-should-have-board-portal-your-nonprofit-1793212.html sales@crmjetty.com