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Salesforce for Nonprofit Tutorial for K-12 Education and Salesforce for Fundraising for Nonprofit organization are among popular Salesforce solutions. Read the post to know more.
Your Guide toSalesforce for Nonprofit Tutorial andFundraising Salesforce is the world’s no. 1 CRM with a global customer base of over 150,000 companies. Scalability, cloud storage, and world-class apps for service, sales, etc. make it a popularchoice. Out of a number of Salesforce products and solutions, Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack is a popular product under theNonprofit cloud. It is an open-source community-built software. Over 47,000 nonprofits helped build this nonprofit technology to help enhanceconstituent sales@crmjetty.com
relationship management. It helps program management, donationmanagement,trustedaccounting,andmore. • In this post, we are going to discuss Salesforce for fundraising and Salesforce for Nonprofit Tutorial for K-12 education indetail. • Salesforce forFundraising • Salesforce for Fundraising is a nonprofit technology by Salesforce that puts people first. It helps you engage with bothyourdonorsandfundersmoreandbetter.Byusingthe fundraising solution, you canbuild seamless and long-lasting relationships with all yourconstituents. • Fundraising solution provides thefollowing benefits: • It connects donation pages and payment services to your NPSP to make digital fundraising easy and optimized for any device. You can also manage all your donorsanddonationdatacentrally. • It lets you connect multiple giving channels on a single fundraising platform. This helps make capturing incoming, allocating to programs, and tracking accounting systems easier. You can also connect with more donors and grow recurring donations easily and speedily. sales@crmjetty.com
It helps strengthen your direct mail fundraising strategy also. It provides record deduplication, address standardization, and enables address auto-updates via National Change of Address. It also lets you further donor acquisition and conversion with a multi-channel communicationstrategyonasingleplatform. • It helps prepare donation data for your finance teams andhelpsyoumeetfinancialreportingrequirements.It also facilitates the reconciliation of revenue toenhance transparencyandcollaborationwithintheorganization. • Salesforce for Nonprofit Tutorial (K-12Education) • Salesforce for Nonprofit Tutorial and Educational Sector provides education technology solutions to make education easy. These solutions help simplify recruitment and admissions, student experience, advancement, alumni engagement, and institution operations, etc. It also helps fundraisingandgrantmanagementforK-12institutes. • Salesforce for Nonprofit Tutorial has the following benefits: • It helps standardize the donation processes, analyze the pipeline, and automate routine tasks. You can manage your donation cycle, improve yourgift sales@crmjetty.com
processing, batch audits, workflows, and triggers, data cleaning aswell. • With Salesforce for Nonprofit Tutorial, you can view all your constituents including donors, participants, parents, etc. in one place. It also lets you view activity history, programs, events, and custom info. You can also find out what your supporters like on social media sites through their activity over there. With this knowledge, you can make your relationships stronger andever-lasting. • The automated workflows bySalesforce for Nonprofit tutorialare customizable as per your organization processes. You can streamline your grants prospecting and management. With real-time analytics, you can streamline reporting efforts. You can also use the tools by Salesforce for Nonprofit tutorial to stick to your grants budget, save time, and prove accountability and stewardship. • With Salesforce for Nonprofit Tutorial, it becomes easy to post new events and manage event calendars. You can also track RSVPs, get VIP summary reports, and createtable seating charts, etc. sales@crmjetty.com
HowtoImplementNonprofitSuccessPack • To avail Salesforce for Nonprofit Tutorial and Fundraising, install NPSPfirst. • NSPS has several “managed packages”. These packages are bundles of custom Salesforce components like objects, report types, workflow automation,etc. • If you want to avail of NPSP, install NPSP packages first into a TrailheadPlayground. • Trailhead Playground is a test environment to explore and test customizations without affecting your real Salesforce organization. • Note: Only up to 10 active Trailhead Playgrounds at a time arepermissible. • TocreateaTrailheadPlayground,followthesesteps. • CreatethePlaygroundbeforeinstallingNPSP. • LogintoTrailhead.Gotothebottomofthepage. • Click on Create the playground name and Create Playground followingthat. • Note your new playground name once generated somewhereforfuturereference.Youcanalsogiveyour playgroundauniquenametorecalliteasily.Forthat, sales@crmjetty.com
you can click Hands-on Orgs in the Personal Settings windowinthetopcornerandchooseRename. • Press “Install NPSP” and clickSave. • OnceyoucreateInstallNPSPPlayground,retrievethe assignedusernameandresetyourpasswordasfollows. • Click on the Personal Settings Menu by clicking your photooriconinthetopcorner. • ClickonHands-onOrgs.Personalsettingsmenu. • On the Hands-on Orgs Page, click the Launch button on the Install NPSP Trailhead Playground. It will open thespecificPlaygroundinanewtabonyourbrowser. • ClickontheSetupgear>SelectSetup. • Click onUsers. • Findyourusernameandchecktheboxnexttoit. • Note down your username for Install NPSP Trailhead Playground. • ClickonResetPassword(s)andOK. • Open your password reset email link and follow the stepstoresetthepassword. • This completes your NSPS installationprocess. • TogethelpinstallingNSPSormanagingit,clickhere. sales@crmjetty.com
CTA -Get inTouch • How CRMJetty Salesforce Portal CanHelp • Our CRMJetty’s Salesforce portal is a fully scalable and flexible customer portal solution for Salesforce. It is an optimized solution for the operational and productivity challenges of anorganization. • Following is an overview of all its features that can benefit yourorganization: • ItprovidessecureaccesstoyourSalesforceCRM objects. • It is fully scalable and customizable to support your organizationalrequirements. • It provides support for both standard and customCRM objects. • It provides a drag-and-drop builder eliminating the needforcodingknowledgetobuildpages. • It helps you provide role-based access to CRM to your differentuserstoenhancesecurity. • It also enables you to personalize the dashboard for yourclientstomakeitattractiveandeasilynavigable. sales@crmjetty.com
There are two biggest advantages that set our portal solution apart from the default Salesforce for Nonprofit Tutorial and Salesforce forFundraising. Thefirstisthecostandthesecondistheaccess. Consideritwithareal-lifescenario. Suppose your nonprofit organization has 50 volunteers and 50donors.ThepricesofSalesforceNSPSmayvaryfrom $576 to $1152 per user per year. If you want to provide CRM access to them all, you’ll need to pay between $576,000to $115,200peryear-quiteabigamount. On the other hand, our portal charges only $3,999 annually from you. Be it 50, 100, or more users; the fee to provide CRM access to them all remains the same. This clearlysaves youabigamount-aminimumofaround$572,000peryear. You can get a knowledge base add-on for anadditional $199 per year only. This way, you can also publish your knowledge-base articles and provide access to them to users. Ready to Streamline Your Nonprofit Organization Operations? Salesforce for Nonprofit Tutorial and Fundraising are globallypopular.However,theirpricesmaybequitehighfor sales@crmjetty.com
some nonprofit organizations. With our scalable Salesforce portal solution, you can make the best use of your SalesforceCRMatthebestfeasibleprice. Our Salesforce certified developer team also providesportal solutions and customization services exclusively for nonprofit organizations. You can get in touch with us and getthebestportalsolutionwithallthecustomfeaturesyou need for yournonprofit. Source: https://www.crmjetty.com/salesforce-wordpress-custo mer-portal.htm sales@crmjetty.com