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TMS coaching

The first level of support is my u201cRalphitness Eliteu201d Membership Program. In this program, you have access to exclusive videos where I share my beliefs, philosophy, methods, and techniques for healing chronic pain using the mind-body connection.

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TMS coaching

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  1. Tension Myositis Syndrome- A complete Introduction The tension myositis syndrome (TMS) was first brought to attention by Dr John E Sarno, a retired professor, at the Clinical Rehabilitation Medicine of New York University. It is a fancy way of saying something we are all too familiar with and have experience in our lives at some point of time. “You’re a pain in the neck” is a well-known phrase used by many, this originated from the muscle tension that we feel in our neck when something or someone is frustrating us or things aren’t happening quite to our liking. All this can be attributed to tension myositis syndrome and this article will be a thorough introduction to it. What is Tension Myositis Syndrome? TMS is also known as Tension Myoneural Syndrome, Mind Body Syndrome and Psychophysiological Disorder. To put in simple and understandable words, TMS is a psychological condition that has a physical representation by chronic back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, leg pain, glute pain, gastrointestinal disorders and fibromyalgia. It is a result of mild oxygen deprivation that is initiated by the autonomic nervous system. If all these symptoms aren’t caused by any other underlying cause or medical condition than they are stemming from tension myositis syndrome. These physical conditions mentioned above are suffered by the patient when nothing comes up in the tests or scans, this is a strong indication that a psychological disorder is behind it. TMS coaching, causes, conditions and symptoms are what we will discuss next. Tension Myositis Syndrome Causes The main cause of TMS is the psychological stress a person experiences when trying to meet the ridiculous and outlandish standards set by the society or other people around us. They want to make everyone else around them feel at ease and comfortable even though sacrificing their own comfort or they try so hard to be someone they aren’t or suppress their emotions just because they don’t want to scar their image in front of others. This constant stress of meeting up with the expectation and doing efforts to please others makes the person emotionally drained. By doing this the person is also repressing their own feelings and desires, resulting in psychological disorders that vent out in the form of various pains. The brain has to adjust this negative buildup of energy somewhere, so if this can’t be shown out it has to stay inside. Some good examples of repressed emotions or psychological stress are- if a person has been born and brought up in a family that is very strict about routines, not skipping school or reaching anywhere on time or even before time. That person would be in stress and psychological tension when he/she will not reach somewhere on time, or when his/her child misses school or when the routine is not followed. This leads to a negative emotion build up in the body. Another great example is that, if a person had a fight or abusive argument with someone but the person can’t tell anyone due to shame or answer back to that person because it will result in even more abusive

  2. behavior. What that person does is that he/she bottles up that emotion inside and tries to go by their day. After a few days or weeks suddenly when everything is fine, a sharp pain or spasm is felt. This is due to the slight oxygen deprivation that happens in TMS. tms pain recovery programis a great way of dealing with this type of condition. Principal Symptoms of TMS For each individual the symptoms can vary as our brain functions in our own way and will have different ways to deal with the repressed emotion. The most common symptom is chronic pain but where that pain will be felt the most is what your mind thinks is the weakest link in the body. For example, if you think that you have very strong shoulders, arms and neck then TMS pain will not manifest there but if you have a weak legs or knee then it's most likely to hit that spot. Other than chronic pains in back, neck, legs, shoulders, knee, foot or arms, you can also suffer from symptoms like digestive problems, fatigue, jaw malfunctions or numbness and stiffness. TMS Treatment The first thing that anyone diagnosed with TMS has to do is to gather more information about it. Read lectures, written material and audio materials on it and understand its workings. The next thing that should be done by the patient is to write down its emotional feeling wherever a boil of emotion comes. Don’t suppress it or bottle it up, rather start writing them down with the same ferocity they are coming. Try following the routine that makes you feel at ease and do physical activity to release the tension build up inside. Join support groups and even condition prevails opt for TMS treatment of psychotherapy. Ending Lines People suffering from TMS have hidden or underlying emotions and feelings which take a toll on their mental and physical health. The series of suppressed emotions can have disastrous effects on the health to be sure to address them.

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