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Are You Suffering from Hair loss or embarrassed of your Baldness? Contact Dr. Sachin rajpal for Hair Grafting, Hair loss treatment, and Hair Transplant Surgery in Delhi.<br>Getting bald can be very distressing to anybody, and if it happens at an early age it may severely affect your confidence. Hair loss can occur both in men and women though it is more common in men.
Hair loss treatment (PR treatment) inDelhi Getting bald can be very distressing to anybody, and if it happens at an early ageit may severely affect yourconfidence. Hair loss can occurboth in men andwomenthoughitis morecommoninmen. Oneofthemostcommoncauseofhairlossinmenisandrogenicalopecia • whichishereditary.Othercausesincludetrauma,chemotherapy, infections, medicalconditionsand stress. • Hairtreatmentcan bebroadlyclassifiedinto2 categories: • Preventionofhair loss • Surgicalrestorationofhair scalp Preventivetherapy This therapy is offered to those patients who are in initial stage of hair thinning &falling ofhair. Inthispatientmedicalcondition,riskfactorsforhairlossisassessedand treated accordingly. In this line of treatment patient is prescribed multivitamins, hairboostervitamins, topicalminoxidil,oral5alphareductaseinhibitors. These products can either be prescribed as a monotherapy or in combination dependingonseverity of hair loss. PRP(Plateletrichplasma):Thisprocedureishelpfulinbothpreventinghair fallandcanalsobeusedasanadjuncttherapyafterhairtransplantfor
improvingthegrowthoftransplanted hairs.Inthisprocedurepatientown blood is taken and processed to get the platelet rich plasma which is then injectedintothe affectedareaof scalpafternumbingit.ThisPRPhas numerous growth factors which helps in prevention of hair fall, improving the thickness of hair and may also help in growth of hair follicles. It is a short procedureand can bedoneon opd basis.Multiplesittingis requiredfor satisfactoryresults to be seen. Hair transplant (Surgical restoration of hair) Hairtransplantisthesurgicalprocedureinwhichpatient’sownhairfromback of scalp is harvested and placed in thebald region overfrontand side of scalp. Hair transplant is offered to those patients who present with chronic hair loss, receded hair line, medically fit patients, in which hair loss has become stable. Astheprocedureuses the ownnaturalhair,thetransplanted hairgrow naturally and the result are permanent. The donor area is chosen from back of scalp as that area has inherent resistance to effect of androgen and do not fall sohairs takenfromthis area gives permanent results. Techniquesofhairtransplant FUT (Follicular unit transplant): In FUT the strip of hair is taken from back of your scalp and then under microscope small slices of that strip is made and then each follicle is cut and separated. The donor site closed by a special techniqueoftrichophyticclosurewhichleaveverythinandfinescaranddue to this techniquehair regrow through the scar thus leaving almost invisible scar. This advantage of this technique is that we get large number of hair follicles with better yield and chances of trauma to hair roots is minimal as harvestingof follicleisdone under vision. FUE(Follicularunitextraction):Inthisprocedurethedonorareaonbackof your scalp is marked and shaved. Now the special motorized punch is used to core out individual hair follicular unit keeping normal hair in between. Though this technique is propagated as a scar less technique but there are multiple punch holes which are present which gradually heals but may leave small multiplescars. In case where bald area is large then it may be necessary to combine both FUTandFUEtoachievemoreno.offollicles.Itmaysometimebenecessary toharvest follicles from beard andneckarea.
Procedure Once the decision of hair transplant is finalized after all consultations with your plastic surgeon, theprocedure is plannedwhich could be either FUT or FUE or combined depending upon requirement. The day of the surgery starts with marking of areas over scalp which need to be transplanted and discussed with thepatient. Hairtransplantprocedureisa6-8hourssurgerydependingupontheareato becovered.Theprocedureisdoneunderspeciallypreparedlongduration local anesthesia. Once the scalp in anesthetized, the patient is made to lie down in prone position and if FUT is planned then the donor strip is harvested from back of scalp and the donor area is closed very neatly by a special trichophyticclosurewhichhastheadvantageofbarelyvisiblescarafter healing. In FUE technique, follicles are harvested from the backside of scalp withhelp of motorized punch. Oncethehairfolliclesareharvested,patientisgivenabreakduringwhich time the hair follicles are prepared and separated in the single, double, and tripleunits.Afterrefreshmentpatientismadetoliedowninsupineposition andslits are made in proposed areaover scalp. Oncethe follicles are ready for transplantation the transplant of hair is started starting from frontal hair line area and progressing backward. The dressing is applied to the donor area and a band is applied over forehead region to prevent swelling. The patient is dischargedonthesamedaywithdischargemedicationsandisreviewedin 3rdday. What to expect after hair transplant procedure? Afteryourhairtransplantsurgeryisdonetheremightbesomeswellingwhich usually settles in 3-4 days. Sutures if any willbe removed in 10 days’ time. You may be given topical medication as well as oral medication for improved hairgrowth. Onemight noticethefalloftransplantedhairataround2to4weeksof transplant but the root of hair remains inside. The newhair growth usually starts from 3rd to 4th month after the procedure and continues to grow till 6-8 monthsand may takeup to 1year for finalresults.