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How To Make Money Online - If You Want To How to make $1500-$2000/Month and growing, consistent passive cashflow campaigns one every single day. And Have All But Given Up... Here's Hope!>>>http://goo.gl/NNxkjc
“How To Make Money Online” THE SHORTEST AND FASTEST INCOME GENERATING SYSTEM: HOW TO CREATE CONSISTENT PASSIVE CASHFLOW CAMPAIGNS ONE EVERY SINGLE DAY! Congratulations! You Now Have Free Giveaway Rights To This Ebook Worth $67 You now have 100% free giveaway rights to this ebook! You can give it away to anyone who may benefit from it,put it on your website , blog , social media pages or add it to your membership site, Go Share! © Copyright Dakanda, InternetMarketingIdeas.Info - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 1 Presented By Dakanda Hirun http://www.internetmarketingideas.info/ BestAffiliateMarketingTraining http://www.internetmarketingideas.info/ BestAffiliateMarketingTraining ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this product may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the rights to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 2 Check Out This Money-Making Resource Before You Continue! “How to Make Money With Clickbank on Autopilot” Click Here To See This Now !
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 3 “ONE PAGE WIZ” Ok, here is SIMPLE and Effective system of HOW to create ONE PAGE - ONE VIDEO - ONE OPTIN product every day and CASH on it immediately! You don’t need a website or hosting. All you need is: a) Computer with Microsoft Word and Internet connection b) Youtube account c) Autoresponder service (usually $15-19/month, first month Free!) d) Paypal account and bank/credit card to link to it to accept payments That’s all! I will quickly walk you through all easy steps. Recipe for success – never to complicate stuff! So, given you’ve got all above mentioned, here are steps of the whole system: 1.First make a research of buyers’ urgent needs, finding a niche. You can use Youtube, Google suggest (as shown below), couple of free keyword tools (Semrush.com, ubersuggest.org ), and Google Trends --- all takes approximately 1,5 hour. Type: how to get rid of…..
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 4 See how many needs people have?... If you know how to cash on it, you will always have inexhaustible source of income! Let’s say, I picked “cramps”. Now, to find related LSI keywords I will use a free tool: www.ubersuggest.org
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 5 Wow, awesome trove of free buyer keywords and LSI related keywords! Copy and paste them to your notepad file or whichever you use on your computer. All you need to do in addition to this is to check these keywords through Google Trends (to see the graph raising or falling) Google Suggest (to see if it is “healthy” number of searches for it) and great free keyword tool Semrush, to narrow down based on number of monthly searches. You see, - this is the most bombastic keyword search you can ever get. Nobody teaches that! Ok, now lets see what Google Trends show us. Type few variations of the keywords in the search which is set on “worldwide”. Here you can notice that searches for “how to get rid of cramps fast” and “how to get rid of cramps in the stomach” are having the bigger search volume visual graph. Plus, they are not subsiding, which means problem is persisting. And we need to give them solution for it. One page solution for one problem!
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 6 Now let me check if these keywords have “healthy” number of searches in Google….
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 7 Ok, very good! 12,800 pages is NICE spot! Usually, from 1000 to 15,000 pages result in Google is the best segment to be able to rank well - not too much battered by competition and still having healthy volume of demand from buyers. Remember: we are targeting narrow niches and keywords! And lastly what I do, is refining these keywords in a free keyword tool Semrush: Normally you’d want to go for kwds roughly from 700 up to 4,000 searches a month. Here we can see more data that allows us to pick the best keyword for our Video title (so it ranks fast on Youtube and Google!). In my case I just went with “how to get rid of cramps fast”. 2.Next, write 1 page article solving one most important problem in that niche based on MOST optimal keyword you came up with. You can research article sources online or order from a good freelancer on Fiver for $5.00 --- 30 min to 1 hour if you research/write it yourself.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 8 Your article needs to be written in Microsoft Word.doc format in order to later convert it to PDF file online. Use small font, not bigger then 11 or 12. Your task is to provide ONE most effective (and better unique) solution for that problem. In my case, I checked few online pages like this (http://healing.about.com ) and collected enough data for my One Page Solution Ebook:
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 9 *Sift it out and keep the most valuable, simple and quick working remedies. Tip: If you speak additional languages, research internet on those language sources for the mentioned problem, you may come up with something that is absent on English pages and thus give your product advantageous edge! Don’t make article research and creation too long, you are not preparing your University graduation paper! Usually, you can find effective solution in max 1 hour research online or sometimes even quicker. Remember, you are making only ONE page eBook! Your solution will address the main problem of the buyers and if space allows, can be thrown couple of more additional tips and techniques that will benefit the reader. For example, in my case, I can throw in some native medicine recipes or tips on how to get rid of cramps in legs and hands, in addition to main issue of stomach cramps. Once your one page report is ready, convert if to Pdf file online (Free!) here:https://online2pdf.com/ or here:https://www.freepdfconvert.com/ Next, upload it to free virtual cloud like Dropbox. (https://www.dropbox.com/ ) and save the link of your uploaded Pdf. You will later insert this link right into Paypal to redirect buyer after they have completed purchase (I will show you how, don’t worry!)
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 10 3.So now, once your one page report is written, converted and uploaded, you can either create video or design the autoresponder optin box, whichever you feel more like doing at that moment (you’ll need both anyway!) You’re going to need to place that optin link under your video (s) later. So say, you began with video first. Make ONE main Video on the best keyword you’ve picked and then several more videos (….the same video multiplied, actually!) bearing related LSI keyword titles, which you picked from ubersuggest.org and the Semrush. Don’t forget to throw a glance at Google Trends graph as well! So, make a 1min video in Microsoft default Movie Maker or any other application you may have (or order for $5.00 on Fiver.com) briefly introducing your ONE PAGE Unique Solution for this ONE problem, (but Don’t spill the beans!!:-) ), use some nice images for slideshow, couple of attractive message lines, nice sound track, and that’s it. Don’t overcomplicate. Golden Nugget Tip: The SHORTER is your Ad/Promo here or elsewhere, the more chances it has to grab viewer’s attention and persuade him to click on your link and make buying decision. We all are living in a world of increasing speeds and fast exchange of information. So keep the right rhythm! So, stuff your video with related keywords and well designed description box and tags, introducing this problem solving 1-page product. Don’t forget to rename your video files with the keywords you are cashing on—1 hour (If you are complete newbie to video marketing and need detailed on complete video creation and SEO system, you may want to take a look at my Complete Blueprint of Affiliate Video Business System ----> Here)
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 11 4.Now duplicate videos by saving it with two different sound tracks on your Movie Maker video (thus getting two completely different videos!) and then using the Freemake Video Converter (Free!) which converts your videos to various formats. Normally you can convert each video to 6 valid video formats on that software, that are accepted on Youtube –Avi, Mp4, Flash, Flv, Mpeg, Wmv. Your file in Movie Maker usually makes it in MP4. So if you convert it to 5 other formats you will get 6 videos (1 original and 5 converted), thus having 12 videos total from two videos with two different sound tracks. Normally, it is enough to occupy this small sub-niche. Especially if you distribute all those LSI related words well among all 12 videos. – around 2 hours of work. (How to optimize your videos BEST is in much detail taught in my CB-Youtube Takeover Blueprint). 5.Make an Optin box in autoresponder you are subscribed in. Link video (in description box under the video) to that optin (Aweber, Getresponse, etc), which leads right to PayPal page to pay $3.50 - $5.00 and be redirected to download page to access the product, which you can upload to a free Dropbox service. You will need to place that download link in Paypal’s “merchant services -> buy now buttons”. You set low price to make many quick sales ! This is how it looks in most autoresponders where you can pick one of the default ready-made templates for your optin box:
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 12 Once you picked one, you need to set a custom Thank You page in the optin’s settings, to make sure it takes subscribers straight to the Paypal direct payment link button code after they entered their email into the optin box and pressed “access now” or “download now” buttons.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 13 Remember? – Everything needs to be short and quick in this business system! Don’t give your customer a moment to think, prompt them to immediate action. This is how to do it in Paypal. One you signed up and added your credit card and bank details, go to Merchant Services Buy Now Buttons create Paypal payment Button ;
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 14 So again, to make a fast sale you set a low price, say from $2.00 to max $5.00. Then scroll down a bit and set two important links: one which takes customer to your another alternative page if they decided to cancel their checkout (it can be your Youtube channel where you have other offers, or another Optin or landing page) And the other - actual download link which they can access once they competed a purchase in Paypal. So here goes your One Page Report Pdf link, which you have uploaded to a Dropbox. Then press to “save/create button”.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 15 When you have thus created button it will show you a page with button CODE as you can see below, which you save to your files and paste it into your Autoresponder Optin settings as I was showing above. So when they click on the link under the video, it takes them to your Optin Box (link to it automatically generated and provided to you by autoresponder service when you’ve created the optin), which after they signed in, takes them RIGHT to the Paypal payment processing page! That’s the miracle of One Page Wiz fastest income system!
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 16 “How to Make Money With Clickbank on Autopilot” Click Here To See This Now !
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 17 The link for your Optin Box, which your Autoresponder service will provide as soon as you have created the Optin form, needs to be modified in a free url shortener services like Bit.ly or Tinyurl.com and this shortened link will go in the description box under the video, at the very top of it, (the first line). Description box needs to contain the list of all other related keywords you have gathered, plus your channel link and the very link of this video you’ve uploaded. Titles and tags will of course also be optimised based on the keyword you are choosing for this particular video. That’s basically it!...:) Now what happens, if you have created nice video, cloned it (10-12) and uploaded to your channel, - if you did SEO correctly, - your videos will appear quite fast in the Youtube and Google searches, since they have low competition.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 18 What will happen next, is magic! – People will click on your vids, watch them (they need to be short and engaging, with call to action!) and as soon as they click on the link under the video, it takes them RIGHT to the Paypal payment processor! No round ways, no free report pages or other distracting offers, - it gets them right to the cashier! So you don’t give them time to think even. That’s why this system is so effective and will work faster than others. They click, watch, click and buy! All happens in a breeze. Now what else you can do is order some video blast services on Fiver or E- lance to boost your videos and leave all your possible competitors in the dust.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 19 Tip: If you are building all your videos and products in one general niche, create FB page group and Twitter account to spread all your future video links there. Don’t forget the Fiver’s services helping you to grow the number of your followers on these platforms. Repeat process with another sub-niche or different niche. If you get used to this process, you will be creating one product each day and slowly will accumulate the whole stash of low price products, which will 11 bring you snow-ball type of growing passive income, plus you will be growing the number of subscribers for your future campaigns! All of these steps above require only one day. (given all autoresponders and accounts are already set up). One product – One day! In a month time you will have at least 25 products, if you work only few hours a day. And in a 6 month time you will have around 150 products. Let’s see now how much each product can bring, based on average search numbers. Say, it’s a keyword for 1500 searches/month. It means, if you get it to the first page (and it will, if you follow my instructions), it may get to be conservative, around 20% of clicks, out of which somewhere 5% will click to buy. This is 300 clicks and 15 buying decisions. This gives you around $70.00/month income from one video set/keyword group only. If you work diligently for first 2 months, you should accumulate around 50 products in two months and this is roughly $3500/month passive income. In a 6 month time you will be able to get $10,500.00/month. Ok, let’s be even more conservative and say we achieve only 1/3rd of it if we work too lazy. It’s still handsome passive income! ($1,166/month in 2 months and $3,500/month in 6 months). But you don’t have to do it all by yourself after first 2 months already since you will accumulate enough passive income to outsource and let freelancers do all the job for you. The money you need to pay to freelancers for this job is nothing compared to income you’re getting from these campaigns!
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 20 Remember To Check Out ! “How to Make Money With Clickbank on Autopilot” Click Here To See This Now !
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 21 Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions. I will be also doing my best in updating you with useful tips and techniques, when they are tested and tried by me personally. Best of success, Dakanda http://www.internetmarketingideas.info/ Email :help@InternetMarketingIdeas.Info FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/InternetMarketingIdeas.Info/?fref=nf