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QuickTipsonUXDesignforProductPagesontheWebsite As every e-commerce website is there to make money, product pages become the main attraction for the website as it where the actual conversion happens. So, it is important to workonwhathappensoncethevisitorlandsontheproductpage. Product pages are crucial for any ecommerce company, as it is where the deciding point comesforanyvisitor.Thevisitorshouldbeabletofindwhattheyarelookingfor.So, ecommerce website developers start by focusing on the checkout pages from theuser’s carttothewholepaymentinformationpages.Agreatexperienceonthewebsiteshouldbe feltateachpointandmostimportantlyontheproductpage. So, these few tips to work on the UX designs could come handy foran ecommerce developmentcompany. Keep the price clear: The second thing the eyes roll over to is the price of the products after the look and feel of the products. This makes it important to keep the price clear and prominentona page. Theidealisbesidethe product'stitle/photo,earlyontop.Alongwith this,youcanincludetheoptionalfeaturesthatarerelatedtothepurchase.Thiscaninclude different sizes & colors if any. The goal of the best web design company is to achieve transparency with potential customers. So, being upfront about the costs and not tryingto hide anything makes a goodproduct page. Reviewsbycustomers:Buildingtrustisimportantandthathappensthroughreviews.The brandisn’ttheonlythingthatcanreviewitsownproducts;it’salsotheothercustomers.So, it is required to feature customer reviews with their own section on a page. This could be placedsomewherelaterinthepageunlesstheyaresnippetsfromcertainreviews.
3.Addattractiveimages:Imagesreallydosellwhichisobviousso,websitedesigncompany focuses majorly on placing the images right. But, the real problem is finding the right kinds of images that instantly grab attention and let the visitors know what they are paying for. So, it could be one great shot or several different angles of the product. The number of photosdoesn’tmatter,itisjustaboutshowingofftheproductsasconvincinglyandasclose toreality. Productdescriptionsthatareskimmable:Thoughtheproductdescriptionwouldvaryon a product, it should be able to grab attention. This means one can grab more attention by presentingproductinformationtogetherinaskimmableformat.Beasclearandtalkproduct specificdetailstomakethemrelatableandquicktogatherinformation. EffectiveCalltoActionbutton:Whensomeoneisallsettobuytheproduct,thecheckout process should be clear with a specific ‘add to cart’ button. This is a CTA button. The job of awebdevelopmentcompanyistodesignaCTAwhichiseasytoread,clearandaccessible. This can be done using a distinct button style, colors and button text that makes sense and aplacementthatisclosetothetop. Including these without a miss would give the product page a definite destination to the customers that issmooth. Source- http://www.sooperarticles.com/internet-articles/web-design-articles/quick-tips- ux-design-product-pages-website-1647237.html