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Presentation about 'Luis paulo Os limites da sustentabilidade eacd lisboa 2010'
Luis paulo Os limites da sustentabilidade eacd lisboa 2010 The limits of Sustainability Luís Paulo DATA 00.00.00
Summary Will Corporate Sustainability save the planet or is it just the latest business fashion? Or, worse even, is it a mere smokescreen for the BwU - business worse than usual? A case on how CTT’s is trying to turn its long lasting commitement towards CSR values into a competitive advantage to the company, while benefiting the society DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00 Summary Will Corporate Sustainability save the planet or is it just the latest business fashion? Or, worse even, is it a mere smokescreen for the BwU - business worse than usual? A case on how CTT’s is trying to turn its long lasting commitement towards CSR values into a competitive advantage to the company, while benefiting the society DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
Challenges of our times Todays’ critical subjects DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00 Challenges of our times Todays’ critical subjects DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
Global challenges What is the Vision of the World community? UN’s Millenium Goals • Erradicate extreme poverty and hunger • Achieve universal primary education • Promote gender equality and empower women • Reduce child mortality • Improve maternal health • Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases • Ensure environmental sustainability • Develop a global partnership for development DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00 Global challenges What is the Vision of the World community? UN’s Millenium Goals • Erradicate extreme poverty and hunger • Achieve universal primary education • Promote gender equality and empower women • Reduce child mortality • Improve maternal health • Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases • Ensure environmental sustainability • Develop a global partnership for development DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
Reality lags far behind intentions UN’s Millenium Goals (2015 vs. 1990) Targets Reality 50% population living on <1 US$/day Developing countries: 20% pop. on <1 US$/day 50% population with hunger Developing countries: 25% child subnutrition 100% primary school enrolement Developed countries: 99%; developing: 88% 100% women access to 1.ry school Developing countries: 84% Incresead access to political power Parliament seats - dev.: 23%; developing: 17% 2/3 child mortality rate Developed countries: 6/1000; developing: 80/1000 ¾ maternal mortality rate Developing countries: 2X > developed countries 50% AIDS prevalence 2 Million deaths/year in sub-saharian Africa; 30% without treatment tangible loss to biodiversity CO2 emissions - dev.: +20%; developing: + 100%; 1 50% pop. without access to water Bilion people without potable water Development aid: 130 B US$ ODA: 80 Billion US$ Trade accords Domestic subsidies 4x > ODA DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00 Reality lags far behind intentions UN’s Millenium Goals (2015 vs. 1990) Targets Reality 50% population living on <1 US$/day Developing countries: 20% pop. on <1 US$/day 50% population with hunger Developing countries: 25% child subnutrition 100% primary school enrolement Developed countries: 99%; developing: 88% 100% women access to 1.ry school Developing countries: 84% Incresead access to political power Parliament seats - dev.: 23%; developing: 17% 2/3 child mortality rate Developed countries: 6/1000; developing: 80/1000 ¾ maternal mortality rate Developing countries: 2X > developed countries 50% AIDS prevalence 2 Million deaths/year in sub-saharian Africa; 30% without treatment tangible loss to biodiversity CO2 emissions - dev.: +20%; developing: + 100%; 1 50% pop. without access to water Bilion people without potable water Development aid: 130 B US$ ODA: 80 Billion US$ Trade accords Domestic subsidies 4x > ODA DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
Is it up to me? What is the role of businesses? Profits: a goal or an enabler? Who holds legitimacy to decide? Stakeholders or shareholders? Enterprising the Society? Limits to sustainability or limits to democracy? DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00 Is it up to me? What is the role of businesses? Profits: a goal or an enabler? Who holds legitimacy to decide? Stakeholders or shareholders? Enterprising the Society? Limits to sustainability or limits to democracy? DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
Where lies CSR? DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00 Where lies CSR? DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
Mapping interested parties Stakeholder: anyone who depends on our activity or has the capacity to influence our performance. PI com as quais os CTT têm responsabilidades legais, financeiras ou operacionais. PI que podem PI afectadas pela influenciar o actividade dos CTT desempenho dos CTT (decision makers) DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00 Mapping interested parties Stakeholder: anyone who depends on our activity or has the capacity to influence our performance. PI com as quais os CTT têm responsabilidades legais, financeiras ou operacionais. PI que podem PI afectadas pela influenciar o actividade dos CTT desempenho dos CTT (decision makers) DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
What are Stkders concerned of? DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00 What are Stkders concerned of? DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
. TBL, a multidimensional approach DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
. Addressing stakeholders’ needs • Competitiveness and inovation: new products and services, technological upgrading, investment, organization solutions; • Valuing people: stability of employment, competitive pay pack, training, health system and social assistance; • Environment: fleet renewal, environmental certifications, reduction in energy consumption, disclosure and carbon management; • Community: over1 M € for SR philantropy and sponsorships, Projecto de Luta contra a Pobreza e Exclusão Social, volunteers’ program. DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
. Achievements Sustainability Index Shareholder/MOPTC 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2007 2008 CTT is leader in several variables: Code of conduct Social reporting Enviromental reporting DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
. Achievements CTT ranked 5th., at a world level CTT is among the most performing postal operators in terms of carbon management proficiency CTT ranked 3rd in “Accountability Rating” Portugal/Spain and leads the “Engagement with Stakeholders” category DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
. Keeping the promises DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
. Further engagements • Energy eficiency: reduce electricy and fuels consumption for at least 2% • Training: increase training volumes by 15% and skils validation by 46% • GHG emissions: reduction by 2% in normalized terms, participation in sector ratings exercises • Accidents: zero deaths and 5% decrease, overall • Environmental (twodois maiores COC) and service (up to 2 hundred new Post Offices and Delevery Offices) certifications • Responsible procurement: at least 50% contracts with social&environmental criteria • Lauching the new ecoproduts portfolio • More volunteers’ inniciatives ... And almost more 50 other Sustainable goals! DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
. Challenges and risks - an example DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
. Myths vs. facts Allegation Reality Paper and mail No tropical trees are used for paper destroys forests Paper comes only from renewable industrial forests Too much postal waste Paper one of the most reciclabe materiais Mail represents 1%-5% of all paper comsumption High CO2 emissions Postal industry is 6 times less energy-uintensive than from postal delivery average economy Carbon associated with one year mail equal to cross Lisbon by car DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
. A win-win situation? Subject Win-win? Comments Energy eficiency Yes, always Cost savings are relevant as are environement impacts Electric vehicles Not so often Comercial interest is limited to a small range of vehicles Waste Probabily not No direct gains management Env. Management Most of the Improves both the operational and Systems cases environmental performances Sustainable Sometimes Depending on the market segments marketing Most of the time, companies take direct advantage from managing environmental issues DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00
. Together, we can! cttconsigo.com DIRECÇÃO The EACD Regional Debates Lisbon, 10 May 2010 DATA 00.00.00