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To completely understand and fight paralysis tick infestation it is essential to know the basics about it. Do you know everything or anything about paralysis ticks? If not, here are some important questions answered:<br>
Although none of them are good, but sometimes it may seem that fleas may be better than ticks. Yes, tick infestation could have that size of impact on your pet’s health that flea infestation may look tiny compared to them as the diseases that different ticks induce on pets may turn out to be fatal. Paralysis tick (Ixodes Holocylus) is one of the most common tick species found in Australia. It is known that in the eastern humid coastal region of Australia almost all tick bites to dogs as well as people are due to paralysis ticks. With humidity at its peak it is important that you protect your dogs from this infestation. To completely understand and fight paralysis tick infestation it is essential to know the basics about it. Do you know everything or anything about paralysis ticks? If not, here are some important questions answered:
How to identify a paralysis tick? Paralysis ticks have a grey body in the adult phase. Unlike other ticks it has one brown pair of legs near the head, then two pairs of white legs and then again one pair of brown legs near the body. It may seem like a squashed seed as it has a flat oval body. Where are they prominent in Australia? Paralysis ticks grow prominently in humid regions. They are found in a number of habitats across the humid coastal areas of Eastern Australia. Gullies, wet Sclerophyll forests and temperate rainforest areas are highly populated with this pest. How do they develop? The larvae ticks are also known as seed/grass ticks. They are tiny (0.5mm) and are usually seen in autumn and winter. Larvae need to feed on at least 3 hosts to phase into the nymph stage which are 1mm in size. Nymph or adult ticks are mostly found from spring to midsummer. Tick bites are caused only by female ticks which is the ultimate reason of paralysis in dogs. How does a dog get paralysis via paralysis tick? When paralysis ticks of any life stage feed on their host, they produce paralysis toxin. This toxin is formed in very small amount in larval stages. However adult ticks, especially female that have fed for more than 4 days produce enough toxin to cause paralysis in canines. This is how any dog may get paralysis through a tick. How to save your furry friends from tick paralysis? The most reliable way of protecting dogs from paralysis ticks is using efficient tick prevention products. There are a number of tick treatments that may make your canines safe from the pesky infestation. You may choose according to your pooch’s preference of mode of administration.
There are spot-on treatments, shampoos, tablets, chews, collars and tick twisters available to get rid of the ticks. Frontline Plus and Advantix are topical treatments; Bravecto and Nexgard are oral tick treatments that may be some of the best options to avoid paralysis ticks. It is also recommended to check for ticks on your dog’s body everyday if you live in a tick prone region. Tick key, tick twister and comb may also help you in keeping your furry friend safe on a regular basis. To conclude, this information is a must to have for every dog owner in the country. Use of tick treatments is recommended all around the year for continuous protection against tick paralysis in dogs. So, are you ready to safeguard your pawed friend from this fatal infestation? Stay safe!