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The Future of the Video Wall Industry Is Content Management

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The Future of the Video Wall Industry Is Content Management

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  1. The Future of the Video Wall Industry Is Content Management In the recent talks with industry specialists, it has become apparent that the future of the video wall industry will be in flexible content management. In today's technology landscape, video wall systems are becoming more advanced. Systems can now handle more screens, actively compensate for bezels (the gaps in a video image created by the frames of the screens), and run video content in video resolutions that are so high that they cannot even be perceived by the human eye. As the industry is heading into the zone of diminishing returns in regards to improving the hardware technology, the next step is innovating in the area of video wall content management. One way of looking at the challenges ahead is to think of all these advancements as improvements upon the canvas available for effective, visual communication. Now that these attractive digital canvases are so powerful on all technological fronts, the question that remains is how easy can manufacturers make the creation and management of content for these massive communication portals. For example, a large portion of the systems on the market cannot run multiple forms of media at the same time because they are built to simply stretch the visual signal going in onto all the screens involved. This means that to run multiple videos, slideshows of images, RSS feeds, live streams and other forms of media on the massive canvas of display screens, a user needs another product solution to be in the visual signal chain before going into the video wall input. This naturally has heralded the rise of Smd video wall content management software in recent years. This software makes it easy for the people in charge of controlling the messaging presented on the screens to be able to drag and drop and arrange different bits of content in dynamic ways. This software not only allows users to import a variety of content but also create highly

  2. customizable layouts with designated zones for different media types. An example of this would be having the main video displayed with smaller zones of video, images and RSS content overlaid on top Provide the video wall content management software industry Which has been tailoring the user experience for technology novices. The systems may be installed and put into place by IT experts and engineers, Best Smd Video Wall In Pakistan,Uae,Saudi Arabia but the responsibility of day-to- day use and management often falls on average business people. It might be the artists in the marketing department who are adding a new banner, the sales person changing the numbers on a new promotion, or the front desk receptionist updating the weekly calendar. These types of users need easy and intuitive software to interact with during their work day. Now that these content management software solutions are coming into play in the video wall industry, the next natural evolution is merging the already advanced hardware solutions out there with the growing and developing content management systems. To ease the burden on customers, the eventual goal will be to have one product that can do both instead of having video wall users having to build their solution from multiple products

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