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Everything you need to know about teeth whitening kit

There are a lot of approaches to brighten up our teeth without resorting to expensive dental surgery medications. The EDGW concerns with your smile and provide the best dental teeth whitening techniques.

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Everything you need to know about teeth whitening kit

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  2. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures. It is also known as teeth bleaching that can be performed at any dentist's office. This procedure is mainly recommended when there are teeth discoloration problems.

  3. Causes of Teeth Discoloration- There are many reasons for teeth discoloration. Some of these foods and drinks that can cause teeth staining or discoloration include- tea, red wine, coffee, certain fruit juices, colas, berries, smoking, cherries, alcohol, and beets. Antibiotics can also be a contributing factor to teeth discoloration.

  4. Want To Buy Best Teeth Whitening kits- As there are many types of whitening kits that are available in the market which can significantly vary from one another in their features. If you want to buy the best quality must read the following- The kit should be time-proven, known to work efficiently and harmlessly, and must have various testimonials in its favor given by the user.

  5. The products of the kit must be safe and must not have high quantity of the peroxide concentration. As it may cause irritation and sensitivity. High-quality kits often follow FDA safety standards which do not exceed concentration levels of 15% for carbamide peroxide and 6% for hydrogen peroxide.

  6. 1 The kit must provide more than 10 shades whiter teeth. As there are many products that just provide a whitening effect that lasts for few days. 2 The kit should be not only effective but also affordable. Opt for a whitening kit that comes with a good guarantee that ensures maximum user satisfaction.

  7. Choosing a teeth whitening kit depends totally on personal preference. To know more about teeth whitening kit, consult EDGW. Contact Us Westport Center for Health, 327 Riverside Avenue, 2nd Floor Westport, CT 06880 Email-office@edgw.us Ph. -(203) 227-3421

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