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Educational Technology Center ETC

What does the ETC offer?. 25 computers

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Educational Technology Center ETC

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    1. Educational Technology Center (ETC) Computer Lab and Testing Center Room 509, 5th floor CRCH

    3. What else does the ETC offer? Proctored electronic testing for students in courses that require it A place for students of certain Distance Learning courses to turn in assignments Some technical assistance Typically a relatively quiet environment – be considerate of others both during and after office hours.

    4. Common Misconception The ETC staff cannot assist with questions relating to Self-Service, E-mail, or Blackboard For assistance with these three areas: Contact the Carilion Academic Technologies department: E-mail ATSupport@carilionclinic.org Call 540-985-4046 (helpline)

    5. Policies, Please… Maintain the quiet atmosphere while using the ETC Do not use tobacco products in the ETC No food or drink at the computers; you may leave food or drink on the table next to the lab door Turn cell phones OFF or on Silent; take phone calls outside the lab

    6. Policies continued… While Testing is in Progress… No cell phone calls No talking No printing Keep the ETC door closed Respect those who are testing Do not enter the ETC for general computer use if the “CLOSED for Testing” sign is up outside the lab door

    7. Types of Tests Proctored in the ETC Blackboard Tests (for certain classes or programs) ATI Tests (for certain classes or programs) – ATI stands for Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC Other Tests – occasional test that falls outside of the two main types of tests * Note: Your instructor or program director will notify you either via e-mail or instructions within your Blackboard course, or both, if you need to come to the ETC for proctored electronic testing.

    8. The Testing Process, Part 1 Instructor or program director notifies student that he/she needs to take a proctored electronic test in the ETC Instructor gives a deadline by which the student needs to take a test, and instructs whether or not the student needs to make an appointment at the ETC Student makes an appointment, if required, and comes in to take the test during the testing period and during the ETC testing hours

    9. The Testing Process, Part 2 Student checks in and shows ID to ETC staff member Student signs in and leaves all belongings in the ETC office Student follows the ETC staff member’s instructions to open and start the test Student takes the test Student signs out, fills out a Comment Card, and collects his/her belongings when finished

    10. Student Central Organization in Blackboard that contains information for each area of Student Affairs as well as contact information for each Student Affairs staff member Every new JCHS student should be automatically enrolled into Student Central To access: log into your Blackboard, click on the “My Organizations” tab, click on “Student Central.”

    11. Testing Hours Posted in 4 Locations The current semester’s testing hours are posted in the following locations: Outside the ETC door ETC website: http://www.jchs.edu/page.php/prmID/726 On Student Central under the “ETC” button Within your instructor’s Blackboard course if he/she has required you to take proctored electronic tests in the ETC

    12. Other Items to Note Computers are provided first for students who have appointments for testing and second for general computer use Computers are provided at a first-come, first-serve basis for testing without prior appointment Computers are provided at a first-come, first-serve basis for general use The ETC is under video surveillance

    13. Location and Hours Location: Room 509, CRCH 5th floor Computer Lab Hours: 24/7 Regular Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Testing Hours: see posted locations each semester

    14. Where to Find More ETC Information Student Central ETC Website: http://www.jchs.edu/page.php/prmID/710 Go to JCHS Homepage under “Student Affairs” from the top menu bar and click on “Jefferson Academic Support Services” Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the link labeled as “Educational Technology Center (ETC)”

    15. Questions?? CONTACT: Letisha Houston Educational Technology Assistant Office: Room 508, CRCH 5th floor Phone: (540) 224-4895 E-mail: LBHouston@jchs.edu

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