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Career Services, University of Pennsylvania. When do you need a Research Statement?. It is usually requested as part of the job application process.Even if it is not requested, you may choose to include it to strengthen your application. . Career Services, University of Pennsylvania. From a position announcement for a Postdoc:.
1. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Preparing for the Job Search Writing an Effective Research Statement
Science and Engineering
2. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Lets look at some position announcementsLets look at some position announcements
3. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania From a position announcement for a Postdoc: Send CV, brief description of research and teaching interests, and names and addresses of three references to: Description of ResearchDescription of Research
4. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania From a position announcement for an Assistant Professor: Applicants should send a detailed curriculum vitae, a statement of their interest in teaching and planned research and the names of at least three references.
Statement of Planned ResearchStatement of Planned Research
5. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania From a position announcement for an Assistant Professor: Applicants should submit a letter of application, a curriculum vita, a statement of research plan and teaching interests, and a list of at least three references to:
Statement of Research PlanStatement of Research Plan
6. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania From a position announcement for an Assistant Professor: Application packet must include: 1) curriculum vita, including a list of publications, 2) complete set of official transcripts, 3) statement of teaching experience, interests and philosophy, 4) statement of research interests and plans, and 5) at least three letters of reference. Statement of Research Interests and PlansStatement of Research Interests and Plans
7. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania From a position announcement for a Tenure-Track Professor: Applicants should include in their response a clear statement of their teaching and research interests, a curriculum vitae summarizing their educational and professional backgrounds together with a list of published works, and the names of at least four persons who may be contacted regarding the candidate's qualifications Statement of Research InterestStatement of Research Interest
8. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Purpose of Research Statementor Research Summary It is expected that you will have begun to think coherently about research beyond your dissertation.
The research statement tells
what you have been doing recently and currently,
in what direction you hope to go,
how your research contributes to your field.
Along with your c.v., cover letter and letters of recommendation, it helps hiring committees assess your
areas of specialty,
potential to get grants,
academic ability,
compatibility with the department or school.
Every time you describe your research or engage in discussion about your research you are preparing to write this statement.
Every time you describe your research or engage in discussion about your research you are preparing to write this statement.
9. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Write so that you Give a context for your research interests
Why does it matter?
Communicate a sense that your research will follow logically from what you have done and that it will be different, important, and innovative Preparing this document is wonderful practice for interviews because employers are keenly interested in what you plan to do in the future.
Include how your research interests fit into work others have done. Preparing this document is wonderful practice for interviews because employers are keenly interested in what you plan to do in the future.
Include how your research interests fit into work others have done.
10. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Parts of the Research Statement A "Research Summary" combines features of both the statement of achievements and current work, and the proposal for upcoming research because it includes current aims and findings AND future goals. The more you write about your research, the easier it will get. You will be revising and refining it for years.
Remember, the statement is about your research, not about your character.The more you write about your research, the easier it will get. You will be revising and refining it for years.
Remember, the statement is about your research, not about your character.
11. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Future Goals or Research Plans Include:
Major problem(s) you wish to attack.
The problems relevance to the field.
Your specific goals for a 3-5 year period, including potential outcomes.
If you know what a particular funding agency funds, you can name the agency and briefly outline a proposal. This might convince the reader that you are on the way to getting a project funded.
At the same time, you should have research goals that have broad enough goals so that if one topic doesn't get funded there are other areas on which you can work. Answer why this work must be done?
Dont feel you need to name specific agencies; talking about possible collaborations may be sufficient.Answer why this work must be done?
Dont feel you need to name specific agencies; talking about possible collaborations may be sufficient.
12. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania How to Make it Effective -- Format Use headings (and subheadings), bullets, and white space.
Avoid page-long paragraphs.
It should be1-2 pages long; 3 pages at the most.
Get feedback.
Proofread!!! Have your advisor read it. Committee members too.Have your advisor read it. Committee members too.
13. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania How to Make it Effective -- Content Write as clearly and concisely as you can.
What excites you about your research? Sound fresh.
Where appropriate, acknowledge the work of others.
Use language that shows youve begun to think of yourself as an independent researcher
If you've identified funding organizations likely to support your research plans, indicate that.
If this document makes the reader want to ask you further questions, even challenge you, it has done its job admirably, because it has helped make it seem that an interview with you would be lively and interesting.
If you dont write well, get help.
If your plans sound simply like extensions of your dissertation, or if you use phrases like We do this, then you risk giving the impression that you view your plans as an extension of your advisors research and that you have not begun to think of yourself as an independent researcher If this document makes the reader want to ask you further questions, even challenge you, it has done its job admirably, because it has helped make it seem that an interview with you would be lively and interesting.
If you dont write well, get help.
If your plans sound simply like extensions of your dissertation, or if you use phrases like We do this, then you risk giving the impression that you view your plans as an extension of your advisors research and that you have not begun to think of yourself as an independent researcher
14. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Preparing for the Interview Consider preparing a longer version (5-15 pages) to bring along to the on site interview. [Check with your advisor to see if this is necessary.]
Candidates may be asked to describe research plans and budget in detail at the campus interview. Be prepared.
Include laboratory needs (how much budget you need for equipment, how many grad assistants needed, etc.) to start up the research. For a longer version, begin with a summary or abstract.For a longer version, begin with a summary or abstract.
15. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Research Proposal For candidates who are more senior
Future Goals becomes an expanded Specific Aims page as required for grant application
Includes several sections, including an abstract, a scientific justification, observations (unless the subject is more theoretical in nature, in which case the proposed simulation or modeling is discussed), any historical research/findings that are significant to the study and a conclusion. Another term youll hear Research Proposal.Another term youll hear Research Proposal.
16. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania StatementSummaryProposal. Whats the difference? The three terms are often used interchangeably.
The statement and summary are quite similar in that they focus on current research.
Depending on the position requirements you may want to say more about what you have done in a research statement or summary than in a research proposal. Sometimes you will need to customize your statements.
Research plans sent to predominantly undergraduate institutions should be carefully designed to coexist with substantial teaching loads and to benefit from the participation of undergraduate students. Sometimes you will need to customize your statements.
Research plans sent to predominantly undergraduate institutions should be carefully designed to coexist with substantial teaching loads and to benefit from the participation of undergraduate students.
17. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Sample Research Statements Look at those of students/postdocs on the job market.
Surf the web to find statements.
Keep in mind that everyones will be different.
18. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Sample Statement of Research Interests p.1.
Candidates Name
Current Research
Active Control of Rotorcraft Vibration
I am currently working with Boeing Helicopters to develop advanced control techniques for control of rotorcraft vibration, so that the vibration typically experienced by helicopters can be significantly reduced. My advisor Prof. XYZ and his former doctoral students developed the X-frame actuator for those purposes, and I am working on the design and implementation of the advanced Higher Harmonic Control (HHC) algorithms using .be flight-tested in 2002.
Active Control of Noise Radiated from Underwater Vehicles
I have worked with Northrop Grumman Corp. and Materials Systems Inc. to develop new technology for the reduction of radiated noise from vibrating underwater vehicles using smart structures technologies. This project has been funded by the Office of Naval Research, with an objective of developing smart underwater vehicle systems so that the enemy cannot detect The new sensing method is numerically validated on a thick-walled cylindrical shell with 55 piezoelectric panels mounted.
19. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Future Research Goals p. 2
My future research goal is to develop intelligent structural systems, from the micro-scales (MEMS) to macro-scales (aerospace systems and underwater vehicles), which will For this research goal, I will focus on the following three research areas. First, I will carry out research on structure/fluid/control interaction phenomena will be critical design issues in those complex structural systems, both in micro- and macro- scales, so the fundamental understanding of the phenomena is very important to successful implementation of the structural/acoustic control algorithms. Second, I will extend my specialization in smart structures technologies to the development of advanced sensors and actuators for intelligent integrated within the systems will be critical in future areas of research. Finally, I will continue my research on advanced control and decision-making algorithms for noise and vibration reduction of complex structural systems
20. Career Services, University of Pennsylvania Getting Help with Your Job Search Your advisor and other faculty
Your scholarly/professional association
Career Services (Suite 20, McNeil Building, 3718 Locust Walk)
Critiques of job hunting materials
Confidential appointments on your career
Workshops and speaker programs
E-mail distribution list of career information and position announcements
ScienceCareers The Academic Scientists Toolkit
Note to myself:
The only similarity I have seen between the academic and non-academic job
searches (particularly for MechE's) is the job talk. Usually companies and organizations dictate the area(s) of research to a large degree. So, it is assumed that they would be interested in whatever area of research the company happens to be doing.
Instead, they gauge ability to communicate, present information and research interest from the job talk.
Note to myself:
The only similarity I have seen between the academic and non-academic job
searches (particularly for MechE's) is the job talk. Usually companies and organizations dictate the area(s) of research to a large degree. So, it is assumed that they would be interested in whatever area of research the company happens to be doing.
Instead, they gauge ability to communicate, present information and research interest from the job talk.