Steps To Take If Credit Card Is Lost Or Stolen Inform your credit card issuer immediately after you have lost your credit card. The card issuer would want to verify your identity so provide details such as your name, address, date of birth, etc. Follow up with issuer by sending an email or letter. Include your account number, how you reported the lost card and date when you noticed it was missing. Cancel your old credit card and get a new credit card. Closely review your credit card statement after losing your credit card. Ways To Prevent Credit Card From Getting Lost Or Stolen Carry only the credit cards that you need. Cut down old credit cards before throwing them away. Keep a track of your credit statements. First Convenience Bank www.1stnb.com Banking services are extended throughout Texas, New Mexico & Arizona Image Source: Designed by Freepik All loans and collateral subject to approval First National Bank Texas | NMLS #402924 | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender