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Golden Bells Early Years, the Best Pre School in Pitampura makes the children learn by experimentation and exploration. The children are made to develop gross and fine motor skills using variety of activities. Play way method of learning is encouraged among the children of Pre School to make academics more receptive. An ideal student teacher ratio is maintained at the Best Kindergarten School in Pitampura, school to ensure maximum student involvement. For more details, contact us at https://www.goldenbellsearlyyears.com/
Top Nursery School in Pitampura offers a MI based curriculum for the children Best Pre School in Pitampura, Golden Bells Early Years, enables the children to grow and develop using MI based activities. The activities provide a wider scope for children’s involvement and make them develop at deeper level. Children’s academic excellence is taken into consideration and made to develop on scale of multiple intelligences. The MI based curriculum at the school enables the children to learn to linguistic, kinesthetic, spatial, logical mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical and naturalistic abilities. Development of motor awareness and
subsequent reactions take place through guidance of trained facilitators in MI. The children at Top Kindergarten School in Pitampura learn to use educational games mounted on the walls. Linguistic, communication and social skills are developed in children along with academic excellence. An idealistic student teacher ratio is maintained at the school to allow children firm grounds for interactions and growing up. Top Play School in PItampura, helps children develop social behavior such as empathy, sharing etc. To know https://www.goldenbellsearlyyears.com/ more, contact us at