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Induction Safety Training for ALICE collaborators

Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS. 2. I. Basic Safety for Newcomers. ScopeSafety Policy at CERNSafety RulesSafety for ExperimentsSafety organizationNotion of First AidEmergency meansIn case of fireIn case of alarm/evacuationSafety documentsCauses of accidents at CERN.

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Induction Safety Training for ALICE collaborators

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    1. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 1 Induction Safety Training for ALICE collaborators I. Basic safety, for any newcomer II. General and specific risks at CERN, and in particular for ALICE III. Underground safety, specific to UX-25

    2. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 2

    3. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 3 1. Scope of “Safety” at CERN Safety at CERN includes Occupational health, hygiene, Environmental protection, ? new Work safety, operational safety, Safety of equipment and installations.

    4. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 4 2. Safety Policy at CERN The safety policy is defined in the document SAPOCO-42 http://safety-commission.web.cern.ch/safety-commission/sapoco42/index.html Everyone at CERN (= staff members, users, collaborators, contractors…) is place under the authority of the DG. Everyone must be trained/informed about safety ( Read the Safety Plans ) Anyone facing an hazardous situation must report about it. Think Safety – Work Safely !

    5. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 5 2. Safety Policy at CERN Responsibilities in matter of safety follow the managerial line; each supervisor/project leader is responsible for his team/project. Safety Officers (DSO, FGSO, RSO…) are nominated to help supervisors. Safety Commission and Safety Committees give advice and control. Note: The Technical Coordinator holds the overall responsibility for project management, except safety ! The GLIMOS holds responsibility for safety of the experiment by delegation from EP Div.leader. he reports to the DL, he acts on safety issues via the Tech.Coord., He is assisted by Safety Coordinators.Note: The Technical Coordinator holds the overall responsibility for project management, except safety ! The GLIMOS holds responsibility for safety of the experiment by delegation from EP Div.leader. he reports to the DL, he acts on safety issues via the Tech.Coord., He is assisted by Safety Coordinators.

    6. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 6 2. Safety Policy at CERN Responsibilities in matter of safety follow the managerial line; each supervisor/project leader is responsible for his team/project. At Point-2, the installation of the Experiment is under the responsibility of TS Dep-t. Hence, the reporting line of safety is the following: Note: The Technical Coordinator holds the overall responsibility for project management, except safety ! The GLIMOS holds responsibility for safety of the experiment by delegation from EP Div.leader. he reports to the DL, he acts on safety issues via the Tech.Coord., He is assisted by Safety Coordinators.Note: The Technical Coordinator holds the overall responsibility for project management, except safety ! The GLIMOS holds responsibility for safety of the experiment by delegation from EP Div.leader. he reports to the DL, he acts on safety issues via the Tech.Coord., He is assisted by Safety Coordinators.

    7. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 7 2. Safety Policy at CERN Safety Officers for ALICE :

    8. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 8 2. Safety Policy at CERN Safety Officers for ALICE :

    9. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 9 2. Safety Policy at CERN Some exerts from SAPOCO-42 : Each of us must work so as to run the least possible risk and, to this end, must actively obtain a maximum amount of information to enable us to do so. Anyone who introduces new equipment, materials or techniques must check any safety problems which may arise with their Group Leader (or GLIMOS) and Divisional Safety Officer (DSO), and if necessary seek the advice of the Safety Commission ... [# 1.10] Supervisors are responsible for all matters of safety, occupational health, and protection of the environment connected with their activities or project […] ensuring that [collaborators] are kept fully informed of and if necessary trained in the safety aspects of their work.

    10. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 10 3. Safety Rules CERN, as an International Organization, has settled its own safety rules, based on European Directives or on rules in force in the host states. In case CERN regulations are lacking or incomplete, the regulations of the host state concerned are applicable. Ex.: Road traffic rules

    11. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 11 4. Safety for Experiments Some exerts from SAPOCO-42 : 4.3. Anyone in charge of a project must establish a safety structure which includes an appropriate delegation of task together with the corresponding authority. 4.8. Project Leaders are responsible for safety in their project. They must ensure that all safety requirements have been taken into account from the design stage and subsequently at all stages of their project’s development through to its dismantling and final disposal.

    12. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 12 4. Safety for Experiments Some more exerts from SAPOCO-42 : 5.1. Experiments, facilities, and tests must comply with the safety regulations in force at CERN in connection with the construction, operation, and disposal of equipment. 5.4. For safety matters, an experiment or test is represented by a Group Leader in Matter of Safet (GLIMOS), who is responsible for safety, with the necessary authority... 5.6. Visitors are bound by their presence on the Organization’s site to comply with the safety regulations.

    13. 13 5. Safety Procedures

    14. 14 5. Safety Procedures

    15. 15 Safety Procedures : PPSPS or “Task Procedure” Information related to staff Qualification First Aid skills Medical Aspects, etc. Risks during the works Falling (person, material) Fire / Explosion Radiation Chemical producs Electricity (direct / in direct), etc. + The method of work must be described

    16. 16 Safety Procedures : Joint Inspection Works supervisor or local supervisor = person requesting the work (and in charge of it) Safety Coordinator Contractor’s (or institutes) representative (preferably person permanently present on site) TSO GLIMOS (if recommended)

    17. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 17 6. First Aid Medical Service = 2 doctors, 3 nurses, 2 secretaries, 1 lab-assist. Infirmary, ground floor of bldg 57 73802 Consultations (free of charge) 74463 Vaccination for duty trips and against influenza Occupational-health visits on request 73186 Analysis of work places 73186

    18. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 18 6. First Aid In case of accident – “PAS” rule: P – Protect yourself, the victim, others A – Alert call 74444 give location S – Save if the victim is conscious, reassure him/her if he/she is unconscious, turn on side in any case, get help ( know the first aides at your workplace ) After the accident, report to TSO, GLIMOS… (+ Code A2)

    19. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 19 6. First Aid Bleeding Lie the person down Apply direct pressure with cloth or tissue on the wound (excepts if an object in stuck in the wound ; do not remove it !) Reassure, get help Falls If pins and needles appear in arms and legs, there is a possible back fracture ? DO NOT MOVE THE VICTIM, call 74444 Burns Cool the burned area immediately with tepid running water (> 5 min) Cover with sterile bandage Call 74444 or go to the Infirmary (bldg 57)

    20. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 20 7. Emergency means Red telephones = direct liaison with fire brigade (They know where you are.) From normal telephone, call 74444 (Your location is written on the telephone itself.) From your private Natel, call +41 22 767 4444 (DO NOT CALL 112 !)

    21. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 21 7. Emergency means Emergency stop buttons (local or general) Alarm buttons Alarm signal Fire brigade = 9 firemen with their equipment, available at all time, 24h/d, 365 d/y

    22. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 22 8. In case of fire If not too important, use portable fire extinguishers In any case, call 74444 If it appears to be ‘important’ (= cannot be fought with the local extinguishers), activate the ‘evacuation signal’

    23. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 23 9. In case of alarm/evacuation If possible, secure your work place (stop power, close chemicals…) Use the shortest way to exit Go to the “assembly point”

    24. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 24 10. Safety documents General safety documents are available on the web : CERN Main Page ? Safety ? Documents ? types of documents PH Safety Plan http://safety-commission.web.cern.ch/safety-commission/SafetyPlan/ep/e_index.htm Safety Guide for Experiments http://safetyguide.web.cern.ch/safetyguide/ Access and Safety Procedures for ALICE ALICE-INT-2004-008 + EDMS 452686

    25. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 25 11. Causes of accidents at CERN Handling operation are the main cause of accidents

    26. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 26 II. General and Specific Risks at CERN, and in particular for ALICE Road traffic Industrial activities Research activities Underground activities

    27. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 27 II. Risk review at CERN Road traffic Noise Electricity HV but also LV Falls (“work at height”) and slips Falling objects ? Safety Perimeters Handling (= transport, but also “hand-ling”, manipulations) Fire risks (materials, electricity…) Waste management ? recycling

    28. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 28 II. Risk review at CERN Radiation ionizing and non-ionizing Lasers EM-fields (Flammable) gases, Chemicals (liquids) Toxic and flammable materials (solids) Mechanical integrity (incl. seismic events, pressure vessels…) Confined spaces

    29. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 29 Risks on roads Traffic rules at CERN are the ones in force in the host states – the ones applicable for villages and cities. ( Safety Code A7 )

    30. 30 Signs High acoustical discomfort Difficult to talk

    31. 31 Manual Handling

    32. 32 Falls, slips…

    33. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 33 Ergonomics Make sure to have proper illumination of your workplace Make sure that your chair is adapted to you and your position (height, back…) Adopt a general healthy posture Make sure that your computer screen is well positioned (perpendicular to the light source) Do not sit too long without exercising (body and eyes) ? In case of aching, consult the Medical Service

    34. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 34 Electricity Electrical hazards (electrocution, damage to property) are to be encountered almost everywhere. Persons carrying out work on electrical installations must have the necessary qualifications. Safety Code C1, "Electrical Safety Code", lays down the regulations concerning electrical construction work and for the installation and use of electrical equipment. Safety Instruction IS 24, "Regulations applicable to Electrical Installations", specifies the standards in force on the CERN sites. In practice : If you don’t know, don’t touch !

    35. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 35 Fire Safety Code E, "Fire Protection Fires ? activities creating "hot spots ? "fire permit" - person requesting the work - TSO responsible for the area The combustion of plastics containing halogens, sulphur or phosphorous releases corrosive gases that often cause more damage than the fire itself. ? Safety Instructions IS 41 and IS 23 Know the location of the alarm systems and fire-fighting equipment in the vicinity of your workplace and know how to use them.

    36. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 36 Transport, Lifting Use as much as possible the official services for transportation of heavy materials and delicate equipment ? “demande de transport interne” on EDH They have the know-how and an insurance. The use of lifting equipment (cranes, forklifts…) requires training and qualification !

    37. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 37 Handling, Manipulation Think before acting ! Watch your hands !

    38. 38 Read the Material Safety Data Sheet, MSDS ? hazards, precautions, emergency procedures Delimit the zone before work commences, Ventilate the work place, Wear the appropriate gloves as well as an apron and safety goggles. Use the minimum amount of chemicals for the job. Fire extinguisher, absorbent product (Hi-dri…) at hand. Eye wash must be present at the work place. Store (unused) chemicals in appropriate containers. In case of doubt, contact SC/GC. Chemicals

    39. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 39 Radiation in test beams Safety Code F = Radiation Protection Manual Working in “controlled areas” observe the information on the panels wear your CERN film badge organise your work as to minimise the exposure of personnel. never remove shielding, protections or locking systems report any anomalies to the person responsible for the equipment. Any material leaving an accelerator area may have been activated. It must therefore be checked by SC-RP.

    40. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 40 Radiation from sources Safety Code F = Radiation Protection Manual Radioactive sources must be registered by SC-RP Transport and shipping of sources must be organised by SC-RP http://service-rp-shipping.web.cern.ch/service-rp-shipping/ Wear your CERN film-badge whie working with sources The SC-RP Group is responsible for the elimination of all radioactive waste.

    41. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 41 Lasers To know more : http://service-laser-safety.web.cern.ch/service-laser-safety/

    42. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 42 Lasers

    43. 43 Magnetic Field

    44. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 44 Ways to reduce the risks on the field : Proper information ? Supervisors, GLIMOS, TIS Proper training ? TIS, GLIMOS, HR-ED Adequate preparation of work Presence of safety team Respect the rules Respect safety signs … Safety culture = “think safety, work safely”

    45. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 45 III. Specific Risks in UX-25 ( ALICE cavern ) The ones cited before : Noise Electricity HV but also LV Handling = transport and manipulations Lasers define and respect safety perimeters EM-fields restricted access during magnet tests Fire risks ? materials, electricity… Hot works “Fire permits” on EDH (Flammable) gases, Chemicals (liquids) Mechanical integrity (incl. seismic events, pressure vessels…) Confined spaces (not yet)

    46. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 46 III. Specific Risks in UX-25 ( ALICE cavern ) Overhead-crane in operation in the shaft ? safety perimeter Work at height ( scaffoldings, ladders, nacelles… ) Fire ? smoke ! Waste management

    47. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 47 Work at height Never work on a ladder ! Work on scaffoldings (mounted by trained people) Use safety equipment Use the stairs Define a safety perimeter around “driving license” for nacelles (after proper training) Use safety equipment Define a safety perimeter around

    48. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 48 What is needed for access ? The access right ( get it on EDH after this training ) Never work with a visitor card ! Wear your access-card in a visible manner Wear your hardhat Wear comfortable shoes, even safety-shoes to work Any safety equipment related to your work Better to have your portable-phone No self-breathing apparatus ; they are available at fixed places

    49. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 49 What do you need to know ? What is ongoing down there ; e.g. work has priority on visits ! Why do you go there ? Prepare your work/visit Your way out The location of personal safety equipment The location of fire-fighting equipment The location of Emergency-stop buttons The alarm signal and the meeting point

    50. Induction Safety Course for ALICE Collaborators - Marc TAVLET / GLIMOS 50 Way-out, safety equipment, safety perimeter, … Look at the maps :

    51. 51 This is almost… The End

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