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Intrusive Academic Advising: An Effective Strategy to Increase Student Success Tom Brown Innovative Educators Webinar June 22, 2010 www.tbrownassociates.com tom@tbrownassociates.com.
Intrusive Academic Advising:An Effective Strategy to Increase Student SuccessTom BrownInnovative Educators WebinarJune 22, 2010www.tbrownassociates.comtom@tbrownassociates.com
Intrusive Academic Advising1. What is it?2. Why consider using it?3. What does it involve?4. Is it effective?5. Can it work for your students, your work, and your campus?
The context for today’s workshop:A continued focus on student learning, engagement and success.
Shift in emphasis…. 1970s and 80s Access 1980s and 90s Retention Today Success Alfredo de los Santos
The core question is not about basic “access” to higher education…It is not about persistence…It is about completion of academic credentials—the culmination of opportunity, guidance, choice, effort and commitment.Paths to Degree Completion, 2/14/2006
A continuing shift…. Teaching Learning Student Success Vincent Tinto, Syracuse University, 2007
The ChallengeEnhancing student persistence is an increasing concern in higher education…
Higher retention rates matter to policy makers, including federal and state legislators, who have a concern about low college graduation rates….USA Today, 10/12/05
National Graduation* Rates nMean% Two-year public 442 29.3 Four-year public MA 166 38.8 Four-year public PhD 173 48.6 Four-year private MA 348 55.4 Four-year private PhD 173 63.4 Overall 1661 46.2 Completion in 3 years for Associates; 5 years for BA/BS *Source: ACT Institutional Data File, 2008 www.act.org
Retention practices with greatest impact 1. First-year programs 2. Advising interventions for specific student populations 3. Learning supportHabley & McClanahan, WWISR 2004
Retention practice with greatest impact Two-year colleges: Mandatory Assessment Habley & McClanahan, WWISR 2004
Next to the quality of instruction, academic advising is consistently the next most important area of the college experience to students.Five Year Trend Study- National Student Satisfaction Report Noel Levitz 2006
National Student Satisfaction Report 2009Four-year Private Institutions • Instructional effectiveness (6.34) • Academic advising (6.30) • Safety and security (6.18) • Student centeredness (6.18) • Registration effectiveness (6.18) • Recruitment and financial aid (6.18) • Campus climate (6.16) • Concern for the individual (6.16) • Campus support services (6.04)
National Student Satisfaction Report 2009Four-year Public Institutions • Academic advising (6.35) • Instructional effectiveness (6.33) • Safety and security (6.32) • Registration effectiveness (6.21) • Recruitment and financial aid (6.16) • Concern for the individual (6.13) • Campus climate (6.12) • Student centeredness (6.11) • Campus support services (6.07)
Community CollegeStudent Priorities 2009 • Instructional effectiveness 6.18 • Registration effectiveness 6.16 • Academic Advising/Counseling 6.14 • Concern for the individual 6.09 • Academic services 6.05 • Admissions and financial aid 6.03 • Safety and security 6.02 • Student centeredness 5.98 • Campus climate 5.98 • Service excellence 5.64 • Campus Support Services 5.48
National Adult Student Priorities Report Noel-Levitz, 2008. • Instructional effectiveness • Academic Advising/Counseling • Registration Effectiveness • Campus Climate • Service excellence
TRIAD FOR STUDENT SUCCESS ComprehensiveSupportPrograms High Quality Teaching Developmental Academic Advising
The context for today’s workshop:Does academic advising matter to student success?
Research has shown that advising improves student retention rates through the establishment of relationships with faculty or staff members who help students to clarify their academic and career goals. Noel Levitz 2006
Quality interaction with faculty seems to be more important that any other single college factor in determining minority student persistence.Levin and Levin, 1991
Academic advisors have long known what presidents and policy makers are learning: there is a wealth of important research which has found a significant correlation between quality academic advising, student satisfaction, and enhanced persistence.John Gardner & Tom Kerr, 1995
Making the Most of CollegeGood advising may be the single most underestimated characteristic of a successful college experience…. Richard Light, 2001
For community college students, frequent interaction with faculty and advisers outside of class all had a positive impact on preventing students from dropping out….Regina Deil Amen Chronicle of Higher Education 8/17/05
There is a relationship between advising and retention. (n=1594)Agree/strongly agree 86%Disagree 4% Brown Survey, 2001-2008
Academic advising is the onlystructured activity on campus in which all students have the opportunity for on-going one-to-one interaction with a concerned representative of the institution.Wes Habley, ACT
Redefining academic advising: From an event to a process that is integrally linked to student engagement and learning. Much more than a service that supports registration….
How does XYZ Tech define advising? The advising staff offers support to all XYZ Tech students in the selection of the liberal education courses required for their degrees. XYZ Tech Undergraduate Bulletin 2008 (pg. 96)
How does Local CC define advising? Students meet with academic advisors to choose a major, select courses, review degree requirements….Local CC 2007-2008 Academic Bulletin (Pg. 21)
Academic Advising is… a systematic process based on a close advisor student relationship intended to aid students in achieving their personal, educational, and career goals….focuses on helping students to acquire skills and attitudes that promote their intellectual and personal development. assists students to make full use of campus and community resources in the process.Developmental Academic Advising Winston, Miller, Ender, Grites & Associates. 1984
Is academic advising on your campus a process?If not, why? How might this be changed?What can you do to help make this happen?
Academic Advising assists students to make full use of campus and community resources…
Academic Advising Counseling Registration Financial Aid Orientation Career Center TRIO/SSS MulticulturalAffairs Faculty Assessment Learning Center
Retention Counseling Registration Financial Aid Orientation Career Center Academic Advising TRIO/SSS MulticulturalAffairs Faculty Assessment Learning Center The Hub of the Campus Wheel W. Habley
Attributes of an environment that supports student success:Intentional Structured ProactiveTinto, 2007
What happens to students after they enroll frequently has a more powerful impact on whether they stay and achieve their goals or leave.Tinto 1987, 1993
Why do students leave college? Isolation Inability to connect with significant members of the campus community….
The more interaction students have with faculty and staff, the more likely they are to learn effectively and persist toward achievement of their educational goals.
Transforming Students Through Validation Success appears to be contingent on whether faculty and staff can validate students in an academic or interpersonal way. Rendon, 1994
Why do students leave college? Incongruence What I experienced is not what I expected.
Academic advisors can mediate the gap between student experiences and their expectations. Habley
Some Institutions seem to be more effective than others in helping students from a wide range of abilities and backgrounds succeed… Pascarelli & Terenzini, 2005
College being more proactive…“College Move to Organize Retention Efforts”* More students participating in orientation 70% collect midyear grades for first-year students Even more flag courses with high rates of Ds, Fs, and withdrawals Half offer some form of Supplemental Instruction 80% require first-year students to meet with an advisor at least once a term *Chronicle of Higher Education 10/25/2009
Intrusive Academic Advising What is intrusive academic advising??
Origins of Intrusive Advising “Reduction of Attrition Through Intrusive Advising” Robert Glennen & Dan Baxley NASPA Journal, v22 n3 p10-14 Win 1985
The intrusive model of advising is action-oriented in involving and motivating students to seek help when needed. Utilizing the good qualities of prescriptive advising (expertise, awareness of student needs, structured programs) and of developmental advising (relationship to a student's total needs), intrusive advising is a direct response to an identified academic crisis with a specific program of action…. Earl, 1987