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LTS Workshop: Holdings Records Nov. 29, 2006 Zoe Stewart-Marshall Barb Tarbox Ardeen White

LTS Workshop: Holdings Records Nov. 29, 2006 Zoe Stewart-Marshall Barb Tarbox Ardeen White. Class plan: ● Zoe -- Introduction ●Ardeen – MARC Format for Holdings Data (MFHD) Overview ● Barb – Monographs: Bound withs; Multi-vols. (incl. series classed); Accompanying material

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LTS Workshop: Holdings Records Nov. 29, 2006 Zoe Stewart-Marshall Barb Tarbox Ardeen White

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  1. LTS Workshop: Holdings Records Nov. 29, 2006 Zoe Stewart-Marshall Barb Tarbox Ardeen White

  2. Class plan: ● Zoe -- Introduction ●Ardeen – MARC Format for Holdings Data (MFHD) Overview ● Barb – Monographs: Bound withs; Multi-vols. (incl. series classed); Accompanying material ● Zoe – Serials & Wrap up: Standards; LTS Documentation; Devil is in the Details; Reporting problems; Summary

  3. MFHD basic overview Creating holdings records a. Strapped books with + icon b. Menu>Record>New c. Menu>Record>Make a copy– Use for added copies, and split serials; remove 014s from copy 2. Are driven by templates [New; Edit; Options>Preferences>Folders/Files] 3. Each separate copy or location requires a separate MFHD. 4. May be used for a single part or multiple parts; monographs or serials

  4. MFHD basic overview 5. Don’t “reuse” holdings for another location or “relink” to another bib if purchase order attached 6. You cannot delete a holding record that has any item records attached to it. 7. You cannot delete a holding record if there is an online purchase record (OPR) attached to it. Resource: Creating and Updating Holdings Records

  5. Bibliographic Holdings Holdings MFHD basic overview: Voyager structure Text Text Text Text

  6. MFHD basic overview: Standards we use ● ANSI/NISO Z39.71 (Rule information; like AACR2 for bib) ● MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data (Tag information; helpful glossary)

  7. MFHD basic overview: Handout p. 1: Coding cheat sheet

  8. MFHD basic overview: 852 Location/call no. ● I1: 0 = Library of Congress (about 90%) 3 = SupDoc numbers 8 = Other (textual) “A blank first indicator in the 852 will prevent proper call number indexing and search retrieval in the OPAC.”—Jim LeBlanc ● I2: 0 = Single piece item 1 = Primary enumeration = 1 numbering scheme is applicable 2 = Alternative enumeration = Item carries 2 numbering schemes and is shelved by the secondary scheme

  9. MFHD basic overview: 852 Location/call no. ●|b = Location Can change location with cursor in place: Edit>Show Holdings Locations

  10. MFHD basic overview: 852 Location/call no. ● |t = Copy number Need to make match ‘Copy’ in item record. Always goes directly after location.

  11. MFHD basic overview: 852 Location/call no. ● |k + |m = Oversize Resources:Oversize Chart Index of Voyager Locations, OPAC Displays and Call Number Prefixes and Suffixes

  12. MFHD basic overview: 852 Location/call no. ● |h + |i = Call number Use <Ctl> n to copy call number to existing MFHD – BUT – automatically passed if creating new MFHD. “Aside from call number elements, only the non-case sensitive phrases "In process ...", "On order", and "No call number" are allowed in the 852 $h.”—Jim LeBlanc If words such as “suppl.” used as part of the call number, abbrev. per AACR2 Appendix B9. If a volume number is used as part of the call number, delete space in between; ex. v.1 Resources: Call Number Examples LTS Procedure #11: Classification and Shelflisting

  13. MFHD basic overview: 852 Location/call no. ● |z = Public notes (display in OPAC) Examples: |z Bound with … |z Disk at Circulation Desk |z Map lacking Add any copy specific note

  14. MFHD basic overview: 852 Location/call no. ● |x = Non-public notes (Do not display in OPAC) Examples: |x WITHDRAWN (deselected) 10/01/06, bt |x oels |x Bd.2 Add any copy specific note

  15. MFHD basic overview: Exercise 1: Creating an MHLD for book in hand as copy 2

  16. MFHD basic overview: 866 Basic bibliographic unit Transcribe holdings information in the form it appears on the item. See LTS Procedure #32: Serials Cataloging and Newspaper Processing for links to “Abbreviations for Captions” and “MHLD Punctuation.” 866:41: |8 0 |a I1 = 4 (detailed enumeration and chronology) I2 = 1 |8 0 |a for ‘linkage pairs’. We have to put it in even though not currently enabled Can also include public and non-public notes. Macro = 6,,

  17. MFHD basic overview: 867 Supplementary material Transcribe holdings information in the form it appears on the item, but abbreviate … Can also include public and non-public notes. Need an 866 if using. Macro = 7,,

  18. MFHD basic overview: 868 Indexes Transcribe holdings information in the form it appears on the item, but abbreviate ... Can also include public and non-public notes. Need an 866 if using. Macro = 8,,

  19. MFHD basic overview: Tabs and fixed fields ●MARC Leader>Type of Record x=Single-part item holdings y=Serial item holdings v=Multi-part item holdings Leader>Encoding Level 1=Single piece 3=Summary holdings, i.e. at the 1st level of Enum/Chron. 4=Detailed holdings, 1st and all subsequent levels of Enum/Chron 008>Receipt status 008>Completeness ● System / Suppress from OPAC Note: Check for other active MHLDs. If there are no active MHLD, suppress the Bib record as well. ● Bib title - returns to bib record ● History

  20. MFHD basic overview: Handout p. 2: Resources for Holdings Records

  21. Item records basic overview: 1. Creating from MFHD: Stacked books with + OR Record>Create Items OR F7 2. Generate the spine labels 3. Make a copy from MHLD: Record>Make a copy 4. Don’t delete and re-key to move, but relink

  22. Item records basic overview: ● Barcode – Fixing typos ● Perm. Loc – Doesn’t change automatically if MFHD location changes ● Item Type ●Enum = Enumeration (or numbering) Use vernacular captions but follow the established pattern if old. If no caption on piece, supply v:no.:pt. Use Arabic numbers (Proc.#11) ● Chron = Chronology (or year) ● Copy – Need to make match copy in MFHD |t ● Pieces – Needs to match 866-868 in MFHD

  23. Item records basic overview: Exercise 2: Creating an item record for book in hand as copy 2

  24. Moving on: ● Barb – Monographs: Bound withs; Multi-vols. (incl. series classed); Accompanying material ● Zoe – Serials & Wrap up: Standards; LTS Documentation; Devil is in the Details; Reporting problems; Summary

  25. Bound withs: ●Identify which title is first in the physical volume

  26. Bound withs: Example 1 ● For first title in the physical volume: In 852 field, add |z note: Bound with: [Author of the next title in the volume]. [Title of the next title in the volume] Create item record and update ENUM if needed

  27. Bound withs: Example 1 cont. ● For subsequent titles in the physical volume: In 852, add |z note: Bound with: [author of the 1st title in the volume]. [Title of the 1st title in the volume] Add 876--|p [barcode of 1st title item record] Do NOT create item record.

  28. Bib 1: Title (245) Author (100) MFHD 1: 852 |z Bound with: [Author. Title of Bib 2] Item 1: 31924000000000 Model for “Bound-withs”, example 1: Bib 2: Title (245) Author (100) MFHD 2: 852 |z Bound with: [Author. Title of Bib 1] 876 |p 31924000000000 No item record

  29. Bound withs: Example 2 ● For first title in the physical volume: In 852,add |z note: No. [position no.] in a vol. lettered: [spine title] Create item record & update ENUM.

  30. Bound withs: Example 2 cont. ● For subsequent titles in the physical volume: In 852, add |z note: No. [position no.] in a volume lettered: [spine title] Add 876--|p [barcode of 1st title item record] Do NOT create item record.

  31. Bound withs: Resource: Bound with procedures

  32. Multi. vols.: ●866 – describes book Example: 852:01: |b olin |h HD444 |i .C44 2006 866:41: |8 0 |a v.1-2

  33. Multi. vols.: Series classed ●866 – describes book Example: 852:02: |b olin |h QA3 |i . L28 no.1024, 1041, 1077 866:41: |8 0 |a v.1=no.1024 866:41: |8 0 |a v.2=no.1041 866:41: |8 0 |a v.3=no.1077

  34. Accompanying material: ●866 – Describes book ●867 – Describes any accompanying material (unless index) ●868 – Describes accompanying indexes Example: 300: : |a 5 v. : |b ill. ; |c 28 cm. + |e 1 CD-ROM (4 ¾ in.) 500: : |a Accompanied by indexes. 866:41: |8 0 |a v.1-5 867:41: |8 0 |a 1 CD-ROM |z <in pocket of v. 1> 868:41: |8 0 |a v.1-2

  35. Accompanying material: Resources: LTS Procedure #17: Sound Recordings Processing LTS Procedure #24: Computer Disk Processing LTS Procedure #33: Videorecordings Processing LTS Procedure #28/a: Microform/Guide Processing

  36. Moving on: ● Zoe – Serials & Wrap up: Standards; LTS Documentation; Devil is in the Details; Reporting problems; Summary

  37. Standards: • Z39.71 – THE standard, but this is difficult to read • MARC Format for Holdings Data – But this doesn’t really tell you how to format the data within the tags • AACR* - Way more in there than we need • KISS – Start with the LTS documentation and dig deeper only when necessary • Why it’s important anyway

  38. LTS Documentation: • LTS/Procedures & Documentation/Serials & Periodicals Processing/ • Abbreviations for Captions • Abbreviations for Names of Months (By Language) • MFHD Punctuation • LTS/Acquisitions & Cataloging/Cataloging • MARC Hldgs: Description • MARC Hldgs: Examples

  39. Devil is in the Details: • Don’t oversimplify – be precise • Don’t forget to check the OPAC display – some holdings issues display directly from serials check-in and are not in the MFHD • Just like MFHD -> Item, MFHD -> P.O. locations must be in sync • Important MFHD Leader and 008 values • Leader > Type of Record • 008 > Receipt status

  40. Reporting Problems: • When in doubt - don’t guess, ask • Questions with new or currently received serial materials – check with your supervisor or Serials Receiving staff • Questions with new monographic titles with accompanying materials – check with your supervisor or Cataloging staff • Post cataloging questions (stuff that’s been in Voyager for awhile) – report to Barb Tarbox

  41. Summary: • When in doubt, check the documentation and ask • The devil is in the details • Consistency is good • Standards are our friends • Questions?

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